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I Don't Want No Satisfaction!
By Ted Lang
Exclusive to Rense.com
After my brief seven month training stint then considered as "active duty," I spent the next several years sweating deployment to Vietnam. The draft saved my "NG-weekend warrior" butt. I once voiced the alternative interpretation of "NG" [no-good] to the late COL. David Hackworth for whom I had written some commentary, and he, pardon the military jargon, jumped all over my ass. Today, the National Guard and the Reserves are the very core of America's defenses.
When I came back from active, my rock band was still playing the shot-and-beer circuit. They were also seriously botching things up with my replacement lead guitar player. Unlike me, the guy could read music ­ he just couldn't feel it. I was sure that the number one hit back in 1965 from the "Stones" employed a sax, but it was called back then a "fuzz box," or simply a "fuzz tone." You plugged your ax into this Les Paul gadget, and you got that distorted, smokin' lead sound. The first time I learned to use it, well, we blew the place up. Even the cops took notice, and screamed at us to cease and desist. Man, I'll never forget that gig! And yeah, I DID get satisfaction!
The more oppressive government becomes, the more this signifies its paranoia and desperation. The American people are indeed extremely ignorant, made so by the dedicated mission of its school system and mass media. By now, anyone who doesn't realize that our government and our mass media are one and the same is either intellectually seriously compromised or just a fool. Regrettably, such individuals comprise, in all likelihood, the majority in America today. But such was the case as well during the period of time just preceding our armed rebellion against England and King George III.
Ignorance is curable, and it would be an advantage knowing not only the growing number of people relying upon the Internet for their news and information, but knowing as well how many of those advantaged individuals are switching to really informative websites devoid of political party overtones and bias. I admit to starting off my daily inquiry as regards news and information with the Drudge Report. I know it is politically biased and that Drudge leans to GOP right wing fascism, as does another well-known site that shall remain nameless. The latter was so fraught with GOP bias and pro-Israel/pro-Zionist Christian Fundamentalism that my continued reliance upon it conjured up within me what I felt as cognitive suffocation. I use Drudge only as a light overview of events, in spite of the fact that it panders to non-news such as Paris Hilton and that other ditz that shaves her head.
Reliance upon Internet news sources that make clear their progressive left-wing views or their right wing interpretations of events precludes vital recognition, evaluation, and predictive impacts and nuances relative to such events. But they do provide a political perspective, restrictive as that may be, that offers a choice that is no longer available in the mass media. The American mass media promotes current events with only one standardized and accepted view, and that view is precisely the same as that of our government's rulers and controllers. And just as the mass media in America has been centralized to a number of incredibly wealthy individuals, a number less than the fingers of one hand, our centralized and tightly knit government is probably controlled by roughly the same number. "Separation of powers" and "three branches of government" are myths.
These myths have been introduced and have been inculcated by the government school system as historical "fact" and continuously reinforced psychologically by the government-mass media complex. And the Constitution itself is a pure, unadulterated fraud and a dismal failure. Proof? Just look and see what is happening around the world and in our own country today. Do we really have freedom of speech and thought? Do we still enjoy trial by jury, or the right to be safe and secure in our homes? Do we have the right to consult with a lawyer if we are charged with a crime? Can the government put US in jail if they want to, even without any charges? If so, then what is to prevent the politicians in high levels of government from jailing members of the political opposition? And where is the political opposition? Does Congress declare war? How can ignorant fools in our society miss freedoms they never knew they had in the first place?
A little background in real American history as a starting point would be extremely helpful. Kingpins of our "American Revolution," the "Founding Brothers" as Professor Joseph Ellis would call them, didn't immediately and beneficently determine that "all men are created equal." This only struck them after King George III didn't give them UNEQUAL advantage.  Washington was desirous of receiving huge land grants from the king for having served the British so admirably as a militia colonel during the French and Indian War. And Benjamin Franklin started an organization, a "trust" if you will, to also acquire favorable land deals from the king for himself and his associates. And Jefferson sought the same real estate advantages. But both Washington and Jefferson also had slaves.
