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The Lost Secret
By Gnostic

It took me a very long time to break away from conventional religious ideas that created the notion that God was something exterior to us, something impersonal.
Like others, I believed in the idea that God was a being of form that appeared like us but separated from us. I believed that God gave us laws, and demanded obedience through worship.
It was often quoted that God sits upon his throne, so of course all images were of God sitting like Kings and Queens do today. That we were mere peasants that were to come before this throne to worship and give of our goods before the kingdom.
It was difficult to view God in any other way. It was supposed that God looked like a man with white hair and a white beard. It was suggested that God had eyes and ears and two arms. What were we to think other than the fact that God was a higher species of Human?
Well of course this is what is implied, because weren't we told he created male and female after his own image and likeness? And yet somehow we were supposed to view God as a spirit. Thus our only conclusion must be, Spirit has form?
So our ideology of God was of a being that looked like us but demanded worship and obedience while he sat upon his throne.
So the next logical step to take is that God somehow using features that appeared as we do, was able to view away from his throne and see all that was going on. In a sense God became Santa Clause.
Here we have a bearded being that somehow is aware of all other beings upon this planet, and is somehow able to connect with anyone at anytime as he sees fit.
Yet we realize that a being with form that has only two eyes obviously is limited as to his perception as we are. Even if he had perfect eyesight his perception would still be limited. Now most never take these things to their ultimate conclusion. We like to fancy it up a little and make cute off the cuff comments, stating that God knows everything, and he is everywhere.
Yet in the back of our mind that ugly little voice keeps asking stupid questions like, how is that possible? How can one being be aware of everything when that one being is obviously limited by the same form we are?
We might like to think we have great abilities, but the fact is form limits everything.
So our prayers are dominated by the thinking process that we might want to believe God is this or that, but we cannot convince our inner heart that God would even pay attention to us at any given time. Simply how does anyone know what is in everyone's heart at all times?
When you pray, how do you know that this God is actually paying attention to you out of six billion people that are on this planet? Why are you even significant enough for this God to concern himself with you?
You see we have a problem with dynamics here. We as little children might want to believe that a Red Suited, white bearded man could pass gifts unto all children of the planet in one night, but the truth is age always reveals the lie.
Deep down the secret is aborted when we begin to ascertain certain absolutes that simply could not be otherwise.
But what if we changed the dynamics a tad, what if there were six billion Santa's or six billion Santa helpers, or for sake of this argument, what if there were six billion gods or God Helpers?
Now all of a sudden God becomes more personal, because if there was a God for each of us, then we would all have access and no one would have to be concerned whether God was paying attention or not.
In the Bible a Phrase that has caught many people's attention leaps from the covers of this book because it is so unique from all the rest of the Bible that it begs to issue forth a response as to why!
It was stated that the Kingdom of God is within YOU!
What is so interesting about this saying is that it is revealing that a KINGDOM is within the individual. And not just any Kingdom, but a Kingdom of God. What is a Kingdom of God?
And how is it that an entire Kingdom could be within an individual?
When you think of Kingdom, you think of laws, rituals, rites, political community or a monarchical form of Government, and a King and/or a Queen. But most of all when you think of a Kingdom you think of its citizens.
So it is a pretty powerful statement to make to reveal a Kingdom is within an individual, and no less a Kingdom of God.
Usually the term is used to denote numbers. So if we use the term animal Kingdom. Are we not specifying that the Kingdom is of many animals? We could use the term plant kingdom, and we would understand we were referring to many types of plants. And we already realize when we use the term human kingdom; we are speaking of six billion humans at present.
So why do we feel that the Kingdom of God or a God Kingdom is referring to anything other than multiple gods?
We each are a human being. This specifies that each of us is a singular attachment to the whole. However we are part of the human kingdom. If there was only one of us, there would be no kingdom.
Yet how would it make sense to say that the Kingdom of Humans is within us?
How is it that there could possibly be six billion humans within each of us? This does not make sense does it?
Yet each of us are part of the human kingdom, so we are individually human. The difference is the human kingdom is not within but without.
Because in this kingdom we exist as FORM!
We understand that mass cannot occupy the same space. So therefore everything that is in form we come in contact with is outside of us. Form therefore represents a separation between one another.
