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Morty's 116th
Nervous Breakdown

Exclusive to Rense.Com
This particular tomb (it really is a tomb and not a tome - so sorry to confuse) is about us, citizens of this once great nation, America. It's about how we sit on our respective and collective arsses and do absolutely nothing to help ourselves. In fact, we've been pretty lucky in this nation, with regard to health and catastrophe. Yes, we've had a few rough times, but we've not suffered what many people have been expecting ... that would be the storm before the calm.
We've not had a catastrophic tembler, not in a long, long time. We've not as yet suffered the effects of planetary warming. It is the firm belief of this writer, that there is planetary warming, but it is largely due to a warming sun and less so to the pollutants we toss into the atmosphere with abandon. Don't get me wrong, we are making the process a whole lot worse than it needs to be, but catastrophes are coming.
Terror ... temblors ... storms ... pandemics ... the loss of the buying power of our dollar ... "hidden" inflation which is already here and maybe even worse than these things. I say 'hidden' because the government is keeping the cost of many items out of the numbers which define inflation.
Priced a gallon of milk lately? How about a loaf of bread? And what about a bottle of beer. I no longer drink alcohol. Doesn't agree with me and ... I've been on a very strict diet for more than a year now. But I do buy non alcoholic beer. I love beer.
Recently, I had occasion to visit a restaurant and buy Dad (who, bless him, will be 95 this coming August, 2007) a beer. SIX BUCKS! For a lousy bottle of beer! Who's kidding whom? At the package store, prices for beer are skyrocketing. Yes, we are in an inflationary modality and our government is to blame with their spending policies. I refer to the wars we fight in places we really should not be interfering.
So, here we are, in an inflationary cycle and we don't know it. And here we are, seeing the last of the dollar go to that great, big valueless place in the sky. Which is why I'm sinking my money, or at least a darn good part of it, into precious metals. And I am also stocking up with a truckload of canned goods and storable food. Something wicked this way is coming and I get the terrible feeling, it's coming soon. And this includes the devaluation of our precious dollar with our fearless leaders printing a ton of the stuff every day.
In the meantime, our erected leaders are stuffing themselves with everything they can steal from us and hoarding for themselves. The bastards have a damned good idea as to what is coming.
In Louisiana, booklets are being printed up which define how to comport oneself for the flu. We've seen that elsewhere too. Government booklets on the flu and what to do when it comes are in the mail. I wonder why. Rense.Com has been publishing for a long time, that the Bird Flu is coming, or some iteration of it. And this coming Fall, God knows what is in store for us.
Can you imagine what we would do if the infrastructure of our government is destroyed? What to do if the infrastructure of our financial system, our investments and bank accounts, are destroyed? What will you do if your dollar is worthless or you cannot buy food because there is no food to buy? Depend on the United Nations and lose our identity? Why the hell not? We've already lost so much of ourselves as Americans that it won't much matter.
Stock up on storable food. Stock up on protective weapons and ammunition. Stock up on courage. We're gonna need it. It's just a feeling I have. A feeling that there is more than merely than the New and Old Testament which predicts our future. We also have the Mayan Calendar, the predictions of St. Malachy and so much more. My personal take is that by the time we reach 2012, the worst will have passed. What and who are left will rule the earth. Will it be you? Me? How many of us will survive? And how will we survive? How much suffering can we take? And how will we react to the suffering and deprivation should we encounter a run of really bad luck or acts of God Almighty?
"Best prepared" is my motto. Just in case. Locate on high ground. At least 100 feet above sea level. And stock up as I've written above. Buy a generator. Just in case. Propane is best. And make sure you have enough to get you through about 6-8 months because fuel will be short should the worst occur.
This was the dream. Amazing, eh? I generally don't recall my dreams. In fact, I almost NEVER recall my dreams. I recalled this one as if I lived it. And that scares the bajeebers outta me.
Love and prayers,
Jim Mortellaro, AKA, Morty
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