- On being a jew and not supporting israel...
- I think the zionists made a huge mistake when they factioned
the left in germany. They ended up trading jewish lives for land, instead
of standing together with the socialist factions that opposed hitler. Zionism
was the last nail in the casket of European jewry. The arab's protection
is the only reason any holy site remains in israel. The jews line up to
stone women who try to access those sites. I saw it with my own eyes.
The arabs do not invade other countries. The israelis do. I am sick of
israel and I am sick of zionists. They are propped up by evangelical christians
who cannot wait for the arabs to kill them so that their genocidal war
god whom they misname jesus can come back.
- In their twisted logic, the jews call that support for
israel. In the christian's form of suicidal insanity, all the jews need
to die in israel so that "/peace/" can be attained there.
- The koran is the exact same book as the torah and Mohammed
is just like Paul of tarses.
- The jews are raised to be suicide bombers too, and that
abusive cult-programming that is done to jewish children, beginning with
genital torture, remains strong even after the religion itself is abandoned.
There is no israel really, and there will soon be no jews, I fear, unless
the promise of the covenant comes to pass.. the covenant states that free
thought will allow the jews to abandon their need for separatism, their
obsolete and archaic woman hating religion and join the struggle for human
rights first, before any other cult indoctrinated group, because the jews
will have had access to higher learning and science and therefore give
birth to the rational mind therefore transforming religion by re translating
the torah into science.
- http://www.roseanneworld.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1589