This is why I began this article in the way I did. Because if God or the SOURCE or that which I call the Father/Mother Energy were form, then they would be separated from us as we individually are from one another. And this is how most conceive and view God!
The Kingdom of God could not be within, it would always have to be without.
Yet what if our creation was not flesh and blood which equals density and form and creates separation, what if we were created as spirit?
Many have often used the effect of teaching about how a single drop of an ocean is still the ocean. There are innumerable drops in an ocean. Yet the ocean has within itself all drops. In a sense this helps us to better understand spirit by using our understanding of water and how it coalesces with itself.
Spirit is everywhere as energy or water. A drop of spirit is still the same as all spirit.
Understanding this helps us to better grasp the phrase the Kingdom of God is within.
So the kingdom of God cannot be form, which creates separation and evolves only through outer awareness, it must indeed be internal which creates Internal Awareness.
The Kingdom of God must be Spirit energy that we all possess within via our real creation. The creation of humanoid was a false creation because it created separation.
This is why the Gods of the Bible version are fake because they are separate beings that cannot be within individually. They are outer Gods of illusion.
They created us to appear also as separate to them to give the illusion that God is without, not within. We would have no special connection to these beings if this be so. So therefore we are made to worship and obey something that is external. If God was internal there would never be a need to worship him because, its energy would be part of you and that would mean you were worshiping you.
Only something that is external living in illusion would ever demand worship and obedience.
This is why those words that the Kingdom of God is within you are the most powerful words in all of the Bible. Just comprehending this one aspect one would never need anything else.
The Kingdom of God reveals we are already part of the energy that makes up that Kingdom. We are individually part of the whole as the drop of water in an ocean.
The drop of water would no more be influenced to worship the rest of the ocean any more than we should be influenced to worship the Kingdom of God. For we are the Kingdom of God that is why it is within us.
The closest thing we have in this form world is children and their parents. We know to love our children and the children want to love good parents. But we do not worship our parents, nor do good parents demand obedience and worship from their children. For we recognize we are ONE FAMILY and we are all equal. Although we have differing responsibilities that does not mean one is better than the other is! We love our children no matter what. We provide for them and guide them. But we realize our children will one day be like us in different forms of course.
We are all children of perfect energy of love. We are the offspring of this glory that will someday be revealed within us. But the offspring is not the FORM we carry, but the energy within.
This is how the Kingdom of the Source Power is within us.
More to come!
Gnostic Papers Press Release
Mary Sparrowdancer
Sure - I might as well jump in with both feet...I'll catch hell, but people will eventually come to understand that Christianity is the invention of Paul, a Jewish man who was the *only* apostle who never met, saw, followed, or studied the teachings of Jesus. 
Christianity is based upon Paul's teachings, NOT those of Jesus. Paul teaches us to be submissive and "obey rulers" because they are "ministers of god." Jesus, on the other hand, has been a complete rebel and liberator since day one, clearly breaking laws that common sense deems to be stupid.
I think the writer above almost has it right. But he's wrong. 
The "kingdom of god" IS within us, because it is within our DNA, which was given to us in the beginning by the "gods" who put it into us. The big problem is, we no longer have any understanding of what the word "god" meant 2000 years ago. It was a very common word, because people were seeing them (gods) everywhere  - as common as UFO sightings are now, which are rattling the jealous Jewish overlord (who has a fondness for cattle), Jehovah. If you have a chance to read "Antiquities," followed by "Kyrie Eleison," which are the last two chapters I sent to you from my new book, it's all in there. We need to get rid of Judaism, AND Christianity, as they are the invented tools of control and spiritual death.
