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Our Government, Our
Nation, Our Destruction

By Morty

Morty is not happy. Morty is really pissed off. Morty has a bad case of road rage on the Internet Highway. Why? Hell ... look around you. Whaddya see?
Anger. Hatred. Violence. Cops that are supposed to protect and serve but in stead, protect themselves and serve the same people they protect. Those now graduating from many State Police Academies are being taught differently than when I attended the academy in Mamaroneck, NY. Police in general are no longer being gentlemen. Police in general are for whatever reasons, being tough guys who seem to think their bovine excrement don't stink.  Add a government that doesn't do what we the people want them to do. A government that makes laws behind closed doors, like the recent "Amnesty" bill that isn't supposed to be "Amnesty," makes the problem even worse. Behind closed doors and out they come with a bill which is supposed to pay for our troops and does. But it carries a minimum wage and other pork having not a damned thing to do with the war in Iraq. Done in. By our government representatives and Senators. Sig Heil.  Well, excuse my ass but what the hell izzit but Amnesty? A Congress and a Senate that performs only for themselves but speak as if they are serving the will of the people.
And it's all bullshit. Every single law, every act, from here to eternity. It's all bullshit. The worst part of all this bovine excrement is that We the People just sit around and take it. We don't respond to all the BS. No. Instead, we agree with our Democrat party, our Republican party, our whathehellever party. We let them touch our very souls, take from us our heritage, our American heritage, and give it all away to those who break the law. Then, they flaunt it. In our faces. And tell us what great legislators they are.
A short word about immigrants. They come here not to be assimilated, not to become Americans, but to make a buck and send it home so that they can buy, buy and buy in their home country. Then ... they leave the same way they came. Illegally. How many homes and cars, property and other assorted thingies have these immigrants done with our money with our laws assisting them all the way. All the way. And who is paying their freight? U.S.! At least say "Thanks, Gringo!" But instead we get, "Bite me Gringo. And pay my medical bills. Por favor.
Ever listen to Michael Savage? He's often an angry man. On the air he's angry. Well, there is such a thing as righteous anger. Even Jesus Christ became angry at those selling in the Temple. Upset the tables at which vendors were selling lambs for sacrifice, as if it were an offering to idles and not the Living God. I am not comparing The Lord Jesus Christ to Michael Savage. I am attempting to delineate anger from righteous anger.
And Savage is an angry man. Savage has the kind of anger which is not only righteous, but contagious. Listening to people like Savage just isn't the same as listening to the man himself. See, Savage has this thing he does with his intellect. He attaches that intellect (which, by the way, is a damned good one) to his emotions. And what comes out is part anger and part frustration. Mostly the latter. And who can blame him? Who can naysay him?
It seems to this writer that Savage's righteous anger and frustration is more with We the People than with them the government. The government is ours. At least it's supposed to be ours. As it evolved over the decades since the Constitution was written, things became fuzzy. We left all the decisions of government to our elected officials. "Well," you say, "Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?" Well, yeah. But with a difference, People. And the difference is simple enough.
We are supposed to elect our leaders to do our will. Congressmen, Senators, the Administration, judges ... they are supposed to be people who are voted for in such a way as to be selected, by We the People, to do our will. The practice being to select men and women who promise to do that which their constituency elected them to do.
But the 'practice' became the theory. It took a few years, but it's now theory. The Constitution became so muddled, so diluted, so inconsequential and unimportant, so political, that today, there is virtually no common ground in that document. There is no anchor. There is no basis upon which we govern ourselves. "Ain't that a shame? You're the ones to blame." 
I wrote, a few days ago, that whenever politicians and politics become involved in an issue, that issue becomes muddled. Addled. Confusing. Maybe that's on purpose. Maybe they want us to be confused so that we just shut the hell up and say, "Oh, well, Senator So and So is for this legislation and Senator So and So is a (fill in the party of choice) so let him deal with it. Let him worry about it."
Yeah. And look what happened. Every right which we Americans have is now spoiled, split and twisted to make the politician's opinion "the" opinion. The only opinion which counts. Not yours.
Take gun ownership. Take free speech. Take taxes. Take what used to be personal and make it into law ... like birth control, abortion, prayer and saturated fats ... smoking and ... did I mention guns? ... make the ACLU "the" governing legislation body, "the" lobby di tutti lobbies ... make all those elected to office lots and lots of money. Give them the power they wish to have and not the power they are supposed to have.
We've become less than lemmings. We've become vermin, living human vermin in the eyes of our legislators. We have no power except that power given to our legislators ... power we let them take. We are worthless. We have no say in our government.
I've heard Democrats say, "The vast majority of Americans are against the war in Iraq. Oh yeah? Well guess what? That's not true. The reality is that we Americans are split, but that most Americans understand that no matter why we are there now, we should not withdraw now. And the Democrat party was playing games with our heads when they at first refused to fund the war with a withdrawal date.
See what I mean? Party politics. Bullshit.
More to come. As soon as I get my own bovine excrement together. Which might be a long, long time. Allow me to lock and load. Please. We're gonna need them nugs (I'm dyslexic when I'm pissed!) more than ever. So don't let them take them from us. From U.S. And in closing ... ILLIGITIMI NON CARBORUNDUM.
Jim Mortellaro,
AKA, Morty
Web Site: http://www.mortyscabin.net/
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