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Leonard Pitts Blasted
For Anti-White Bias
By Alex

I like Leonard Pitts columns and usually agree with him. But today he's monumentally wrong. He is railing against whites "putting on the victim hat" because of a horrific murder that happened in Knoxville and the scant attention it got from the media.
It seems that in January, a young white couple, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, were victims of a brutal crime. They were carjacked, kidnapped and raped. Cleaning fluid was sprayed into Christian's mouth. She was stuffed in a trash can and apparently suffocated. Newsom was shot and set afire. His body was dumped. Five African Americans, one a woman, have been arrested.
The story made headlines around Knoxville. It was unnoticed nationally.
That has changed. A constellation of white supremacists and conservative bloggers has pushed the story into the national limelight as illustration of their argument that news media, constrained by political correctness, refuse to report black on white crime while pulling out all the stops when crime is white on black as in the Duke lacrosse debacle. Me, I would see their Duke case and raise them a Central Park jogger, but what do I know?
I don't know if it's Pitts snarky tone ("It seems"? "I'm obligated -- because I'm black --") or his kill-the-messenger approach that puts me off the most. First off, I don't see how the Duke case and the Central Park jogger case cancel each other -both were gross police and prosecutorial errors- unless seen as tit-for-tat in racial wars. Two wrongs don't make a right, as Pitts well knows.
Second, by jointly disregarding "white supremacists" and "conservative bloggers" he's equating the two, and that's also wrong. A conservative may have a right bone to pick with the media coverage without being racially suspect. For example, here's what John Leo or Charlie Daniels had to say about the case. Now, I don't agree with 99.9% of anything Charlie Daniels has said or sang about, but I can't disagree with his "soapbox" in this case.
I do think that if this had been five white animals raping, torturing and murdering two black kids, it would had been big news. I think the press would have labeled it a hate crime maybe even before the prosecutors did. I'm not saying that would have been bad, coverage (not media circuses) of hate crimes is good to the point that we are all aware they exist and as part of the national discussion on race. This crime was gruesome, brutal and sick, the kind that national news outlets salivate for (missing girls in Aruba for example), and the absence of interest is baffling indeed. Personally I don't think (or maybe I don't want to think) the press self-censored itself because of political correctness, but I don't see the need to demonize all of those who may think so.



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