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JB Campbell

Terrorist. That's what they call me. And have done, at least since 1989. That must make me the prototype American terrorist, of the "modern dissident" variety.
I only know this because of my speaking tour around the country the following summer, on which I spoke to various groups of men from Colorado to Columbus to Chicago and various stops en route to Medford, Oregon, where I was scheduled for arrest by the FBI for "sedition." I was closely followed all the way East from California and West to Medford by police and men in plain clothes because I was starting the militia movement, which they correctly saw as a violent threat to their power over us. My host in Columbus, Ohio was something of a celebrity in the movement: Lee Hayes had been a radioman on the USS Pueblo when it was attacked and captured by the North Koreans in 1968. He figured his ship was set up by the US government to be captured by the Korean Reds. Lee told me shortly after I left Columbus that the Secret Service told his employer they were investigating him for terrorism due to his connection with me, and he'd lost his job as a city building inspector hours earlier. He told me this when I called from a pay phone to tell him that I was being followed to the Indiana line by Ohio state troopers. That was not my first clue that I was classified as a terrorist, shortly before the idea of state-sponsored terror caught on with our natural enemies. The FBI had staked out an Anchorage radio station in early '89, mistaken in their idea that I was speaking there live, when in fact I was doing it by phone, from California. Most people don't know that the militia movement started in Anchorage and spread to the rest of the country from there in the form of my book and various tapes of radio interviews.
It's ironic that I, of all people, would be so classified, exactly two hundred years after the murdering Masons started their Reign of Terror in France ­ considering my earlier job as a professional anti-terrorist in southern Africa. I ­ of all people ­ had been a cop in Rhodesia, in a merry band called Support Unit of the British South Africa Police. Support Unit was a paramilitary squad of full-time counter-terrorists, black askari led by white officers. With my training and a couple of years' experience fighting real by-God terrorists, it seemed silly to use such a word on me after what I'd seen and done. No one, even in Rhodesia, was more profoundly anti-terror than I. 
The Rhodesian terrorists didn't pretend to be freedom-fighters. They reveled in their terrorism. The standard treatment for any tribesman accused of helping us was the removal of his lips, his nose, his ears and his dick. His wife was then ordered to cook and eat these parts. African females who were so accused had their upper lips cut off, and often their breasts. If they were lucky, they were killed. But most were allowed to suffer for the rest of their miserable lives. I came upon a tribesman one day, as my men and I were tracking a couple of ZANLA killers in Mashonaland Province. He was lying on the ground, smoking a cigarette. Both his legs had been chopped off several hours earlier by the terrorists, who falsely accused him of helping us. We called for a helicopter and loaded him and his mangled legs, one of which was re-attached. Anyway, this was the sort of thing we dealt with every day in Rhodesia. The Palestinians, every day, are faced with being arrested and tortured by Jewish terrorists on their own land, or blasted into bits by American weaponry supplied to the Jews. Iraqis, every day, are apt to be slaughtered by American weapons controlled by Zionist Neocon Jews in Washington, DC.
But, by 1989, there was also no one in America more against the US government, either. I got that way after my African experience in the '70s and I wasn't exactly pro-America before I went there. The African terrorists were supported by the US State Department. White Rhodesia became Black Zimbabwe only because that's what our Zionist government wanted, just as it also wanted South Africa to go Communist in '93. It's much easier to rip off Africans than Whites, especially after you infect all the Africans with AIDS a few years later.
In '88, I went down to El Salvador and met with one of the great men of our time, Roberto D'Aubuisson. This undoubtedly cemented my scary reputation with our Zionist gangsters in Washington, DC.  Major D'Aubuisson had distinguished himself by leading the anti-Communist revolt against the CIA's plans for El Salvador. I was the only anti-American American ever to meet with the major, who was amused that I intended to start a resistance movement against the democratic US government, which had prohibited him from becoming the elected president of his country despite the wild popularity that he enjoyed, which I witnessed at political rallies. CIA spies reported that the head of the "death squads" was my new best friend. I know, because I'd hired one of them, a Jesuit priest, to introduce me to the major. D'Aubuisson knew and appreciated my Rhodesian background, and believed that I hated the US government as much as he did, which was the only reason he gave me so much time and help. He was very Jew-wise. We would remain friends until his untimely death a few years later. The CIA had attempted to murder him just before I got there and I have no doubt that they were ultimately successful. He was one of the funniest guys I'd ever met ­ and the most courageous. Roberto D'Aubuisson should be our national role model. He prevented the CIA's Communist-terrorist takeover of his country, pretty much what they have in mind for us. He and his men killed and kept killing the CIA's killers before they could take over El Salvador. The lesson I learned in Rhodesia was that we failed to do the same thing. The Rhodesian leader sold out to Washington and ordered us to quit fighting, when we had it in the bag. All the Africans in Africa and all their Chinese and Soviet commissars couldn't beat us, even with all the queers in the US State Department helping them. The only thing that beats us is betrayal by leaders ­ every time. That's where we are today.
