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Democrats Capitulate On
Troop Withdrawal

By Joel Skousen
World Affairs Brief

The Iraq War funding deal that the Democratic leadership worked out with the White House has something for everyone--except the American people who, for the most part, are tired of this interminable war and want our troops to come home. In this sellout deal, the White House gets even more money than they requested and, worse, the bill has been split into two parts that provide cover for both sides of the political spectrum. As John Nichols posted on The Nation Blog, "It's not a compromise, it's a blank Check!
The Democrat's own constituency on the Left is steaming mad as the word gets out about this sellout. Here's an excerpt from John Nichols' posting [my comments in brackets]: "The question is not whether House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid flinched in their negotiations with the Bush administration over the continuation of the Iraq occupation. They did. Despite some happy talk about benchmarks [ benchmarks are unenforceable and merely provide a fig leaf of accountability] that have been attached to the Iraq supplemental spending bill that is expected to be considered by Congress this week, the willingness of Pelosi and Reid to advance a measure that does not include a withdrawal timeline allows Bush to conduct the war as he chooses for much if not all of the remainder of his presidency.
"This failure to abide by the will of the people who elected Democrats to end the war will haunt Pelosi, Reid and their party--not to mention the United States and the battered shell that is Iraq. This 'compromise' legislation is such an embarrassing example of what happens when raw politics overwhelms principle--and political common sense--that House Democrats have divided the $12O billion measure into two sections. That will allow Republicans and sold-out Democrats to vote for the president's Iraq funding, while anti-war Democrats and their handful of Republican allies can vote 'no.' Then both Democratic camps can vote separately for the second section--including a federal minimum-wage increase and more than $8 billion in funding for domestic programs--while Republicans oppose this section.
Presuming that both parts pass the House, they will then be sent to the Senate as a single bill for members of that chamber to accept or reject. The end result of this confusing set of legislative maneuvers will be twofold: Lots of House members will be able to avoid accountability for their votes [and go on record for "opposing" the bill while letting it pass], while Bush will get his blank check. Even Pelosi says she'll vote against the Iraq funding section of the House bill because it lacks 'a goal or a timetable' for extracting U.S. troops from the conflict [But she will refuse to hold the bill hostage and cut off even a portion of funding]. But, no matter how she votes, Pelosi will have facilitated a process that gives the president more war funding than he had initially requested." Indeed. This should be proof enough that the Democrats are not in real opposition to this globalist administration.
As for the administration's part, recent verbage by the Bush military staff indicates that the US is adopting a "Lily Pad" model of military response in the Middle East which envisions a ring of sealed-off permanent bases in Iraq that would provide launching pads for "rapid response."
As Thinkprogress.org reports, "In testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee this month, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Peter Pace uttered a 'carefully worded' statement revealing that the Pentagon had no plans to fully withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq [even] if legislation passes Congress mandating troop redeployment:
PACE: "'Sir, we have published no orders directing the planning for the overall withdrawal of forces. We do have ongoing replacements of forces, and we do change the size of the force over time so that that system is available to either plus-up or draw down, but we have published no orders saying come up with a complete plan for total drawdown.'
"NPR investigated Pace's statements and found one scenario being considered within the Pentagon would maintain a strong U.S. military presence in Iraq for several decades into the future. This so-called 'lily pad' strategy entails keeping a 'series of military installations around Iraq,' with tens of thousands of U.S. troops remaining in the country for as long as a few decades...with a total of maybe 30-40 thousand U.S. troops in Iraq for a long period of time, lasting, maybe a few decades."
"While 60 percent of Americans are calling for a withdrawal of the U.S. from Iraq, the Pentagon is instead making preparations for an unending occupying presence." Very telling, and confirms what I have been saying in the briefs for years.
In the meantime the quagmire continues in Iraq. The most discouraging part for Iraqis and Americans who want this all to end, is that there is no one accountable for the continual failure and carnage of the occupation. As IPS wrote this week, "Killings, crime, lack of medical care, collapse of education; the list goes on. But with the occupation by U.S.-led forces now into a fifth year, and a supposedly democratic government in place, no one knows who to hold accountable for all that is going wrong." That's because the Iraqi government has no control over the country nor control over its revenue, and the US government continues to insist that "the Iraqis have to step up to the plate and solve the problems" ---ranging from the insurgency to the lack of operating infrastructure. Iraqis justifiably see no end to the deteriorating situation and those who can continue to make plans to leave the country.