Alton Raines
God does not demand worship, he desires it. And why do people have such difficulty with humbling themselves before an Almighty, Eternal Creator? God has established true personal will in man, and allowed him to make his choices. There is no compulsion to loving or worshiping the Almighty, merely the message that he desires us to enter into his "rest," part of which involves worship. Unfortunately, people tend to fight and struggle against the Creator who is offering the greatest and most enduring love of all, thinking somehow they will lose something of themselves by giving the just deserved praise and worship to the Supreme Being. How foolish man is! And this is the essence of the problem with man, willful pride, which through disobedience to perfect wisdom led to his fall, and brought death; and from this the Creator has been seeking to redeem man, to lift him out of the mire of his self-imposed cycle of sin and death, to raise him to glorious heights. The Holy God of All demonstrated this in the person of His only begotten Son, Jesus, whose name in Hebrew is Yehsua (meaning 'God Our Salvation With Us') who is the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah and King of Kings, to whom God bestowed all blessings, and honor and glory and gave him a name above all names; and even directed all to cast their worship to Him, for he is worthy. He was raised from the dead immortal, for He alone lived a life pleasing to God, in perfect holiness and faith, and offered himself as a blood atoning sacrifice, even a ransom, to free mankind from slavery to sin and death. This was his mission, sent by God, out of love for mankind.
It is error to believe that human beings by birth are One with the divine. It simply is not so, and the tortured, violent, wretched state of our world demonstrates this more than abundantly. No, man is not in synch or harmony with either nature or the Creator. But a simple path to that harmony has been given through true and abiding faith in Christ. And this will, one day, result in a perfect world, filled with righteousness, when God's plan is come to fruition. Through love, and demonstrating that ultimate love in sending His Only Begotten Son, God is reconciling the world to Himself. We live in the time of the battle between light and darkness, between good and evil. But God is merciful, as the Psalmist wrote, "He remembers that we are but dust." He knows our weak and fallen state, and more perfectly through Christ, who lived as a man and suffered every temptation and indignity, yet without sin.
Jesus did not teach us to rebel against authority, on the contrary, he told us to be obedient, to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's. Paul is often misunderstood regarding his statement about obedience to rulers and law. One need only look at the number of times Paul himself disobeyed the rule of law (escaping from prison, for example) or his many acts of civil disobedience. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that there are times when the law of God is superior to the law of the land.
Paul is perpetually misunderstood because most people have little or no comprehension of the Scriptures at all. They do not understand that the Gospels, for the most part, are a record of Christ's first appearance and judgment of the age that then was, and chiefly upon the people to whom God had first given the divine oracles. This is why there is a perceived disparity between the teachings of Jesus and of Paul, for Jesus' teachings as recorded in the Gospels is primarily directed to the Jews, who were judged for having allowed themselves to become corrupted. As Matthew 13 shows, Jesus spoke to them in Parables in order to hide the mystery of the Kingdom from their eyes, and he says this plainly to the disciples. But Paul is not writing or speaking to them, rather, to Gentiles who were to become the immediate recipients of the oracles, of the Kingdom and of God's work on earth, through the Christ. Hence, the words of Paul are often quite unique to the words of Christ, but nevertheless were directed by the Lord Jesus Christ to and through Paul to all gentiles who would become partakers of the faith and glorious inheritance God the Father had established in Him, and for all who received him, becoming with Abraham "join heirs" in the great Promise of a new and lasting Covenant of love, mercy, understanding and hope, for the groundwork of establishing the Kingdom of God on earth. This is the orthodox perspective and is manifest in the Scriptures for all to see, hear and by faith, receive.
Here's my two cents; I see the invisible universal force that is everywhere and comprises everything as intelligent universal energy. It's thoughts give our universe form and our thoughts give our 3-D reality form. Since everything is energy it is easy to comprehend that everything everywhere is the same, always vibrating in its specific form. All there is in our universe is energy. Since everything is energy everything is connected at all times. What gives our universe life is the polarity of energy vibrating within itself. This is like the heart of the universe pumping activity in our existence. It is the constant pushing to achieve a balanced state of existence that is prevalent in all.
The universe puts out a standing wave of a specific frequency (528hz) and all energy attempts to align with this specific frequency to find balance. This is the nature of our universe. Anything that disrupts or creates a block to this action causes the natural balance to become unstable which leads to dis-harmony or dis-ease.
In "Harnessing the Power of the Universe" A complete and practical guide to the principles and practice of Chi-Gung.......author Daniel Reid write's......