Treacherous leaders, whose treason results in the wrong people getting killed, must be put to death. What else can you do with them? Saying this sort of obvious thing is why the US government classifies me as "a terrorist." But I, along with several billion others who are not terrorists, just hate this stinking government and everyone who works for it.
Designating someone as a terrorist nowadays is the perfect death warrant. Shoot on sight. Shot while resisting arrest. Shot while trying to escape. Died during interrogation. Look at all the Moslem cab drivers and goat-herders our wonderful boys and girls have murdered in the American gulags in the past few years. I guarantee not one of them was a terrorist; especially any caught fighting the Yankee invaders. No one who is fighting or killing in self-defense can be called a terrorist. Anyone fighting for his life is usually terrified. As common sense tells you, the one doing the invading and mass murdering is the only one who can be called the terrorist. What must be embarrassing to these clowns is that there has not been one act of terrorism in America since 9/11/2001. 9/11 was an act of pure terror, but it was committed by our Zionist Jewish rulers, who are the masters of terror. Ask the Russians. Ask the Hungarians, the Ukrainians and of course, the Palestinians. Also, ask the Iraqis and the Afghans.
The sly Jewish radio liar, Michael the savage wiener, is screaming daily for America to attack Iran ­ indeed, any Moslem country ­ with nuclear weapons. Just so we get the message, he poses in front of a photo of the Enola Gay, the original shock-and-awe, mass murder bomber.  Even war criminal Bill O'Reilly has backed away from his warmongering ­ too late, of course. The Gentiles are losing their nerve but the Jews increase the pressure to kill. Norman Podhoretz is praying to his god ­ publicly, in the Wall Street Journal ­ that Bush will bomb Iran. Podhoretz is an old Jewish terrorist, a founder of the "neo-con" movement. He and Weiner are using their access to the public airwaves and high-circulation press to advocate the extermination of millions of helpless civilians.
The hallmark of Judaism is unmitigated gall, which Jews lovingly call "chutzpah." (The word is pronounced as if you're trying to get something foul out of your throat.) The Jewish war against Iraq has been a total catastrophe for all involved but these Jews have the gall to demand an even greater catastrophic adventure against the Persians ­ with nuclear explosives. It is one thing to advocate, but the reality is that Zionist Jews control our government and Jews control our airwaves and mass-circulation press. These combined Jewish operations against Iran and Syria, identical with current operations against Iraq, form the perfect storm of criminal war. The War Party of America is strictly Zionist Jewish. Gentile stooges such Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Beck and Gibson merely say what they're paid to say for Israel. If they were to object to Bush's drunken aggression or question Olmert's motives, they would be disgraced and fired.
All Moslems are now identified with "radical Islam," the Jewish term for terrorism. It should be obvious that any and all Moslem anger is the result of Jewish aggression and that Moslems are the only ones with the brains to be angry at Jews. Christians have been de-brained, de-balled and conditioned to agonize over the survival of the Jewish state, which has no right to survive. Based only on force and fraud, it had no right to announce its bloody debut, over thousands of Palestinian bodies, in 1948.
Some call it Terrorism ­ I call it Judaism.
Judaism is the cancer of the intellect, the cancer of nationality, the cancer of decent behavior. Look at what happened to the Russian nation after the Bolshevik Jews seized power in 1917. Look at what happened to Palestine after the Jews seized power in 1948. And this nation? No one can deny that Jews run America ­ financially, religiously, culturally ­ and look at what we have become since they took over the Wilson administration in 1917. Ninety years later, America is an alien, dangerous and unrecognizable place. It will only get worse, now that both parties have obeyed the Zonist masters and pronounced twenty million of the worst Mexico has to offer as good citizenship material. But that's only for starters, since the 70% Jewish-dominated Council on Foreign Relations has designed the "North American Union," the merger of America with two foreign countries ­ Mexico and Canada. 
