West Nile Virus Update
Patricia Doyle, PhD

Hello Jeff -- I was hoping the WNV would not be too bad this year, but, according to reports indicating the wet spring is bringing out mosquito and ticks early this year, we might just have a bad year for WNV, EEE, SLE, WEE and other vectored borne diseases. This means that we all need to get out and do late Spring cleaning, if we haven't done so yet. We need to dump and clean out all containers that hold water. Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and mosquitoes mean WNV and other vectoed borne disease outbreaks.
We need to take precaution against mosquito and tick bites.
I also note that dead birds are NOT tested for EEE only for WNV. I hope that this will change as cases of EEE are diagnosed.
Date: 09 May 2007
Source: GateHouse News Service
2 Dead Birds Found In Holbrook Test Positive For WNV
Board of Health Member Donna Dewar told the board of selectmen on 08 May [2007]that the rainy spring has brought out an early onslaught of mosquitoes and the danger of spreading Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile viruses from their bites to humans and animals. "This year, probably because we had a lot of rain, the ticks and mosquitoes are prevalent already," she said.
Dewar pointed out that [routine] testing of dead birds for West Nile virus doesn't begin until 15 May and is carried out through the last day of September. As a precaution, she said, the birds recently found were tested. The carcasses are sent to a state lab and tested for West Nile (virus) only, not EEE.
Communicated by: Joseph Dudley
ProMed Mail
West Nile virus activity now has been detected in a northern state. One wonders if virus transmission is going on in other temperate zone areas in the USA, before routine testing of mosquitoes, dead birds and sentinel animals is scheduled to resume.
A map showing the location of Holbrooki, Massachusetts can be accessed at: - Mod.TY
It would be a plus if states would report the species of positive birds, presumably residents, not summer migrants and not predatory species, which might indicate different routes of acquisition and transport of the virus. - Mod.JW
Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD
Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics
Univ of West Indies
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