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Gospel Of Wooldridge -
The Sheeple Are Beyond Dumb
Our 'Leaders' Are Not Stupid - But We, The Sheeple, Are

by Morty

That is a statement according to the Gospel of Wooldridge. Or izzit an Epistle? No matter, it's all true anyway. But boy oh boy are you guys in for a surprise.
My personal and most sincere recommendation is for you readers to please sit down. Take your blood pressure medicine and maybe some thorazine. This is gonna blow you away. Unless, of course, you are liberal in your views.
This just in to Morty's Cabin Newsroom:
The United States Census Bureau has a *new name* for white Americans. You will be known, in the new census, as "NON HISPANIC WHITE AMERICANS!" That's right. And allow me, please, to repeat that. NON HISPANIC WHITE AMERICANS! Exclamation point is required by Conservatives and optional for Liberals.
Under ordinary circumstances we MortyVille residents would not object to this new moniker. However, under the present circumstance of Political Correctness and the ACLU, we believe this is prejudicial and DEMAND that the Census Bureau call other ethnic groups by similar names and implement a slight change. For example ...
Italian White Americans
Hispanic White Americans
Jewish White Americans
Non White, White Americans (for the Sephardic only)
In this manner, no one is left out. Oh, we almost forgot, the Census will be a lot longer since there will be a lot more information and categories, and therefore we will be chopping down many more trees, more than if we used the old nomenclature. But hey, it's worth it, right?
Of course it is. And by golly Miss Molly, we are going to abide by the new world order ... Whether or not we like it. The World ... it's shrinking. The new world, that is. For example; Mexico and Canada will become North America. However we in MortyVille think it will be called North Amerika out of respect for the new NAZI influence. Hey, I am NOT kidding here folks. Our police agencies are already beginning to prepare for their new role in controlling AmeriKans for our new role in society. Slavery.
For one thing, we will no longer have to abide by that pesky Constitution thingie. Instead, we will be ruled by Presidential orders. And you will obey. You will be required to have ID information installed inside your bodies, buried under the skin similar to what we do to identify our aminals. (I am sorry, my spelling may be a little off, as I must drink mass quantities of Gripple before writing about this subject. If I do not, I usually have a nervous breakdown and once that happens, I hafta take more thorazine. Once that happens, I tend to zombie out for hours and hours).
As Americans, we enjoyed all of which was bestowed upon us by our beloved Constitution. We enjoyed the benefit of having elected officials who followed the tenets of that Constitution. Now, the Constitution is, as I stated above, a pesky little, ratty bunch of pain in the neck rules and suggestions which, frankly, are not worthy of our present administration or for that matter, the last few administrations. And that document is also a pain in the rump roast for those in the Senate and Congress. In general, they don't like it. It sort of gets in the way of the 'progress' our leaders wish to make. You may, if you wish, use the German word for 'Leader." That would be "FUHRER."
SIG HEIL? No, SIG SAUER! Nope, not that needer
In my not so humble opinion, Sig makes a great product. But you will no longer be able to own one. They, meaning your liberal, conservative and etc., fuhrers, will ensure that you do not own one of those Sigs. Or any other brand for that matter.
So throw away your guns. Discard your intellects. Take your copy of the Constitution and place it in the round file. Or better, put it in the shredder. You do have a shredder, do you not? 'Cause if'n you dasn't, you'd better get one. You're gonna need it to get rid of all your patriotic crappola. You know what I am talking about. The "Pre-New Work Order" stuff. Begin getting rid of it now, before it's too late and you get arrested, and not just your development, but your life.
Before I forget ... it was Arlen Specter, Republican from Pennsylvania, who wants NOT to call the Amnesty Bill, 'Amnesty.'
DUH! Why the hell not? It *is* amnesty. He also said the new worker bill would restore the RULE OF LAW.
Excuse my second DUH!
It was the law, our law, which was broken by illegal aliens in coming here. How is this restoring the rule of law? Huh? Specter, how does it feel to be a Dingleberry?
Let's cut to the chase. Our government is in the process of taking from us our greatest asset ... that which helped make America the greatest nation on the earth. Along with that Constitution going away, your rights, your guns, knives, forks and spoons ... everything you own, can be a weapon. Who knows, we may have to resort to collapsible chopsticks.
Learn to like oriental food. Or lump it and eat with your hands.
Morty wrote this.
(psst! are they coming for me yet?)
Jim Mortellaro,
AKA, Morty
Web Site: http://www.mortyscabin.net/
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