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Rabies Killed 201 People In
China Last Month Alone

From Patricia Doyle, PhD
Hello Jeff -- I think one reason the rabies epidemic in China is so high is because the rabies vaccines could easily be included in some of the bogus counterfeit medications that are being made in China.  There are a large number of counterfeit, worthless/dangerous medications and vaccines circulating there.
(Reuters) -- Rabies killed 201 people in China last month [May 2007], staying at the top of the list of the most deadly infectious diseases in the country, state media said on Tuesday [12 Jun 2007]. Rabies has topped the list for the last 13 months, except in March when tuberculosis came first, the China Daily said, blaming dogs for spreading the disease.
Beijing has introduced a "one family, one dog" policy and last year launched a campaign against unregistered dogs. The State Food and Drug Administration also said last year it would severely punish companies that produce fake and poor quality rabies vaccines, after several people reportedly died from substandard vaccines.
Last year, Shanghai implanted digital chips in the ears of 65 000 dogs to improve "canine management" and prevent the spread of rabies. Pet dogs were shunned in the days of Mao Zedong as a symbol of bourgeois decadence but have become increasingly popular in the past decade with improved living standards.
Communicated by ProMED-mail Rapporteur Joseph Dudley
It would be of interest to know in which provinces and cities these human rabies fatalities occurred, and what proportion of human exposures are due to pet (owned) animals versus which to unowned street or stray dogs. It is not clear from this article if vaccines used for human post-exposure treatment or for dog vaccinations are of suspect quality.
In either case, the safe, potent rabies vaccines are a key element in rabies control for both humans and for animals. - Mod.TY
Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD
Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics
Univ of West Indies
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