By what right or legalism did Bush meet with foreigners and sign some bogus agreement to merge the three countries in 2010? How did they intend to pull this off? Well, by making the criminal invaders legal citizens, for starters. Turns out the failed amnesty bill was written by Bush's top Zionist Jew, an Israeli citizen, the cadaverous Secretary of Homeland Security ­ Michael Chertoff. What Jewish gall!
The greatest crime in American history, an invasion by twenty million+ alien criminals, would be legalized by the Israeli in charge of "Homeland Security." Think about it. And where'd they get this "Homeland Security" name? From the Bolsheviks. All police departments ­ local, state and federal ­ are under this Israeli mortician's control. What a ridiculous position this puts us in. We're the laughingstock of the world, having allowed these insane Zionists to run us into the ground.
It is increasingly reported that the Internet is to be tamed. It now represents a dozing tiger, potentially the nerve center of the resistance movement against Zionist Rule. If used properly with available encryption, true resistance can be coordinated and focused properly. No matter what measures the Zionist Jewish plotters attempt, countermeasures can be developed. This has been made crystal-clear in Iraq and Afghanistan, and those guys don't have the Internet to relay enemy positions. All they have is the will to win, to kill the invader. 
We can see why these Jews need American mercenaries to kill and die for them. Everyone assumed that Israel could steamroll over any Arab country, based on the Israeli sneak attacks in the '67 war, which did indeed take Egypt and others by surprise. The '73 war was not so happy for the Jews and required Nixon's and Kissinger's intervention to save them. The '82 shock and awe slaughter in Lebanon and sneak attack against the Iraqi reactor rebuilt the fear factor in the Jews' favor. Since then, though, Jewish reality has set in, as it did in their attempted sinking of the USS Liberty. Last year's invasion of Lebanon revealed that Israel can sneak attack unarmed spy ships and knock the crap out of disarmed, starving Palestinians but can't fight it out when their victims are armed and willing. Only trouble is, America has run out of volunteers for Judaism, so the draft is inevitable. Jewish Rule requires American muscle.
Jewish Rule also requires terror.
Take the case of Ernst Zundel. Or Germar Rudolf. Same thing. Both of these Germans were in America legally. Zundel was awaiting his citizenship papers and is married to an American citizen ­ Ingrid Rimland Zundel. On Zionist Jewish orders, uniformed Tennessee gangsters kidnapped Zundel on false charges and handed him over to uniformed Canadian gangsters, who kept him in a cold dungeon for years before they handed him over to abject German puppets of Zionism. In the most bizarre kangaroo trial since Nuremberg, Zundel was convicted of some offense to Jewish feelings and sentenced to five more years. His lawyers also offended the Jews in their feeble attempts to defend him and are now facing prison time as well. What is wrong with this picture?
Years ago, I urged Zundel to resist arrest and to attack his tormentors. Zundel believed that his role in this struggle was that of a martyr. He is living out that role in a German prison for the crime of presenting proof that no one was ever systematically gassed to death at Auschwitz or anywhere in the German-controlled area. This simple fact destroys the justification of the Jewish state, as if anything that happened in Europe justified stealing Palestine from its owners. But Zundel's ­ and Rudolf's ­ work revealed the total fraud of the foundation under the Zionist rip-off of Palestine. Zundel wanted to be able to challenge the Jews in a peaceful environment! To take from the greatest mass murderers in human history the keystone of their crime against humanity ­ and expect to be able to do this peacefully. Frankly, Zundel is lucky to be in prison and not dead, although I don't view it that way. German prisons are doubtless different than American prisons. American prisons are hell on earth and must be avoided at all costs. If enemies of the Jews go into American prisons, you'll wish you were dead. So don't go ­ under any circumstances. Jews love it when their enemies become martyrs.
Our whole psychology is wrong. I personally have committed acts far more serious than anything Ernst Zundel did. His great mistake was assuring the Jews of his pacifism, that he may have been threatening their control of our minds and treasure but that he meant them no harm! Wrong move, as we can plainly see. I, on the other hand, have also "denied" the Holocaust but in addition started an armed resistance movement against our Zionist government, complete with supplying machine guns and ammunition and radios to the resistance movement that turned out to be an FBI front group ­ with no consequences. This was in addition to writing and publishing and distributing a book that called for the elimination of traitors in and above our government, all acts classified by the government as seditious and gravely illegal. But every step of the way I invited our uniformed employees to fight. I did it in print and I did it on the radio, over and over. I'm still here. The Jews pretend I don't exist.
