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A Nobel Prize To
Stanton Friedman?
By Greg Boone
I love sending people to Mr. Stanton Friedman's
Although I may not always agree with his viewpoints regarding the ETH, I must applaud his consistent focus on the humanity's need for peace through understanding that we are not alone in the Universe.
Sure it should be obvious as we can take a look upwards and see umpteen trillions of stars and the math alone would confirm it but every new step in scientific discovery has been met with resistance, often violent resistance as such new viewpoints and discoveries challenged the status quo and gave humanity a greater understanding of itself. That's the kind of freedom that money can't buy.
So here I was in another debate about UFOs with colleagues in the animation business and of course one mentioned how he'd seen some documentary that totally debunked the Roswell Incident and I immediately went to my FAQ file to find the references for him to peruse on his own.
Stanton T. Friedman's reference listed above is the one stop shopping place for debunking the debunkers. I read through the paper again and noticed the last line in the document. Again, Mr. Friedman focused on the benefit of the peace and freedom that humanity would have should the truth be known. I recalled how many times over the decades I'd heard him say this. In his books, papers, videos, lectures, he'll end up with that push for peace. Last time I heard an American speak that was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when I was a wee lad sitting there wondering if the world would be there the next day. We survived as usual, Doomsday still a few seconds away on that ghastly Atomic Clock of Doom thingie.
So here I am again, reading Mr. Friedman's works at 4 am to make sure I send the right reference to the uninitiated and in the quiet of the Hollywood night I heard those words of peace. I said to myself, "Isn't that nice? Through all the turmoil the UFO issue raises more than any other subject ever, and this man concludes his speeches and lectures and writings with a bid for peace. Not war, how to make cars run, how to pour chemicals down our throats to make us behave in school. Just peace."
I may be sticking my neck out and don't want to embarrass Mr. Friedman but I have to say after all the harassment, fights, threats, downright hostility toward ufologists and witnesses that has almost killed me on many an occasion, I found that all these years I've been following the advice and guidance of another human being whose objective is peace and a better world for us all.
He's been doing this longer than I've been alive. If they give out the Nobel Peace Prize I say it should go to Stanton T. Friedman for his pursuit of peace for humanity through his research into ufos.
That sure would ruffle the feathers of that monster pelican that has been buzzing the harbor of free thinking.
Greg Boone
Stanton Friedman Site



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