"Virtually all spiritual traditions Eastern and as well Western, agree on two basic points: that the power that created the universe and sustains all life within is guided by a set of primordial principals that transcend all cultural definitions and may collectively be referred to as "wisdom" or "truth", and that this universal power of creation has always been motivated by and therefore should never be invoked without, he compassionate empathy for life known throughout the world as "love". Wisdom, love and power - these are the three inseparable virtues, the transcendent triunal forces of the universe. Known in Chinese tradition simply as the "Tao", or "Way", and respectfully attributed to the power of 'Heaven", the universal laws of creative energy constitute the basic code of chi-gung practice. But to paraphrase Shakespeare, "the Tao by any other name would be as great". Thus, in monotheistic Western traditions, the same triunal trinity of wisdom, love and power is known as "God", in Hinduism it is the "Trimurti" of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, in Buddhism it's the emptiness, luminosity and energy of "Bodhi" or "Enlightened Mind", and in Native American tradition it's called the "Great Spirit". It is due to the sacred nature of this creative power that access to it was so carefully protected from profane practitioners and kept secret from the mere curiosity seekers.
In today's world, power has come to be regarded as a virtue in and of itself, divorced from wisdom and love by the rationalizations of science and technology. The abuse and destruction wreaked upon our world by people who use technology to harness universal power such as nuclear energy for purposes that contradict the laws of universal wisdom and deviate from the compassionate motivation of universal love, are obvious for all to see. But few are willing to admit that the problem of the wholesale mismanagement of the world's resources really starts with our own individual mismanagement of our most precious private resource - our personal energy. Suffice to say that without wisdom, power is blind, and usually arrogant and aggressive as well. Without love, power is cold, calculating, often cruel, always self-serving. Conversely, wisdom without the power to enact itself is useless, and love without the power to express itself is impotent. Thus all three factors - wisdom, love and power - carry equal weight in the grand equation of "Triplex Unity" and everything in it.
At some inconceivably prior point in the distant past, the undifferentiated primordial unity which precede the formation of the stars and planets and all the various elements and energies of the universe was rent asunder to produce two forces that set in motion the ceaseless flux of creation. Known in Western cosmology as the "Big Bang", this primal event is sparely described in the Tao Teh Ching: "One gave birth to two". The two came to be known as Yin and Yang, and the polarity to which they gave rise, and which in turn gave birth to everything in the universe , is called "The Great Principal of Yin and Yang".
So for me....God is everywhere all the time and there isn't anything that is not God. It works for me....and since no one can or will know everything...each individual's opinion on this becomes his reality. This version brings a lot of responsibility to the individual but I find it very rewarding.
Love and compassion to all,
Re: The Lost Secret
To Gnostic, Mary Sparrowdancer, and Alton Raines
You made ornately interesting comments but, speculation aside, just one question: Where's tangible proof of what you said?
Mary Sparrowdancer
All one needs to do is look at the bible to see that Jehovah DEMANDS worship, and demands a death penalty (stoning) for those who refuse. Jesus was OPENLY violating the rules of hate-filled Jehovah, and in John 8 he referred to the god of Israel as a liar, a murderer, and the devil. "He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." These are not the adoring words of his "only begotten son," they are the words of his immortal enemy: Jesus, who was sent from a different god to set people free from a draconian religion. Twenty years later, Paul then went on a crusade and countered what Jesus had done - Paul brought draconian Jehovah to the Gentiles. It was Paul who first falsely wrote that Jesus was gone and no longer in the picture. He's not gone. He's right here, walking among us, unnoticed and unrecognized.    
I am curious - if Jesus was your "god's only begotten son," then why are there FIVE verses in the Old Testament referring to "the sons of god(s)" ??? - also, why was your *almighty* powerless when confronting men driving "chariots of iron" - ??? - And, why does your "god of all" refer to Gentiles and heathens throughout the Old Testament as "goys" ??? It is error to suggest that we are NOT born one with the divine. We are from the divine, and born in innocence. It is only when we are later taught about Jehovah's hatred that we are rendered into submissive filth by "religion." Declare almost everything illegal, and almost everyone becomes a criminal/sinner. Let the kingdom finally come of the god of peace that Jesus prayed for. You can have Jehovah. Humanity, and Jesus, have had enough of him.