The Zionist Jews, for as long as we've been alive, have had a mechanism, a system, of the most profound mind control over us. Long before "the Holocaust" there was Jewish control of American thought and action. There has forever been something called "fear of the Jews." Fear of what? That's hard to say, exactly. But under it all is the fact that they kill people, and the general understanding that they like to kill people. If you believe the legend, they didn't exactly kill Jesus, but they easily managed to have him killed by the Romans. Long before that, if you believe the legend, they easily managed for the angel of death to pass over their homes and kill all the first-borns of the Egyptians, which mass murder of children is celebrated in their Passover "holy day."
So these legendary ancient Jews set the stage for mass control ­ by terror. Their god ­ YHVH ­ is a god of terror and mass death. Remember the Flood? As we know, these Judeans disappeared from the pages of history. Maybe they migrated west to Morocco, north to Spain and Europe ­ who knows? But Western Jews appeared in these places and due to their nature gravitated into the practice of usury and general cheating of their host populations in various ways, from clipping coins to lending to governments and, following the blueprint of Joseph in Egypt, ruining people and governments through "interest."
A careful reading of the Old Testament gives us the general game plan of today's Jews. As we know, through a freakish event in Khazaria in the 9th Century, a fierce tribe of predators converted to Talmudic, Old Testament Judaism. Genghis Khan's Golden Horde finally evicted them from their region in the 13th Century and forced them up into old Russia and this escape from extermination would become the undoing of this Earth and the eventual death by terrorism of countless millions of innocent people.  Their descendants are known today as Eastern Jews, or Russian Jews. These are the ones who moved into Palestine after 1917, New York about the same time and created Hollywood about the same time. And, of course, they took over Russia at the very same time.  Thus the Russian Jewish Axis of Terror and Mind Control was created in 1917.
It was made possible by the Western Jewish banking and finance cartel, which had seized control of America's vast wealth with the fraudulent passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This act handed to the Jews total control over our currency and credit ­ and paid them to take it from us! It was the ultimate Zionist scam, and still is. This, too, was based on the formula described in the story of Joseph in Egypt, by which he seized total control of the Egyptian people by lending credit and demanding more back than he loaned, which we now call "usury." The only way this can be done is if the currency supply is increased fraudulently, which is what we call "inflation." Since the Rothschild Group seized control of our currency and began inflating it in 1913, the US dollar has reportedly lost 96% of its purchasing power, though it seems worse. For example, the 20 million dollars Jacob Schiff gave to Trotsky and Lenin in 1917 ­ to form the Soviet dictatorship ­ would be equivalent to billions today.
Jewish terrorism ­ Communist or Zionist or Neo-Con ­ has always been paid for by Americans both by taxes and by the secret theft and transfer of our wealth by the Federal Reserve Corporation. It's that simple. The Federal Reserve Corporation has to be destroyed. Burned down. Bulldozed and flattened into a bad memory. All twelve banks. We apparently can't do it the peaceful way. Jack Kennedy tried that a few months before he was shot, when he issued about four billion dollars in Series 1963 US Notes, legal currency which deprived the Fed gangsters of their skim, the first time such an outrage happened in fifty years. You can draw your own conclusions from that. No politician has since done or said anything to threaten the Fed, the way Rep. Wright Patman once did when he told the chairman that he was a crook who ought to be in prison.
To show the power of the Zionist Jews today, in case you're not persuaded yet, consider the Republican so-called "debates." Nine of the ten candidates try to out-do each other in their support for war and torture because they know that this will please the Jewish power-brokers. These nine swine acknowledge the power of the eleventh man, so far undeclared but mysteriously third in the polls! Why? Because he has written essays saying that Israel has been too easy on the Palestinians, and that Israel's Moslem enemies should be destroyed by America. This eleventh man is another Hollywood actor who earlier played the role of a US Senator from Tennessee. All Hollywood actors are good at reading Jewish scripts. That's all they know how to do.
The engine of terrorism has always been the Federal Reserve Corporation, since its ugly, twisted birth in December, 1913. It is not federal, but privately owned. Doubters refer to Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d 1239 (1982). Or, just look up the Fed in the phone book. You won't find it in the US government pages. 
Time is short for saving ourselves from destruction. It seems to me that the short road to turning this around is the destruction of the fraudulent Federal Reserve Corporation. Several decent Congressmen, such as Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. and Louis McFadden and Wright Patman, and one or two indecent ones, such as Jack and Bobby Kennedy, have tried to do it legally. They failed because the Law is a Jewish plot. The Jews own the Law just as they own the Federal Reserve. You can't beat the Big Casino playing by their rules. So we have to play by our own rules. They have left us with no choice.



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