Editor and Publisher reports this week that "Bureau Chief John Walcott and current and former McClatchy Pentagon correspondents say they have not been allowed on the Defense Secretary's plane for at least three years, claiming the news company is being retaliated against for its reporting." As our readers will remember from the Bill Moyer's expose on media complicity with the White House (on justifying the war in Iraq), the Knight-Ridder/McClatchy news bureau was the only establishment media source reporting that the intelligence was skewed.
"'It is because our coverage of Iraq policy has been quite critical,' Walcott told E&P. He added, 'I think the idea of public officials barring coverage by people they've decided they don't like is at best unprofessional, at worst undemocratic and petty.'" In my view, it has everything to do with controlling the media. Those that don't go along with the globalist agenda get not-so-subtle hints that, if they persist, they will be denied access.
The US has long been complicit with the PLO and its late corrupt leader Yasser Arafat in providing terrorist groups under his umbrella (Fatah, et al) with secret funding sources (via secret Swiss bank accounts set up by Israeli agents in collusion with international money launderer Marc Rich--who Clinton pardoned) and arms. It is still going on under the guise of "combating terror" by arming one group supposedly to counter another.
As Worldnetdaily.com reported, "A Fatah convoy of three trucks was stopped by Hamas at a makeshift checkpoint at Dabit Circle, a northern Gaza town, according to Hamas sources. Hamas abducted 18 Fatah gunmen and seized stockpiles of American weapons that were in the vans, the sources said. The U.S. in recent months reportedly transferred large quantities of weapons to Fatah, purportedly to back Abbas' military organizations against Hamas.
"The last confirmed U.S. weapons transfer to the Palestinians took place last May and consisted of 3,000 assault rifles, but WND reported multiple other transfers later were delivered to Fatah, including a cache of 7,000 rifles last January and about 8,000 assault rifles in February."
A similar policy was well underway during the Clinton administration. Under George Tenet's leadership at the CIA, the White House made a secret deal with the PLO/Fatah faction in the Palestinian Authority to training 60 PLO "policemen" at the CIA's "Farm" in Virginia. They were trained in building sophisticated bombs and trigger devices (which has nothing to do with policing). This technology went back to Gaza and has contributed to the increased sophistication of remote controlled car bombs. These are now being used extensively in Iraq as well.
So, while the US continues to blame Iran for arming insurgents, the main technology the insurgents use is "made in American." The CIA's black operations branch launders these technologies through third party terrorists so they can plausibly deny any involvement.
Lastly, we should never forget that Saddam Hussein got his biological and chemical warfare technology through US companies (connected to the Bush family of investments). As in so many areas of conflict, the US is found playing both sides of the fence--while the public is allowed to see only the side of the equation that says, "Our government is protecting our freedoms." In reality, our government is secretly fomenting the smaller conflicts that justify larger wars. In doing so, the White House is able to justify whittling away at our freedoms, being "necessary to secure our liberties"--what few we have left.
ABC news is supposedly in "hot water" for revealing this new embarrassing piece of intelligence. One administration source even referred to it as "treasonous." Really? This is more hyperbole than reality. Keep in mind that establishment news sources like ABC get all their leaks from official government sources. If this is treason, then the government is the traitor. The administration has manipulative reasons for making these leaks public.
Brian Ross and Richard Esposito of ABC news report [my comments in brackets], "The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert 'black' operation to destabilize the Iranian government, current and former officials in the intelligence community tell the Blotter on ABCNews.com.
"The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity [naturally, though the government knows who they are since they tap all reporters phones] because of the sensitive nature of the subject, say President Bush has signed a 'nonlethal presidential finding' that puts into motion a CIA plan that reportedly includes a coordinated campaign of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of Iran's currency and international financial transactions [nonlethal supposedly means that no lives will be put into danger because of this covert action. This is to pacify Congressional intelligence committees who must be made aware of these 'findings.' Of course, if the purpose of the covert action is to provoke an eventual attack on Iran, the process will end up very lethal!].
"... The sources say the CIA developed the covert plan over the last year and received approval from White House officials and other officials in the intelligence community. 'There are some channels where the United States government may want to do things without its hand showing, and legally, therefore, the administration would, if it's doing that, need an intelligence finding and would need to tell the Congress,' said ABC News consultant Richard Clarke, a former White House counterterrorism official... Officials say the covert plan is designed to pressure Iran to stop its nuclear enrichment program and end aid to insurgents in Iraq [that's the cover story].