Alton Raines
Mary, your reading of the Old Testament is seriously skewed! And totally out of context, which is common. God delivered the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt and they rebelled against his goodness and lovingkindness, invoking his wrath. A well deserved it was! These people were freed from slavery and did nothing but grumble, complain, back-bite and insult the grace of God. He fed them in the wilderness with Manna, and they bitched about it. They were ungrateful swine. And as someone once said, "Villainy is forgivable, but ingratitude, never." Still, he made provisions for their sinfulness and rebellion, though many were dealt with directly and harshly -- and again, deservedly so. One cannot witness what they witnessed regarding the power of God and his mercy and spit upon it and expect to live. He was not demanding worship, He was, as it says, giving them a simple choice: "Choose this day, life or death, blessing or cursing." They chose the curse. They chose to knowingly, willfully despite the spirit of Grace and reject God's ways, which are the way to peace, contentment, happiness and abundant life. And because they chose cursing, he laid upon them the burden of what they chose, the law of sin and death. And such was the Covenant given them, violated the very day Moses brought the good commandments down from the mount.
I'm shocked that your comprehension of the Gospels is such that you interpret Jesus to be speaking of 'God' when he described the devil as the Father of lies, a liar and murderer from the beginning! You've either missed something or are deliberately twisting the meaning of a scripture to mesh with your pre-determined view. Jesus makes it very clear that the God of the Old Covenant is His Heavenly Father who sent him, the very same "Jehovah" (YHWH) that gave Moses the Ten Commandments and was the author of the First Covenant (Matthew 19:17). Jesus perpetually quoted what you call the 'evil' god of the Old Testament as being THE Supreme Authority and Being, His Father. How could you possibly miss THAT? Most Bibles give clear indication when Jesus is quoting from the OT, the vast majority of which are the direct words of God. And if the deeper truth be known, the mean-old nasty God of the OT you despise was in almost every case the preincarnate Lord, Christ Himself, who is the mediator between God and Man, who operated through the agency of angels to the Hebrews who were given the oracles of God. When Christ incarnated, his first ministerial act was to announce, reading from the scroll of Isaiah, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord." He then closed the scroll and did complete the passage, for the next sentence is "...and the day of His judgment." The is why there appears to be such stark contrast between YHWH of the Old Testament, in some peoples estimation, and Jesus -- Jesus was proclaiming the FAVORABLE Year of the Lord, which still is unto this very day and will remain until His Second Coming. The ushering in of a new and better Covenant brought drastic change. But once the Favorable year of the Lord is completed, this same Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout, the voice of archangel, the trump of God, and He will avenge the blood of the saints, and will personally "tread the winepress of the wrath of God."
As for the "sons of God," you've missed it, yet again. Jesus is His only BEGOTTEN Son, born of woman. All the angels are called B'nai Elohim (sons of God), even Adam is called "a" son of God. But Christ Jesus was the only 'begotten' of the Father, and if you read Hebrews 1 you will understand this clearly. Jesus is the only one whom God created to be born from a human womb, and who had pre-existence with God prior to incarnation, to carry out the mission of the Christ on earth. It was prophesied that the Messiah would be a kinsman redeemer, and this is why Jesus was born of woman, miraculously, of a virgin, as it is written "a body hast thou prepared me" (Hebrews 10:5).
As for your other contentions, there are many diverse and obscure passages in the Old Testament which require considerable study, and admittedly some are peculiar, such as in 2 Samuel, when the Lord "rode a cherub, and did fly," as if He needed a Cherub to do so. Or God resting on the 7th day after creation -- does God get 'tired'? Can an infinite, Almighty God be exhausted? Further study reveals other truths, facts and meanings to such passages which do not detract from the singular picture of an Almighty God, but as Paul said, the Word must be "right divided," and that requires patient, careful study, prayer and spiritual insight delivered from the Spirit of God Himself.
goy "gentile, non-Jew" (pl. goyim), 1835, from Heb. goy "people, nation;" in Mishnaic and Modern Heb., also "gentile." (Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper)
As for "Goy," the Hebrew word simply means "Nations" - "ethnos" -- it was merely a means of expressing difference between the Hebrew people and all others. It was not God who placed any disparaging connotation to it, it was Rabbinic racists who did. Their condemnation is just, and was pronounced repeatedly by Christ, in whom "there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female," as penned by that terrible, awful Jehovist PAUL wrote!
Ya' think maybe he wasn't quite the scum bag you've set out to make him to be, Mary?
