The FDA's 911?
By Ted Lang
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For the weak and feebleminded, and also for the towering intellects who "don't believe in conspiracy theories," I strongly urge you to bypass this meager effort to avoid the possible serious threats to both your peace of mind and your sheltered life. You know, "keep it simple" and "ignorance is bliss."
As has already been reported on this site, Senator Edward M. "Teddy" Kennedy has literally bulldozed legislation extremely harmful to the American people through the Senate and is hoping to do the same in the House of Representatives. And this should be relatively easy given the political and governmental anomaly that is Congress. Why is Congress an anomaly? How can a large group of people be so asleep and so terrified at the same time? If you and I were being terrorized, wouldn't we be at the height of an adrenaline rush and not at all sleepy? If this seems impossible, a state of mind completely foreign to ordinary folks such as you and I, always remember that the US Congress is seemingly comprised of alien humanoids who behave in this manner on a regular basis.
For the sorry fools who don't believe in conspiracy theories, thereby ensuring that they will constantly be victims of conspiratorial assaults resulting in the steady erosion of their wealth and freedom, I too have a weakness: I don't believe in coincidences. And many real odd coincidences have happened to me in my lifetime. Somewhere, perhaps in a book offering tips on writing professionally, I read that it is an extremely bad move to posture regarding one's personal religious experiences. I'm not sure the author bothered to thoroughly explain himself, but I have generally followed that piece of advice. When Oprah offers that she doesn't believe in coincidences, alluding also to the guiding hand of the Providence, I find myself supporting her argument completely. Enough said!
In my previous column, I briefly outlined just a few of the absurdities not even addressed by the American criminal state that we are obviously supposed to shrug off and accept as mere coincidences. The state expects US to simply buy into these timing anomalies and remain silent. The absentees from the WTC towers on 9/11, the short sales of airline stocks, the high-fivers, and so on, are all just coincidences and are therefore meaningless. Surely, that is what our government wants US to believe. And to be sure, our complicit criminal media continues to evidence monumental lapses of professional ethics and discipline in reporting the real news and providing objective commentary that would assure public awareness and the much-needed grass roots cacophony for government reform.
Absent a reliable mass source of information to ignite public protest, we are limited to evaluating only the collective morality of the American political state and seeking also to identify, at the same time, as to who within the protection of the criminal state stands to gain the most benefit; and that benefit always translates to cold hard cash. Looking upon terror, which is now perceived as causable not only by another nation, but occurring as a possibility from within the ranks of our own government, the thought of such a monstrous evildoing as 9/11 being perpetrated by camel-riding nomads living in caves halfway around the world becomes increasingly absurd. But our government and its criminal partners, the criminal media, want you to pay absolutely no attention to the massive technical and organizational coordination required to render the greatest and most powerful militarized nation in the world so defenseless on September 11, 2001. They want you to merely accept all those absurdities as mere coincidences.
You are hereby ordered by your state to forget completely the complex and well-functioning automatic and self-initiating electronic defense mechanisms that have been strategically put in place, often repeatedly tested, and which are the envy of the entire world. You are asked to believe that they ALL failed to function on that fateful day. An astonishing coincidence to be certain, but one that can most assuredly happen considering the trillions of tax dollars we have invested. And consider all the trust we have conveyed to those in our military, the best in the world, whose responsibility is the protection of the USA from all enemies, domestic and foreign. It is my belief that our failure that day can be attributed to our confidence in an organization that has been commandeered from within, one deriving its might and power from the hugely supportive rewards provided by evildoers benefiting and taking advantage of our former republic's now highly concentrated, centralized power.
And now, we are again experiencing yet another series of coincidences in yet another failure of our supposedly beneficent American centralized state: the failure of our state's highly paid and extremely expensive organized system to protect US from being poisoned. We are most easily poisoned and most vulnerable by what we simply put into our mouths and ingest! In 1906, in response to "muckraking journalists" that ushered in the "Progressive Movement," members of the American state under the leadership of President Theodore Roosevelt began looking into the manufacture, processes, ingredients and the transportation and shipment of the food and drugs we consume. This led eventually to a state-operated bureau appropriately named, the "Food and Drug Administration" and many subsequent laws to permit federal enforcement. These were purposely created to protect US from ingesting bad and poisonous food and drugs. And like our Constitution, these laws too have also failed miserably.
Just the opposite of the touch of King Midas, everything our government touches turns to., well, you know. And our Constitution and our food and drug protections are now all "just godammed pieces of [useless] paper." It would seem that the only government-sanctioned pieces of paper that are legally viable insofar as our Big Mother protective state is concerned, are Larry Silverstein's WTC insurance policy, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the Military Commissions Act. Aren't we all pleased how well our well-policed state is now protecting US?
The police state's routine is now all to obvious: create a false flag act of terror, convey the state's concern and protective response citing its capable and expert bureaucratic leaders and its government appointed deputies and executives, immediately propose corrective "legislation," and then create yet another bureaucracy throwing more taxpayer money at the "problem" in order to effect a solution. And let's focus especially on the money aspect of the solution, for this is clearly the lifeblood of the American state.