It wasn't until these eventual power brokers realized that by having come to the "colonies" that they were completely outside the political circles that had King George's ear. And it was the members of the monarch's inner circle for whom all political favors were reserved. It is my suggestion that this was the precursor to the sequence of events which were mislabeled as both the causes and justification for armed rebellion, none the least of which was Benjamin Franklin's effrontery in printing paper colonial money. Meyer Rothschild, in spite of not being allowed membership in Parliament at the time, was a rapidly rising star of international finance, and probably influenced Parliament to quash American colonial money insisting on the use only of the Bank of England's British pound. Rothschild also profited directly by financing the Hessians for Britain during our Revolution.
Fast-forward to 1913, and Paul Warburg, a German banker and Rothschild associate, wrote our Federal Reserve Act, which was followed by the Income Tax. These two money-creating and money-taking financing methods facilitated our participation in World War I, the latter conflict engineered by the very same bankers to create American indebtedness to them. Needless to say, this debt and its interest payments continue until this day. And it was these same bankers who financed the Japanese in their war with Russia in 1905 to bring down the Christian monarchy of Czar Nicholas II, and later financed the Bolshevik Revolution that launched and legitimized communism. And now it appears that the infamous Balfour Declaration originated in Washington DC as well! For the latter revelation, see Taki's Top Drawer, "The Death of American Empire" by Patrick Foy, posted June 12th. [Third paragraph from the bottom.]
But before Rothschild war-funding schemes were in place on American soil, our then-elite assembled a ragtag joke of a military, a band of poltroons and buffoons comprised of town drunks, beggars, tramps, thieves and a sizeable number of farm boys and runaways that were impressive only by their reasonable early numbers. Desertions and cowardice were commonplace. Militia and regulars, especially the former, commonly dropped their rifles and muskets and ran from battle when pitted against the highly trained, highly disciplined and well-outfitted British Army. Incredibly, however, and with the outstanding and absolutely vital help of both the French Army AND the French fleet [someone please inform Bill O'Reilly] without whose support we couldn't possibly have prevailed, we won the Battle of Yorktown and signed the Treaty of Paris ending the American Revolution and gaining our freedom.
The Declaration of Independence was signed and established after the war had already started. It articulates the God-given rights of human beings, deftly avoiding a discussion of the third right of "property" in order to avoid the inconvenient reality of slavery. So even in that most noble and religious document vital to our founding as a nation, a political concession and expediency was required. But returning to the original Lockean concepts of "life, liberty and property," the nobility of this initiating document of our national origin obtains from the fact that an attempt was made to understand the human purpose. Naysayers and hostile critics [feminists and media denigrating the "dead white guys"] falsely malign efforts establishing American independence because it relies upon and makes reference to a "Creator." And the mention of "God" is, of course, a no-no in today's context of communist-enforced "political correctness."
George Washington, especially during his role as leader of the Continental Army, was deeply offended as well as absolutely furious with the Continental Congress for their delays in funding the war effort and for allowing the never-ending funding shortages. He was also infuriated by the individual colonies' weak response in providing fighting men and militias for the Revolution. This manifested itself later in his career by transitioning his once primary political philosophy of individual freedom and independence and replacing it with a philosophy calling for a strong centralized federal government run by a strong centralized Congress. This was the underlying basis for the Founding principle identified as "federalism."
Federalism was a product of a war initiated as the height of absurdity, let alone the absurdity in the outrageous and totally impossible expectation that the thirteen colony-states could actually win. As stated before, without the French and the astonishing luck of Washington's Delaware crossing and the subsequent savage routing of the Hessians at Trenton, the war could have been very easily lost. And military funding was not the least of Washington and the American Revolution's problems. Varying degrees of loyalty on the part of the original thirteen states, and along with their scant contributions of money and militias, was indeed another. Also, there is always the latent contentiousness inherent in a large body of individuals causing disagreement and the resultant nullifying and/or ineffectual outcomes redolent of compromise.