Mary Sparrowdancer
I'm glad you're "shocked," Alton, because sometimes it takes a great big shock to wake people up, and fundamentalists of ANY "religion" need bigger shocks than the rest of us need. I am not "interpreting" your draconian scriptures, I am quoting from them, and I used quotation marks. The difference between what I'm reading and what you're reading is that you're apparently limited to reading English mistranslations. I'm reading it in a few languages, including Hebrew. Please remember, I was sent to Hebrew school by my rabbi (before I became an athiest), and that I learned to read Latin in my earliest years when I was Catholic; I studied Greek as an adult. I should point out that I only became an athiest because I rejected Jehovah. I am a staunch follower of the teachings of Jesus - who paid me a visit here first in 1988, while I was an athiest. I reject all teachings of Paul or Paul's god, Jehovah.
Please, Alton, do not tell me that "goy" is a word of love used by your draconian god of hatred who needs to be retired, along with the teachings of Draco. I wasn't born yesterday and neither were the other people who do not like being called "Goys." This is like telling my Jewish friends that "Kike" is a word of love used by the Gentiles and that they should gladly accept this word as a title of love and respect, or -- that my Black friends should gladly accept the title of "Nigger," or that my own ancestry should accept the many names they have been called. In fact, these are well-known disgraceful terms. Why is your god calling you and one-third of the world "Goys," Alton? Why is your god calling you a stranger who should be fed food that is disgusting and defiled and not to be eaten by his "Chosen?"  (And no Goy is among the "Chosen.") Why is America, land of the Goys, now eating primarily poisoned food?
Your quote from Paul (that you erroneously stated is from Jesus) that there is "neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female" is equally as disturbing. While you might have been admiring an "equality," most people do not understand that one of the fundamental planks of communism is the blurring of everything and everyone until everyone loses their individual identity. Communism, inadvertently helped by fundamentalist Christianity, has now taken over the U.S. The truth is we ARE Jew or Greek - or whatever we might be. We ARE  Slave or Free, and god knows, the many slaves in the many growing prisons all over the U.S. (and elsewhere) know the difference. We ARE Male or Female. We have never been only "one" sort of a blurred being, and we should all be respected and represented by counsel as such, not blurred into the state/federally controlled mass of mush in which you, your war god, and his lone apostle would like to view us.  
Jesus openly recognized and recognizes individuals, individual rights, and he has relentlessly urged us all to "seek the truth," within, individually. Indivuallity has been his major teaching since day one. Not communism.
Alton Raines
Mary, firstly, I am not a fundamentalist. I have many disagreements with conventional Christian/Church dogmas. Secondly, I never said Jesus said it, I clearly said Paul was the person I was quoting: 'Their condemnation is just, and was pronounced repeatedly by Christ, in whom "there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female," as penned by that terrible, awful Jehovist PAUL wrote!' You misread what I was saying, and misunderstood it, as I think you do most Biblical texts. I don't think you understand the mystery of God in Christ, the Covenants and the plan of God as laid out in Scripture. Despite all your higher learning, and a personal visitation (I will not question your veracity on this), it all seems to make no sense to you at all. And yet, it makes perfect sense to untold millions, and tens of thousands of Biblical scholars through the ages who have been able to rightly discern the meaning and not come to outrageous conclusions or, as you have done, ascribe to God that which is Satanic.
There is no racism in distinguishing between Jews and Gentiles, and as Peter said, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." So don't try to play off the hatreds wicked humans have ascribed to and defiled the good word of God with to make points with the angry ones who you wish to stir to greater animosity and hatred of the One True God. You apparently do not understand what Paul means when he says there is neither Jew nor Greek "in" Christ Jesus.
