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Treasonous Senate Revives
Globalist Amnesty Bill

From Roy Beck
President, NumbersUSA
Fifteen Flip in Senate -- Amnesty up for another vote -- New talking points for phone calls  FROM INSIDE THE SENATE, WE HAVE SOME DETAILED NEW TIPS ON HOW TO MAKE YOUR PHONE CALLS HAVE THE MOST IMPACT. SEE BELOW.
Senate Democratic Leader Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Republican Leader McConnell (R-Ky.) have announced that they have a deal to resurrect the S. 1348 Bush/Kennedy Comprehensive Amnesty Bill.
Several days of voting on amendments could start as early as next Tuesday.
That means that McConnell believes he has FLIPPED 15 of the 38 Republicans who voted NO on cloture on the bill a week ago. By producing 15 more Republican YES votes, McConnell could pass cloture which would end the filibuster and allow the amnesty to pass.
We do not yet know the identities of the FLIPPIN' FIFTEEN. It is quite possible that they will not divulge they have flipped back to a YES vote until that vote actually occurs.
The Senate amnesty-guestworker bill that's in its death throes doesn't deliver a solution. It only worsens the problem.
It suffers from fatal flaws. It deserved its public execution.
For example, politicians claim S. 1348 requires enforcement measures before the amnesty or guestworker programs go into effect -- the famed "triggers."
Alien lawbreakers are not only pardoned for their immigration lawbreaking, ID fraud and other offenses, they get rewarded with the object of their intention: keeping the job they came here to steal. They get their relatives with them.
What do the "triggers" require before opening the floodgates even wider to the hordes?
Second, a pittance of the border barriers and personnel needed to really secure the border. A 2,000 mile southern border, a recent law requiring 800 miles of fence, but a "trigger" for just 370 miles.
Th en there's the real point: The triggers involve process things, not results.
Other scam items? S. 1348 doesn't really end chain migration. It speeds it up, then continues it in the point system.
For a "comprehensive" bill, S. 1348 leaves out much. It doesn't put an end to anchor babies. It doesn't hold illegitimate employers accountable for hiring illegals.
This bill is typical Teddy Kennedy. Remember all that talk about "earned legalization" requiring payment of back taxes, learning English, and such?
President Bush recently chided conservatives and said to "read the bill." Well, I had read the bill and reread it. There's very little good about the Senate amnesty-guestworker bill.
Politicians are trying out the whopper that no legislation is really an amnesty. Nice try, jerks.
Anybody who thinks passing a bad bill is better than no bill is foolish enough to think S. 1348 is a good bill. 



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