The heavy dependence on funding during military conflict wasn't lost on Rothschild and his sons that eventually morphed into the internationally powerful House of Rothschild military-banking complex. The bankers eventually participated directly in initiating wars and international conflicts through their total control of the world's media, and almost always financed both sides. Debt repayment and its interest, paid to the bankers and insured by the personal income tax imposed by the governments whose chief lifeblood and source of power is war, was the primary international objective of the bankers.
If war is the lifeblood of the state, and the state and its wars are the source of wealth and power to the international bankers, then why would the international bankers be so vigorously and aggressively supportive of the elimination of the concept of state sovereignty? Said another way, why would the international bankers and their publicly visible organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, IMF, World Bank, etc., and all under the control of Rothschild-Rockefeller, want to eliminate competing national sovereignties? Why would they wish to eliminate the source of their wealth and power?
The answer is both straightforward and simple. But before we consider it, ask yourself: what would it take to make me feel really economically comfortable and "set" for life? How much wealth would you need to feel you are truly independent and also extremely powerful? And why would you even need power if you had wealth? So what would it take? A million bucks? Two million? Ten million? Maybe a billion? How about a trillion?!
Guess what?! The international bankers have all this wealth, jointly, severally and individually! And it is the many individual national sovereignties, all the world's nation-states, that provide this wealth and power. Independent nation-states and their governments have demonstrated all throughout history THAT THEY JUST CANNOT GET ALONG WITH ONE ANOTHER! And that is both fact and truth. Perhaps we might just try to find out why this is. But the larger question looms: why would the international bankers want to give up all their wealth and power when financing both sides of international wars and conflict has always been so profitable?
Let's be concise; the bankers may have horrific criminal intentions, even if not defined as such by any national or international laws, in assisting in or initiating directly the pretexts for nation-state wars. Wars allow them to enrich themselves thereby increasing their global power. They may be criminal, but they certainly aren't stupid. They could not have acquired their staggering, phenomenal and immeasurable wealth by either ignorance or its self-imposed equivalent, stupidity. 
Ask any American what he or she believes as being the most important role of the state, and I predict the most frequent answer is protection from attack by the armed forces of another hostile nation. And all throughout history, we have been taught and have therefore had ingrained upon our psyche and our very existence the need for our state's protective beneficence. But why cannot all nations simply come together, realize the absolute and horrific waste of life, wealth and property caused by wars and military incursions? Aren't wars the exact opposite of Locke and the Founders' vision: the DESTRUCTION of life, liberty and property?
Let's digress for a moment and recall the situation in Lebanon. Israel invaded that country based upon some meaningless pretext totally and horrifically out of proportion to their reaction in response to that pretext. Does it really matter who kidnapped whom, or whether they should have or should not have been classified as POWs? So what if someone in a different uniform and from a different nation steps upon the soil of another nation? How many such similar incursions were perpetrated by Mexican police and military upon our soil? How many incidents in reverse? And I understand shots were sometimes fired!
Even in the event that someone was badly hurt, or for that matter even killed, would that be sufficient reason to carpet bomb Mexican cities with napalm, white phosphorus and blockbuster bombs? Would it make sense to slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent and unsuspecting civilians who not only had nothing to do with the infamous pretext, but victims who didn't even know that it happened? Think of that fabulous and marvelous bridge the government of Italy built for Lebanon; it took years and millions upon millions of dollars to build. Think of all that positive human effort, destroyed in a matter of seconds by a moron following orders in an American built fighter plane built and paid for with American taxpayer money. And yet today, our government argues that weapons made in Iran are being found in Iraq? Sorry, but I'm not buying that hokum. The United States has put more weapons in the world than probably all the other nations on Earth combined!
Pretexts for war NEVER even come close to the high level of lives and property lost in retaliation; never! The reasons for wars are exactly the same as those for the lost art of the duel; namely, to allow for "satisfaction" for the purportedly injured party. And actually, that makes sense! Read it here first, and read it now: DUELS MAKE SENSE! Wars NEVER make sense for the reasons just articulated concerning Lebanon and Israel. Think of these pretexts: Archduke Ferdinand, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, etc. How many of these pretexts could easily have been avoided, and how many have been perpetrated by the very nation-state state claiming to be offended [false flag], and how many could simply have been ignored? The point intended: war is a duel between the governments of nations wherein one plays the role of offender and the other the role of the offended. The offended nation-state demands satisfaction!