I am not surprised that you understand 'goy' to be a derogative, it has been made one, but it was never intended by God to be one -- and yes, the heathen were heathens, they were not the same as the people of God to whom the oracles and Law was delivered, but there are exceptions in everything (as Peter attests). The Jews took the entire truth delivered to them and turned it into a force for evil and hatred, based almost entirely on their us vs. them racist, elitist views, which Christ condemned (the subject of my quote). Christ reconciles all such distinctions in Himself, through His perfection. The heathen world was not condemned by God, or as you put it, "stranger(s) who should be fed food that is disgusting and defiled and not to be eaten by his "Chosen?" You are also absolutely incorrect in saying that no goy was ever part of the "Chosen" -- Abraham himself was a Chaldean (to whom God said "I shall make of thee the father of many goy," rightly translated "nations"), Rahab the harlot was in the bloodline of Christ Himself. The "chosen" are merely those who rightly discern the true Nature of God and His righteousness, whomever and wherever they may be (the wise men who came to worship the Lord Jesus were by no means Jews or Israelites!) despite their baser natural instincts and sinful inclinations to distort, pervert and suppress the truth with vain imaginations and idolatries fit to feed their sin nature, justify their sin and blind themselves to their fate, which is spiritual death. For the wages of sin are death.
Even Paul (once again, that miserable wretch you so despise) wrote that when the heathen who has not the law and knowledge of God does the things of righteousness instinctively, he proves to have a law unto himself, and further stated that they would be judged accordingly, "their conscience alternately accusing or defending them on the day of judgment" when the world will be judged through the person of Jesus Christ. Further, he said that God had "winked at the time of ignorance" regarding the pagan world, which stood outside the Covenant knowledge. THIS is the raging, evil war-god you so hate? One who winks at ignorance and seeks to save that which is lost, to enlighten that which is in darkness? And even further, that Jesus Christ Himself descended into the underworld at His death, and preached the gospel to all the spirits in prison, "...though they were dead in the flesh as men, they might live in the spirit toward God." Sounds like a pretty merciful, loving, longsuffering and just God to me.
I think you've opted for a "groovy god" of your own making and imagination, with no real law, no sin, no need for redemption, everyone is born at 'one with the divine' -- the NEW Jesus, practically torn from the script of the movie Dogma (or something worse). You're certainly free to believe whatever you wish, but the scriptures (and I have done my share of Hebrew and Greek studies, ma'am) testify against you, that you have turned aside from the right path and, like the foolish Galatians, someone has bewitched you to believe in another Jesus which is not the Jesus of the Word of God, and in turn, delivered you to hating His and our Heavenly Father. I pray that is not the case, but it certainly appears so from what you have written.

And what has 'communism' got to do with anything we're trying to address here?!? I certainly never mentioned it.


Horst Hartmann
Question to Alton Raines: Can your 'almighty God' (or is it 'G-d'??) ceate a stone which is so heavy that he can not lift it?
This is an application of Goedel's theorem. It shows quite clearly that with our rather limited intelligence we are not able to understand the spirit of love. We can, if we really want, only feel his presence WITHIN us and around us - and when you really feel that spirit then you see the light, then you find it difficult to harm a living being, to lie, to destroy beauty ... Those who refuse to feel it are condemned to living in darkness. No jealous God condems them - they condemn themselves! In this sense worship is the respect and the love of living creation.
Horst Hartmann
Alton Raines
Actually, I've always thought that question was a bit peculiar because the nature and character of God are both quite well put forth in scripture, and there is an answer (and no, not 'G-d'). The answer is absolutely yes, but He would not. God has a will. God is a person. He can do all things, but whether He WILL do all things is an entirely different matter. Could He? Yes. Would He? No.
I must respectfully disagree with part your assessment -- He IS a jealous God, He does punish the wicked and He desires the love and worship rightfully due to Him, and though yes, we can honor God by being obedient to natural enlightenment, as you properly describe it, there is an even greater enlightenment which would entirely confound those limited to natural enlightenment; Natural law is not Divine law. "As heaven is higher than the earth, so are my ways and my thoughts higher than yours, says the Lord." We CAN know what He desires of us. Worshiping and serving the creation/creature over the the Creator is idolatry, and God detests it (Romans 1). So much so, that He gives those who practice such over to depravity and madness. "Thinking themselves wise," they become fools, and they are profoundly in darkness.

As it is written, "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen."
From Mary Sparrowdancer
No, not "a" personal visitation, Alton - almost twenty years filled with visits, beginning in 1988. At that time, he healed me of cancer.
