By Ted Twietmeyer

It's all about squeezing the population in every conceivable way. Put the pressure on the populace with every opportunity to make their lives as miserable as possible. Is this is the "new America" - or is it really just in America? We see this taking place all over the world in developed countries. For example, the UK relentlessly pushes for more and more surveillance, all the while telling their highly brainwashed people how wonderful and secure it will make them. In Germany, hate laws make it a crime to deny the Holocaust. No free speech there. In Russia, the vacuum which the vanished Soviet government left behind sucked in vicious organized crime. Russian organized crime makes the mafia look like twelve year old boy scouts when it comes to retribution. They don't just kill the man for punishment, they kill his entire family. This crime phenomena could happen in any country on Earth, even in the USA. And yet governments claim they can't do anything about these crime waves? Or is the truth that they really don't want to stop it?
The United States of America is the land of the free - or so we're told growing up here. Yes, everyone is free in America - as long as you shut up and believe every lie and coverup story which the media regurgitates. These are endless lies and stories which media have swallowed from their government handlers. What does "news" stand for across the globe? It's more like an acronymn for Not Every Word is So.
So what's the point here? Everyone, everywhere is the proverbial frog in the pot slowly cooking. Why do governments perform acts of hatred and oppression against their people? Simply because they can. Adults everywhere were, and are still raised, as children to have respect for the government. That is, to O-BEY, serve and pay, pay, pay.
"This is required for society to function" some will say. It was Lord Acton who summed it up well when he said "Power tends to corrupt; absolutely power corrupts absolutely." We see this in action every day, as the pressure factor is increased each day with each turn of the invisible thumbscrews. This only goes on simply because people put up with it.
What "separates the men from the boys" is what happens when a gobalist backed government retaliates against those who rebel against oppression. Most people buckle under and give in, but this only negates all prior efforts. Remember the French Revolution? King Louis the XVI pressured, tortured and taxed the people with absolute power to the point of rebellion. He too, thought he was above retribution. But it cost him his head. Could something like this happen again? Police state governments around the world use the most devious forms of psychological warfare to keep people in line. But there will come a time when the oppression will exceed their tricks used to control the people, and a rebellion will take place. Those working in government at the time of such a rebellion will jump ship and run to their families when they see the jig is up, for fear of punishment and retribution lest they be discovered.
Both retired and current generals are now speaking out. They can see the end coming for the armed forces. Fine men and women who signed up to be in the armed forces trusted their government not to harm them in return for giving Uncle years of underpaid, dedicated service. Now most of these service-people will die at the hands of an invisible enemy, produced by US military weapons contractors working for the very same government these men and women work for. If this isn't stopped, hundreds of thousands of service-people will die at home and abroad. And the media will never, ever expose the real truth behind it. If they do say anything it will be at 2AM when no one is watching.
What can the average person believe today? Most people have bought into the party line that wrong is right, and right is now wrong. The UN has declared "the family is an enemy to society." However, it is well known the family that teaches girls chastity, manners and respect to prepare them to be responsible adults in society. It is the family which teaches boys chastity, manners and respect to prepare them to be responsible adults in society. What does the street teach runaway children? Everything evil, and that doing anything you need to do to survive is acceptable. That is, until you they caught in a crime or catch a fatal disease.
It wasn't all that many years ago when someone with gay thoughts was immediately placed into a psychiatric hospital for treatment. Today, we're told that "this is normal." If this is really is a "normal" thing for human beings, then why can't a single gay person reproduce amongst themselves without medical intervention? But they won't talk about that. This is about selling people on an idea that performing a disgusting evil act is right, not wrong. On a radio station talk show in Rochester, New York a few years ago, a former gay man and police officer was a guest on a Christian radio show. The man stated that "he finally realized that he had lived his entire life as a gay man, and finally realized that he was a living a life of lies and put it behind him. He stated that he gave his life to God." Why can't others realize what they are doing? Is it really that wrong to simply do the right thing and admit this to themselves?
The creeping destruction of society continues daily, minute by minute. Presciption drugs enter the marketplace which are not thoroughly tested. It is only after enough people DIE are these drugs removed from the market. But there more dangerous drugs to fill the void left behind.