In the past when dueling was a gentleman's obligation in order to defend his honor, the offended would ask for an apology. If the offender refused to either apologize or retract his offending statement, the offended could demand satisfaction. The offender could, of course, refuse, thereby branding himself both a coward and untrustworthy in his remarks for not having the courage of his convictions. In short, he would have neither honor nor credibility.
It is for this reason that national sovereignty can indeed be seen not only as silly, but downright dangerous. The uniformed trespasser of one state steps on the soil of another state, which may cause absolutely no real harm, except to the supposed "honor" of the state offended. And defending one's honor against dishonor only so vaguely suggested is cause for a deadly duel? But this is not a simple duel between two individuals -- this deadly duel is called war! And innocent people who either don't care or who are not even the least bit offended are to be mass murdered by the horrific weapons of mass murder and destruction of the warring state? Why?
Here's another key question: Why have nation-states abolished dueling? Please don't tell me that it is because governments view duels as uncivilized and barbaric. Duels are uncivilized and barbaric but wars between nations are not? The proclivity for wars on the part of sovereign nations using, for the most part, pretexts that never justify the level of retaliation and military action destroying life and infrastructure is NOT the least bit civilized at all. It is uncivilized and barbaric, and always will be! Yet war enriches and empowers the international bankers.
This is not an economic dissertation, yet the economic and financial motives of the international bankers in now pushing for the destruction of global national sovereignties begs inquiry as to the motives of these global elites. Why would they destroy their goose and its talent for producing golden eggs? And therein lies the answer. The bankers are no longer satisfied with creating wealth and power via debt. A debt saturation point is being reached. Look at the burgeoning national debt of the United States, accelerated all the more by Bush's endless war in Iraq. And soon, Cheney will order a nuclear attack on Iran. The Bush-Cheney crime machine can't wait to launch this international nuclear precedent. The result: more debt, and a rapidly declining dollar.
Money, in ANY form, has absolutely no value! Its intrinsic value is a matter merely of economic opinion and consensus. It is the OBTAINABLE HUMAN VALUE that a medium of exchange accepted as legal tender commands based upon universal agreement and cooperation. If the world economy agrees that the precious metal gold is legal tender, and is universally accepted, then gold can be used anywhere on the globe to facilitate trade. Goods and services can be exchanged for the agreed-upon value of the gold at an agreed upon price for the value of the goods and services traded. Goods and services represent real value. Gold represents real value because it is SUPPORTED by agreement to be a standard medium of exchange. And due to gold's rarity, and the demand for it in excess of production and availability, the fluctuation of values is more on the market side as opposed to the money side.
War produces a horrific destruction of human lives, lives needed to produce goods and services. War creates a horrific destruction of needed goods, services and infrastructure. What is one to do with a tank or howitzer artillery round costing $30,000 to $50,000? What can one do with an Abrams M1A1 tank? An F-18? Who needs them? Only the warring governments of the world's nation-states and their financing international bankers. And who's on the hook for having "loaned" governments all the "money" needed to fund the Hessians, the Germans, the British, the United States, and all those sovereignties endlessly demanding satisfaction?
The international banksters and gangsters are rapidly depleting the "value" of the money they have so egregiously tainted and stained with the blood of millions through their debt and misery-based money systems and loans. They have devalued money with their one bloodstained hand, and are now reaching for real value with their slimy, sticky other one. Debt must now be converted to real value, by calling it in and taking the private property, real estate and wealth of the world's citizens, all on the hook via the connivance of the bankers, their lawyers, their bought-and-paid for politicians, their presidents and congroids. Sovereign states are no longer needed. And that's why they're pushing for global warming, the global bankruptcies of nations, the poisoning of food and drugs, and other global calamities that can all be solved just one way: the New World Order!
It is this last measure of satisfaction the bankers seek that we must endeavor to deprive them of with all our might, heart and very soul!
© THEODORE E. LANG 6/17/07 All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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