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Ex-ATC - 'Knew 911 An
Inside Job Within Hours'


Statement of Robin Hordon
Former FAA Air Traffic Controller
April 10, 2007
Robin Hordon Former FAA Air Traffic Controller at the Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center, located in Nashua, NH, 1970 - 1981. Former Certified Commercial Pilot for light aircraft holding multiple category ratings. Former Certified Flight Instructor and Certified Ground Instructor. After leaving the FAA, he had a 12-year career in the field of comedy ending up as artistic coordinator for "Catch A Rising Star" in Harvard Square in Cambridge, MA.
In that capacity, he chose to support comic talent that spoke truth to power, truth to hatred, truth to racism, truth to sexism, truth to xenophobia, and truth to militarism, not knowing where the young talent would go, but knowing that they would say something somewhere for the good of the country and for the good of the world. When Air America Radio launched in 2004, a "Catch" vet was on air or writing for four of the five shows making up the daytime schedule. Currently he lives in Kingston, WA, where he continues his four decades of activism on behalf of peace and justice in the world...
Read More Here http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/Statement% 20Hordon.html


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