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CBS Pushes SSRIs Despites
Deadly Side Effects 
Antidepressants Tied To Fetal Damage

From L.S.
Tribune Newspapers - Los Angeles Times
.........."The studies found that Paxil tripled the risk of a heart defect that reduces blood flow to the lungs, though the chance of developing such a defect was less than 1 percent, according to an editorial published with the reports. No other antidepressants were linked to cardiac problems.
One of the studies, funded in part by Paxil's maker, GlaxoSmithKline, associated Zoloft with a nearly sixfold increase cases of omphalocele, in which intestines or other abdominal organs protrude from the naval. The birth defect is rare, occurring in 1 of every 5,000 births, according to federal statistics.
The other study linked antidepressant use to a doubling of the risk of three congenital problems: anenecephaly, a defect in which a large portion of the brain and skull is missing; craniosynostosis, in which connections among skull bones close prematurely; and intestinal defects."
Full news story: 
But CBS reported just the following... (I want to know WHO, what drug company(s) fund CBS) that made them downplay the dangers....
Studies: Antidepressants OK For Moms-To-Be
Research Finds Newborns Face Little Risk When Mothers Take Certain Drugs
They concluded their report with the following: ..... ""Based on these studies, it's correct to say: no major risk," said Carol Louik, a public health expert who led the Boston study. "I wouldn't say, 'No risk."' And...."Researchers said women should talk over the potential risks and benefits with their doctors, preferably before pregnancy. "
See full report:
Why is the news not looking into what is causing the increased amount of people to be depressed???? Where is their investigative journalism there and why do they downplay the risks of taking these drugs???
This is what we ALL need to be asking them.



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