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New Right Trounces
'Speech Control' Bill

By Rev. Ted Pike

Last week, as American Jewry mobilized to pressure passage of the federal hate bill, the bill's momentum in the Senate slowed to a stop. It's likely liberal Jewish advocacy and homosexual groups wanted time to pressure the President to renege on his promise to the evangelical right, to veto the bill. Senate bill S. 1105 is now stalled in Judiciary. It faces no proposed hearings or schedule for floor action. (See, http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/jewspressurebush.htm
Jews Pressure Bush to Sign Hate Bill)
Meanwhile, the legislative scene in Congress was full of fireworks. The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and Pelosi Democrats in the House remain determined to cripple right-wing, conservative, grassroots activism. Last Tuesday they attempted to rush new grassroots-restricting legislation through the House Judiciary Committee. The Meehan-Shay bill, H.R. 2316, would require extensive quarterly reports from Christian/conservative organizations, possibly including churches. 501(c)3 nonprofits involved in influencing public policy would have to report all contributions and names of contributors to the government on penalty of huge fines.
Thanks to calls to action-primarily by Focus on the Family and Family Research Council- thousands of messages of protest deluged the House. Dr. Dobson reported his organization hand-delivered 130,000 signatures to the Judiciary on Tuesday. The audacity of H.R. 2316 to needlessly expand federal control over non-profits enraged not just conservatives but even liberal activist groups like the Sierra Club.
Their protest plus that from Republicans in Judiciary were too much for veteran ADL lackey, Chairman John Conyers. He allowed the most offensive portions of the Meehan-Shay bill to be stripped. This gave freedom-lovers a powerful victory in Judiciary and preserved Americans' right to petition the government and mobilize politically at the grassroots level, without facing the onerous reporting requirements and restrictions placed on federal lobbies.
However, lovers of freedom should continue to protest to House members. The Democrats will doubtless attempt to reattach grassroots-crippling language to the bill as it goes forward in the House. That could happen as early as Thursday.
A new breed of fighting Republicans opposes all speech control and bias crimes legislation. Aggressive liberal legislation like the Meehan-Shay bill may encounter more resistance than the Democrats bargained for!
Such legislation includes Henry Waxman's H.R. 984 that would require federal executive branch employees to record all conversations from concerned Americans. It also includes the "Department of Peace and Non-Violence Act," H.R. 808, which would establish a massive $8.4 billion a year, liberal "ministry of propaganda" in America.
In my opinion, the mood of controversy and resistance opposing such legislation is payoff for tens of thousands of Americans who have besieged Congress with protest for the past four months.
"ENDA" Threat Emerges
But the need for vigilance does not end. Another ADL lackey and homosexual activist Rep. Barney Frank recently introduced ENDA, "The Employment Non-Discrimination Act" (H.R. 2015) into the House. This far reaching and threatening legislation gives special rights to homosexuals in the workplace, while depriving Christian employers of freedom of speech and of the right to hire or fire homosexuals because of moral objections. Critics especially object to ENDA granting men "in transition" (from male to female) access to women's bathrooms and locker rooms! ENDA is "must pass" legislation for Democratsand a "must defeat" bill for patriots.
While the hate bill waits in Judiciary, it is vital that you protest ENDA and any new grassroots lobbying restrictions that might be added to the lobbyist reform bill, soon to be voted on in the House. Call your House member NOW toll free at 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-224-3121 and say:
"Please don't vote for 'The Employment Non-Discrimination Act' (H.R. 2015). It is my privilege, not homosexuals', to determine who rents my apartment or works in my business.
"Please don't vote for the Meehan-Shay bill, H.R. 2316 or any restrictions on grassroots lobbying firms. Such citizen activist groups have no record of abuse."
The hate bill is delayed only to give time to the Jewish, liberal, and homosexual advocacy groups to respond to the curve ball of Pres. Bush's threatened veto (and huge protest from Americans like you). Prominent Jewish-dominated "civil liberties" fronts such as ADL, ACLU, and People for the American Way are urging their members to pressure Congress and the President to pass the hate bill. Many other liberal and even leftist Christian groups are joining them. This remains a critical time when power brokers in Congress, and even the President, will test the wind to see which way blows the hardest.
Your continuing protest to Congress molds its actions and reactions more than you might dream. Your calls definitely forced die-hard hate bill sponsor House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers to back down. Last week, we won!
The House's Democrat majority may well push more speech and bias crime legislation in the weeks ahead. But victory in the Senate, where Democrats have a much slimmer margin of advantage, is a very different matter. Members of Congress must clearly know that their constituents will punish or reward them for how they vote on bias crime legislation. As public protest continues and such legislation becomes increasingly controversial, this "stealth legislation" loses its chances. It cannot withstand public scrutiny. Continued vocal opposition also strengthens the President's resolution to veto the hate bill and any other freedom-stealing legislation, including ENDA.
President Bush has a lot of power. But another veto power is almost as great: a massive thunderous "NO!" by the American people.



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