Swish, Swish, Swish ­
More Media Spikes!

By Ted Lang
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America's Zionist-controlled ( & criminal mainstream mass media is at it again. Just in the last two weeks, news events that should have been splattered across the front pages of every newspaper in America in inch-high red letters, including the front pages of that chief Zionist propaganda rag, The New York Times, have never made it to the light of day.
In fact, it is now safe to say that the Zionist-controlled mass media never operates in daylight, as it surely never publishes or reports anything of import that is critical to ensuring and maintaining freedom for America. "Our" media serves only to advance the Zionist-Communist agenda of promoting a New World Order, and an informed American citizenry is obviously the media's greatest fear because to them it represents the greatest obstacle to the Tel Aviv, Israel-headquartered NWO.
Almost to the day, TWO YEARS AGO, right here on, I pontificated and ranted about the horrible "American" press and its spikes; [ See: "Swish ­Horrific Media Spikes!" Two years ago!
Now consider the rocking headlines that could populate the front pages of today's newspapers and crowd out stories of our President [Moronus horribilis] Alfred E. Newman's incredible gaffes in his feebleminded attempt to represent American nobility while playing host to the Queen of England: the E. Howard Hunt deathbed confession linking traitor President Lyndon Baines Johnson to the murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy; the Bruce Willis commentary concerning the latter assassination's organizers and perpetrators who are still at large; the ongoing cover-up and/or downplay of the Alberto Gonzales/Jorge Bush DOJ obstruction of justice; the FDA/Chinese food poison scandal; the increasingly available evidence of the Bush regime's direct involvement in 9/11; the recent Kent State massacre revelations; the Ron Paul MSNBC debate victory; and on, and on, and on. And we defeated the British in the American Revolution that took place sometime during 1976 according to Newman? In the words of America's greatest political observer, now retired, Bugs Bunny: "What a maroon!"
Two years ago, the criminal mass media spikes included the Dov Zakheim-managed missing $1 trillion from Pentagon funds; the Orthodox Jewish demonstrations against Zionism conducted in New York City in front of the Israeli embassy; the shocking details of the AIPAC scandal; and the resurgence of outrage on the part of Internet-informed Americans concerning the treason of President Lyndon B. Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in assisting and protecting the Israeli murderers of 34 of our US Navy personnel during the U.S.S. Liberty attack in 1967.
Where do we begin now? It isn't news that a former American Vice President became President by murdering the then-sitting Chief Executive of the United States of America? And this isn't news even if offered in the dying confession from a conspiratorial insider? Sure this may be a false story; and of course it is sensationalism ­ but isn't this what journalistic reporting and competition are all about? Even if it can be shown that the report is totally wrong, shouldn't even that constitute news? So where is it ­ where's the journalistic inquisitiveness and competition to nail down the scoop? Where is the frenzy to be first in reporting the facts?
And where is the "newspaper of wreck-ed" on this fabulous and myth-shattering news event? Where the hell is The New York Times on this? As usual, and as can be expected regarding anything that can teach and inform the American populace, The New York Times has their collective heads where the light of day fails to illuminate in order to protect the Jorge Bush crime machine. This is precisely the same posture they assumed during the exposure at this time two years ago [May 1, 2005] of the Downing Street Memo. Since that cover-up to protect pro-Israel Bush, an additional 1,700 of our military have needlessly lost their lives.
The E. Howard Hunt audio tape is valid because it can, and well should be, considered as a deathbed or dying confession. Such a confession is recognized in law as being valid since its supporting logic offers that the confessor knows he's dying and is therefore unafraid to tell the truth. This simple logic, conveniently dismissed by the imitation journalists and propagandists of the Times, is that there is no validity to this sensational report that even merits a cursory investigation. Why? Because it would tarnish the Bush crime family, an operation so totally loyal to the criminal regime of Israel.
The CIA is virtually the sole property of the Bush crime family, and is now being increasingly exposed as a politically manipulated organized expedient used to justify wars, create false flag operations, and to assassinate heads of state, obviously including our own. Such exposure may open the door to many other questions. In fact, the very legitimacy of American government and BOTH political parties could be made to crumble by such revelations. Weren't both LBJ and JFK on the same Democratic team? And if the criminal mass media is criticized for not looking into this blockbuster story by decrying it as unfounded "sensationalism," they will probably invoke the standard excuse resurrected from the old days wherein they spiked the Downing Street Memo: "This is old news!"
Why is there now an observable discrepancy between G. Bush Decider/Dictator's motives and the discerned interests of the CIA? This difference in perceived motivation and direction on the part of the CIA is what led eventually and conveniently to the resignation of former CIA Director George Tenet; or at least, so it was supposed. The present observation is that the Tenet resignation served as a distraction which allowed the media to launch the regime's lie of CIA "faulty intelligence" they are both so totally dependent upon. Obviously, Tenet has had second thoughts; but as the saying goes, "too little and too late."
And CIA operations, again considering the rogue agency's tarnished drug smuggling past, along with their now-revealed complicity in LBJ's murder plot against JFK, will go a long way to linking them also with the Bush regime's criminal act which alleges a conspiracy between this corrupt, renegade agency and Israel's Mossad in possibly orchestrating and executing 9/11 against the American people. And actor Bruce Willis' patriotism and heroism is of special note; once again, as offered so many times in this space, it takes a well-liked and well-known public figure to step up and use his/her [Charlie Sheen, Rosie O'Donnell] public clout to defy the Bush crime machine and its protective and complicit Zionist criminal mass media. Willis has added additional dimension and more perspective to the second greatest crime in American history, again perpetrated by elements of our own government. Yet, the media sleeps and wants US to do the same.
