- Keeping in mind the Utopian city that Dubai is building
with its oil revenues let us have a look at America! It appears to
me, that much like the Titanic, we are watching the elite jumping ship,
and leaving those in steerage to drown Not only Halliburton, but
dozens of U.S/UK companies are relocating to this TAX FREE haven(including
Reuters, Sony, Microsoft etc). While Dubai is building 300 private islands
(for the ultra wealthy) and three major islands, (100 private islands)
with towns' houses, malls, parks, etc, we can't build a levee! Nor do we
have any disaster plan!
- They call this a levee meant to hold back ocean waters!
- Blackwater (private security service) protected the homes
of the wealthy (while the poor were drowning or dying of heat prostration)
- in New Orleans untouched (phew) by floods.
- America's disaster plan 'let'em die'.
- Arrest people trying to survive !
- The economy is booming with McSlop Prisons, (privatized)
Walmart, and Home Depot (no affordable housing).
- Business is booming with factories closed!
- Business is booming with echoing mills!
- Business is booming with millions of family farms bankrupted!
Corporate farms now get billions in subsidies!
- Business is booming with hundreds of mill towns shuttered
and empty with industry sent overseas! Congress meantime votes hundreds
of thousands of guest work (skilled) to foreigners to replace American's
in Information Technology engineering, nursing etc.
- Business IS booming (lot of gold) in Dubai; where war
profits and the price of OIL, is building a Utopia, for the oil soaked
hucksters, and those making billions on non-bid military contracts! Meantime
benefits are cut for veterans or they're rated 20% disabled with a missing
- Business is booming with relocated oil executives, lawyers,
etc, shopping in Dubai.
- Business is booming (U.S.) abandoned Alcoa plant in New
- Business is booming- buy your own private island (300
being constructed) in Dubai from $10.8 million to $36 million.
- Business is booming, closed paper mill in NH new
PRISON jobs promised our fasting growing industry besides Wal-Mart!
- Business is booming housing for dispossessed in
the Gulf - in Super Power U.S.A.
- Business is booming in Dubai with water front homes
being sold months before they're built!
- Oh the humanity! JM