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Little mAnne Coulter
Sheryl Jackson
I have really been pondering about Little mAnne Coulter. He/She has given me great cause to pause and ponder her behavior, appearance and general public persona. Ms. Coulter gives me reason to question generally whether He/She is just one more blonde New Auschwitz Woman, a transvestite, or a transsexual going through sex changes. His/her testosterone level seems to be very high and her very emaciated appearance makes me wonder if dieting has shrunk her brain. Like so many of today's children, he/she has a throat that is so graphic and anatomical that he/she looks like a clear page in the Book Gray's Anatomy. His/her Adam's apple is quite fascinating to watch move with every breath and word he/she speaks.
Ms. Coulter is just one more manly bully like Tush Limbaugh, FecesCephalic Hannity, Butthead O'Reilly and Michael Savage (I do admit he lives up to his name), Glum Beck and Bigot Imus. That is a pretty brutal group of people who seem to delight in the pain and humiliation of others. Like The Marquis De Sade. Bulllies to the man/woman of them all. Interesting how they are all white.
He/She is just one more mysoginist who seems to be unable to stand the hotseat when he/she is on it. Why the sunglasses during the interview, why keep flipping her dirty, stringy blonde lociks?
He/She seems to be trying to keep from crying when he/she herself is exposed to the brutality of others. He/She blames others for her big mouth by claiming to be the victim.
I say Little mAnne Coulter if you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen. You make personal attacks so you get attacked personally. Grow up little person and find a more acceptable way to present your icecold venom.
Sheryl Jackson
A Big Fat Old White Lady.



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