That year was "one generation" (forty years) after the Age of the Gentiles in Jerusalem ended and Jerusalem was turned over to the Jews. The state of Israel was created in 1948, same year I was. He arrived here right on time. I, of course, was an atheist by that time, and had left "Christianity" and Judaism far behind many years earlier. I had no idea who was visiting me until he revealed his identity to me nine months later. It was very hard for me to accept his identity at first, because I had come to despise the "Jesus" that Paul (who never met him) was teaching. Even Paul wrote that the other apostles were teaching about a "different" Jesus from the Jesus Paul was teaching. 
Anyway, he told me to "Tell others everything you have seen and heard," and so I have (reluctantly at first) spent almost twenty years doing this. He told me this would be a "very important twenty years." That time is now almost at an end. What might be my final book about all of this will be published soon, and I'm not sure what will happen after that. 
I came to love him, of course, because the true Jesus is much more than the false one taught to us by those who never met him. He's a dynamic, political rebel, fully flesh and blood - sometimes Light - and his focus is upon freedom, human rights, civil liberties. He gave us a new "commandment," and a new covenant with a different god 2000 years ago, and we have so far ignored it. ("Love one another.")
Communism - the reason I mentioned it is because we do not now have a separation of state and religion. As such, the laws of Jehovah are slowly blending with the laws of government. As this country moves away from the Constitution, and into a communist, totalitarian dictatorship, only certain narrow views are permitted by the fundamentalist "gate keepers." Those who have slowly turned this country into a communist nation are also embracing war, and the war god. Mainstream Christianity, as you show us, demands that we approve or "interpret" the bloodbaths of Jehovah as the acts of a "merciful, loving, longsuffering and just" god. This is like saying "war is peace." The lies and the deceit must stop.  
Here are some of the suggestions and teachings attributed to Jehovah, for those not familiar with the Old Testament. Please interpret them, yourself. Isaiah 13:16 - "Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked, and their wives raped by the attacking hordes." Hosea: "Their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up." Instructions from Jehovah in Deuteronomy 20: "But the cities that Jehovah gives you as a special inheritance, destroy everything living in them." He also instructs to kill all the males in the towns taken, but "you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that Jehovah gives to you." Exodus: "Anyone who curses father or mother must be put to death." Whoever works on the Sabbath must be put to death. Deuteronomy 21: If you have a stubborn and rebellious son, take him to the city elders and stone him to death. And so on, and so on.
My point remains, that as long as one-third of humanity is clinging onto such draconian teachings and somehow interpreting them as "love," we will never rise above this pitiful, archaic, state. We will continue to be barbarians who gladly march off to war and wear cruelty as though it were a royal and divine crown - godlike, one might say. As long as we have a god who relishes atrocities, we should not be surprised to see our own troops engaging in atrocities.
Call me bewitched, condemned by Jehovah's scriptures, foolish, or anything you'd like - it changes nothing, and certainly does not alter what I have witnessed for twenty years.
The time has come for us to let go of the teachings of Jehovah, and to evolve into something less brutal. We should have outgrown the immoral laws and teachings of Jehovah thousands of years ago, same as we outgrew the teachings of Draco and Hammurabi and replaced them with more sensible and humane laws. 
This will be my final comment here, as I have stated my case quite clearly.
Best to you all,

Reply to Alton Raines
Horst Hartmann
I was not suggesting to 'worship the beasts' as you seem to allude. Of course this would be idolatry! I simply said RESPECTING and LOVING his creation is the best kind of worship we can give and the only one needed. To give an example: It surely is better to sit under a tree and be thankful for it's shadow than to cut it down to make paper of it for wiping your ass! There are some indian tribes in the amazon jungle who perform a small ritual every time before they cut down a tree. In this ritual they ask the spirit to forgive them the killing of the tree, because they need the wood for building a house. THAT is respect for God's creation!
You insist that God is jealous. Don't you see that by attributing one of the lowest human emotions to your God you really belittle and insult him?? It is so very simple: before you really open up yourself and feel his presence and thus see the light, you can't get united with him. You exclude yourself from him until you open your heart. Because of his mercy and compassion you will be here again and again until you finally learn to see the light and can get united with the omnipresent spirit of love. This is being taught by the oldest religion on the planet. He simply doesn't need to punish anybody, as by the very structure of his creation they will punish themselves.
Another question: If the Hebrew war god is the same as the one Jesus taught us, why does this god demand from some of his followers to genitally mutilate their offspring and from others not?
Horst Hartmann



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