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My Space Ron Paul
Censor Claim A Fraud?

From Ted Twietmeyer

I watched the video which claims to show Ron Paul is being censored. However - watch that video again VERY closely.
You will see that when he does the test for Ron Paul in the message, he quickly pastes in some HTML code that's barely readable, even with full screen. You can actually freeze the video and see some of it. It's probably what's triggering the myspace phishing filter.
And if myspace IS doing all that censoring, then why is there that big page of Ron Paul info?
Yet each time he does a test message - he does NOT paste that HTML code.
I think he's trying to prove a point but not in an honest way. I'm no supporter of myspace, nor do I have an account there. Just trying to make a point that people can make anything happen to prove what they want.



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