And how about the criminal mass media's forgetfulness and failure to continually follow up on the obstruction of justice scandal involving Attorney General Alberto [VO5] Gonzales and Dictator/Decider Jorge Bush's bureaucratic terrorism involving the United States Department of "Justice?" Where are we on this? Anyone from the mass media on top of these developments? Now additional information has just been made available ["leaked?"] that proves irrevocably that once again Gonzales and his Department of "Justice" lied to the United States Senate's Judiciary Committee. And MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has filed a report citing the political bias in the Voter's Rights Section of DOJ headed by GOP partisan hack, Bradley J. Schlozman. And as Olbermann continues to flay away at the twigs and minor branches of the rotten Bush regime, he failed miserably to strike at the root made available at the time of the GOP debate on his own network. Where was his elation as regards the rock-solid performance of Congressman Dr. Ron Paul as the shining alternative and potential solution of all he finds wrong with the GOP? Or is it that he only attacks when Republicans are in his sights? 
And then, of course, there's the MSNBC GOP [Gangsters of Politics] presidential debate scam itself The idiotic political label distraction by the criminal mass media is in full bloom over atMSNBC, a media outlet once believed as a source of hope and fulfillment in ensuring a free and independent source of fact and truth. They as well can be written off as journalistic wastetoids protecting the criminal interests of the current corrupt and criminal Bush regime. Their sophomoric approach is that the solution is in the "competition" between Democrats and Republicans. What competition?
The Zionist criminal mass media not only wants no part of Paul, they're genuinely terrified of him! Here's a man of moral depth, and honest defender of the Republic and its Constitution. Rather than merely criticize the moron who has stated angrily that the rule of law he swore to uphold and protect is "just a goddamned piece of paper," there is now more than just a viable alternative. But just look how the anti-American mass media is cowering in terror. Obviously, our Zionist overlords have already appointed Hillary President, who is of course a "Democrat."
The so-called debate itself was a near farce. The three "chosen" by MSNBC were the starched, pressed, perfumed and predictable Mitt Romney; Rudy "the-WTC-evidence-exporter-and recycler" Giuliani; and Senator John "Bombs-Away Madman" McCain. These three stooges got the most attention, or so it seemed to me. Other debaters were almost all cut off instantly when they overran their time, but not so with the GOP's favored "three stooges." The high point in the debate was when they ran down the line asking the rogue's gallery about a national ID card for all American citizens. The response was overwhelming ­ all gleefully felt that American citizens should not only be spied on, but should also be saddled with an ID card; that is until they got to Dr. Ron Paul, who almost shouted partisan media stooge Chris Matthews off the stage: "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!" shouted Paul. At that point, the rest did doo-doo in their shorts.
Paul's excellent total responses destroyed plastic bozo Romney and Rudy Kazootie; and McCain came across as he always does, looking desperately lost absent a much-needed straight jacket wrapping and the accompanying cushioned protection of a rubber room. The latter's main message: "Let's bomb the shit out of everyone!"
Admitting that I had all but given up hope that this nation of fun-loving, happy, and hard-working people would ever catch on to the evil anti-American media conspiracy, some daylight is becoming visible through the information darkness imposed upon US by our alien media. A shocking revelation has just surfaced citing a drop of approximately 2.5 million viewers of Zionist programming on television. The AP report by David Bauder on May 9th was carried on Alex Jones' Entitled, "Data Says 2.5 Million Less Watching TV," it offers: "In TV's worst spring in recent memory, a startling number of Americans drifted away from television the past two months: More than 2.5 million fewer people were watching ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox than at the same time last year, statistics show. Everyone has a theory to explain the plummeting ratings: early Daylight Savings Time, more reruns, bad shows, more shows being recorded or downloaded or streamed."
Bauder goes on: "Scariest of all for the networks, however, is the idea that many people are now making their own television schedules. The industry isn't fully equipped to keep track of them, and as a result the networks are scrambling to hold on to the nearly $8.8 billion they collected during last spring's ad-buying season."
Only a couple of weeks ago, a report was released that cited further declines in newspaper sales and the corresponding resultant decline in advertisement sales. It is, of course, far too early to tell if these meager signs should serve to encourage those hoping for the eventual general enlightenment of the American people. I frankly do not believe this is evidence of a beginning of a trend at this time. But one cannot discount the stark differences in the rating of the GOP debaters on MSNBC. Dismissing the poll favoring Dr. Paul's performance is an understandable tactic; dismissing it as the mere assessment of a small group of "informed" and savvy Internet news consumers is indeed a viable assessment.
But such an assessment by the mainstreamers fails, however, to consider the warnings of our imperial Decider: "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists." I now offer precisely the same advice to the employees and phony journalists of the criminal Zionist mass media: We know who the real terrorists are; and so, you are either with US or you are with the Bush regime terrorists; and when we find out where you really stand, we'll deal with you accordingly!
© THEODORE E. LANG 5/11/07 All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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