With this in mind, and against the background of the recent crisis regarding contaminated additives imported from China that were included in the manufacture and production of pet foods and farm animal feed, consider this quote: "The purpose of the Foundation is to advance the mission of the Food and Drug Administration to modernize medical, veterinary, food, food ingredient, and cosmetic product development, accelerate innovation, and enhance product safety.. The Foundation shall [take] into consideration the Critical Path reports and priorities published by the Food and Drug Administration, identify unmet needs in the development, manufacture, and evaluation of the safety and effectiveness, including post approval, of devices, including diagnostics, biologics, and drugs, and the safety of food, food ingredients, and cosmetics."
The primary focus of that statement is of course the term "Foundation." But precisely what foundation is being spoken of? According to Byron Richards, who quoted that segment of a new law that is being proposed in his article, "Perverse Expansion of FDA Powers Will Target Dietary Supplements," which was posted April 25th on [<<] the Foundation is in reality an FDA smoke screen.
Richards points out that the Foundation is the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the Food and Drug Administration, offering that it "will be operated by FDA personnel." He goes on to say that the Foundation will, ".award grants to, or enter into contracts, memoranda of understanding, or cooperative agreements with, scientists and entities, which may include the Food and Drug Administration, university consortia, public-private partnerships, institutions of higher education, entitles described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.and industry, to efficiently and effectively advance the goals and priorities established under paragraph (2)."
The bottom line is that the FDA becomes a partner with the giant pharmaceutical industry, biotechnological manufacturers, food and food ingredient producers, and the producers of ingredients for pet and farm animal feed manufacturers. Hmmmm! What another astonishing convenience! And not only has this marvelous concept followed immediately upon the heels of the pet food and drug ingredient scare originating from China, this horrendous proposed legislation just oozed forth from the Senate committee that sponsored it, and was passed overwhelmingly on the floor of the entire US Senate last week.
Also writing for, Mike Adams stated in his article posted May 9th, "The US Senate passed the FDA 'drug safety' bill today (S.1082) with a 93-1 vote. A key amendment that would have called for genuine drug safety protections for consumers - the Grassley amendment 1039 - was defeated by a single vote (47 to 46). Adams continues his piece, "FDA drug safety bill passes in the U.S. Senate; health freedom advocates outraged at betrayal of American consumers," [<<] offering: "The new law deepens the financial ties between Big Pharma and the FDA, doubling the amount of money directly paid to the regulator by drug companies, but it fails to explicitly protect foods and nutritional supplements from overreaching FDA regulation efforts. The new law also failed to end big Pharma's monopoly stranglehold on American consumers, further blocking the ability of citizens, businesses, cities and states to import equivalent medications from countries like Canada (where drugs are safer than those sold in the United States, by any measure)."
No one even pointed out all the other advantages of this cozy Fed-Pharma partnership: money invested by Big Pharma and the related varied consortia are now tax-exempt via 501(c)(3) charitable tax advantages; and if that doesn't apply in terms of exempting these drug gangsters from revenues and profit reporting, we have the special tax advantages available to the referenced "foundation." And yet another dependency has been created by government by its cashing in on taxpayer-provided "grant money," which can serve as leverage to shut up any truly honest and moral professional scientist/chemist that uncovers wrongdoing and tries to warn the public. He or she will be removed from his/her position in the consortia, or academic tenure will be denied or rescinded, just as is now the case with scholars attempting to expose the engineering, chemical, physical and architectural incongruities the government is trying to cover up relative to 9/11.
How convenient for Senator Kennedy, Senator Enzi and their client and sponsor, the FDA, to have the pet food horror occur at a time to so convenient to motivate legislators to approve a legislative proposal converting the FDA to a federal profit center amongst the very private sector profit centers it is supposed to regulate. Are we to believe that this is yet another coincidence, such as other convenient and timely coincidences that played so effectively to the extreme advantage of a political faction? Think of the BATF funding crisis, and how it was overcome by the Waco massacre. Think of the Lusitania, deliberately being rendered defenseless and vulnerable by Winston Churchill while he headed the British Admiralty. Think of it and its passengers reduced to "collateral damage" and sunk in order to launch America's debt-based National Bank and the Income Tax needed to fund World War I. Think of all those coincidences that made 9/11 possible.
Posted here on May 11th, Dr. KP Stoller's commentary in the article entitled, "Resolving the Worsening Crisis At The FDA," offered: "The FDA has been taken over by the very industries that it was meant to regulate. This is outrageous; this is tragic; this is even criminal. The unholy alliance between corporation and state has bled out even the pretense that the FDA is working for the benefit and safety of the American people. The FDA is a failed bureaucracy under corporate control."
Sure the FDA is a failed bureaucracy, just as surely as are the CIA, FBI, Department of Defense and its Pentagon, the White House, the Congress and the Supreme Court. They are all horrific failures in the brief and unsuccessful voyage that was once the ship of state of the United States of America. Now the bastards even arrange to poison our children and our pets for their f*#*%!g cash profits. American government is despicable. Just look at the vote on the Senate floor that seeks to create the state-run FDA pharmaceutical corporation: 93 to 1. Does government terrorism work? You bet it does! $chiching$ -- $chiching$. Cash runs this humongous organized criminal operation and its supportive political conspiracy. We must continue informing America, and we must continue to fight this monster and its mind-numbing enablers in the anti-American alien press.
Here's Byron Richards again, this time carrying his failed crusade in the Senate to a shocking but now familiar conspiratorial conclusion: "And to top it off, the bill gives broad new regulatory powers to the FDA that can be used to frivolously attack dietary supplements and forward the FDA management's anti-American globalization agenda."
c. Theodore E. Lang 2007 All rights reserved
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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