Life-saving measures can also legally be withheld whenever deemed necessary, without the victim or family members having a say-so. A family member recently told me something quite interesting that few people know about. Recently, she completed her training to be a licensed NY state paramedic. While were talking about the current police state actions, she stated that "When a police officer arrives on the scene he takes charge. If he tells you that you cannot treat someone laying there in pain or dying, you must leave them alone. You can't touch them." This is the protocol she was taught for New York state.
Consider the implications of this. An intelligence agent, hitman or contractor, or a bad cop does a botched hit on someone and they aren't dead. Anyone dressed as a cop can appear on the scene and force that person laying there to suffer until they die. A paramedic wouldn't question who they are because they have been "trained" to obey every command from a police officer. Who says we don't live in a police state? I told her this: "Here's what I'd tell this cop if I were in your position. I'm going to treat and help this person. If you prevent me from doing so and saving their life, or aleviating their pain, I'll make certain that the victim's family knows what's happened here today and that you're responsible. Then you can answer to the family in both criminal and civil court." She can be certain that Nazi-cop will back off and let her work on the victim. If he were a fake cop, he would still back off because he wouldn't want an investigation into who he is and the interference he's creating. Yet  another set of thumbscrews - but only if you allow them to be used. Instead, this shows how easily you can use the system against itself and nullify evil intentions right on the spot.
I was pulled over in March on NY state Rts. 5&20 at the 390N interchange near Avon, NY while getting on the on-ramp to an interstate. When I asked the officer what I did wrong, he said "You were doing 57 in a 40 zone." I stated, "Officer, I was accelerating to get onto the 65MPH 390N. Where does the 40 zone start?" He answered, "back at the gas station." But the officer insisted on writing me a ticket that could cost up to $300.00 and gave it to me. There was no way I was going to take this crap. Instead of pleading guilty by mail, I took photographs of the 40 zone that did NOT start 1/2 mile down the road, but instead began about 300ft. behind where I pulled over. Directly across from the 40 sign on the other side of the road, was a 55MPH sign for traffic going the other way.
On a sunny clear day from that same gas station, I took a photograph down the road with part of the gas station in the picture to show where the 40 zone sign was. It was a barely visible white dot when enlarged to 8 1/2 x 11 size. Also, I took another photograph down the road a bit closer which clearly showed the sign at the bend around which the officer pulled me over. The result of stating these facts was that the speeding charge was dropped. I also informed the court during my appearance that on that same day I was pulled over, this same officer and another one of his colleagues were working this rural intersection like a tag-team, pulling people over left and right. In fact, it looked very much like they had a bet going on who could write the most tickets. There was also a witness in the car with me who saw this, too. It's just a matter of standing up and fighting for what's right and not taking any crap from the system. People everywhere simply have to learn this fact.
Can we still fight this sick, twisted police state? Absolutely! There are many on talk radio that report globalist agenda police state acts every day and may even profit from it, but very few pf these hosts dare to even suggest solutions out of fear of being shut down or "disappeared." In a bizzare way, some of these shows actually help spread the globalist fear factor. The best answer to fighting a police state problem anywhere is simple: USE THE SYSTEM AGAINST ITSELF! Fight them by using the same weapons they use against us. What could be more satisfying and rewarding? In the film "Enemy of the State," covert surveillance electronics were confiscated and then used against an intelligence agency to stop their illegal life-wrecking covert plan. The example here is don't be afraid of anyone, whether or not they are in the government. You're not just fighting to save your own freedom and that of your friends and family - but also for millions of others everywhere.
No one can think straight to handle a problem while crippled with fear. With a cooler head prevailing, you can readily determine how to use the system against itself. It's not all that hard to do. Globalists strive every day to cripple the population with more and more fear, so they will not have the time or sanity to think straight. They use the worst psychological warfare they can concoct. A continuous state of fear impairs the immune system, and if unchecked it will make you physically and mentally sick. Sickness brings on even more financial and emotional stress, further depleting financial and emotional resources. Is it any wonder that cancers and other diseases are on the rise? Uncontrolled fear will quickly spread upon your soul and mind like an insect infestation, which will further feed upon itself. Never let this happen so that a cooler head will prevail.
Ted Twietmeyer



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