"Current and former intelligence officials say the approval of the covert action means the Bush administration, for the time being, has decided not to pursue a military option against Iran. 'Vice President Cheney helped to lead the side favoring a military strike [That's a bit of an understatement--he's running the show],' said former CIA official Riedel, 'but I think they have come to the conclusion that a military strike has more downsides than upsides.' [At least, for now. The administration knows it clearly needs some more antagonism to justify going after Iran. The public's patience for warmongering is almost gone, and some further provocation is needed.]
"... 'I think everybody in the region knows that there is a proxy war already afoot with the United States supporting anti-Iranian elements in the region as well as opposition groups within Iran,' [True, and this weakens our case against Iran's supposed covert support for insurgencies in Iraq] said Vali Nasr, adjunct senior fellow for Mideast studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. 'And this covert action is now being escalated by the new U.S. directive, and that can very quickly lead to Iranian retaliation and a cycle of escalation can follow,' Nasr said." Ah....now there's the essence of the provocation--induce some sort of retaliation by Iran that will justify the US attack.
US warships have entered the Gulf of Hormuz this week on another "exercise." McClatchy Newspapers reports that, "As the United States and Iran prepare to hold talks on stabilizing Iraq, tensions between Tehran and Washington are ratcheting up again. [The talks are meant to give the pretext of diplomacy for the US so it can defuse any future charge, after striking Iran, that it failed to seek a diplomatic solution.]
"The U.S. Navy on Wednesday began its largest war games off the Iranian coast since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, with two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers leading a flotilla of nine ships, dozens of combat aircraft and more than 2,100 Marines. As the air and sea exercises commenced, the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency reported that Iran is expanding its nuclear program [another convenient revelation for timing sake] which U.S. officials charge is aimed at developing nuclear weapons. in defiance of U.N. Security Council demands that it suspend uranium enrichment."
"Another example of the back-and-forth: As U.S. forces in Iraq continue to hold five Iranians it seized from a diplomatic facility in Irbil in the Kurdish zone, Iran has detained three Iranian-Americans, among them Haleh Esfandiari, a leading Middle East expert at the at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. [which has provided a rallying cry for all Western academics, beating the drums for US intervention]... These developments are part of a wider pattern of tit-for-tat actions and reactions that some members of Congress, U.S. officials and Arab governments worry could escalate into an armed confrontation." As I said, that's the purpose of all these antagonizing gestures.
As part of the massive Global Warming propaganda campaign, environmentalists have leaned on various state governors to jump on the global warming bandwagon in order to bolster their "green" credentials. Naturally, this is intended to "embarrass" the federal government into mandating actions which the states are doing "voluntarily." It continues to amaze me how so many high elected officials spew the absolutely false assurance that "no credible scientist doubts that man made factors are causing global warming." In fact, there are hundreds of credible scientists and meteorologists that have vehemently and publicly denounced this falsified agenda.
But, we've sunk to new lows since the US Senate rejected the Kyoto Treaty by a vote of 95-0. One of my subscribers has duly taken note of the role of state governors in this propaganda campaign: "What is taking place now is that this is being implemented State by State. This past Monday Governor John Huntsman of Utah signed [along side macho/mindless California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger] a rather harmless document that called for voluntary action [supposedly California would buy power only from coal fired power plants that have signed onto the "green" initiative to reduce carbon dioxide output]. It was titled the Western Region Climate Action initiative.
"When you read this initiative and compare it to Kyoto, it is basically the same. It will use a 'cap and trade' mechanism for greenhouse gases, set goals, etc. And of course while it is voluntary this is worse than legislation. If there was an attempt to do this through a mandatory method it would require legislative action. Since it is voluntary it requires no legislative action. Instead, we will very likely see State Agencies implementing rules and policies that will meet the goals and methods of this initiative, with no legislative oversight and almost no publicity. People and press follow the Legislature - no one shows up for a Rule Review. I am calling it Kyoto-Lite because it is voluntary... Thus far Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, British Columbia and now Utah have signed on." His point about bypassing legislation, while having the effect of law, is quite ominous and symptomatic of the new sophistication in tactics.
As Presidential candidate Mitt Romney continues to climb in popularity, his penchant for relying on establishment insider advisors is telling about how he is allowing himself to be controlled--for purposes of impressing the establishment. This week Romney hired Blackwater executive Cofer Black as a senior campaign advisor to advise him on national security issues. Romney is carving out for himself the mantel of continuing the Bush "war on terror," while distancing himself from what he calls "errors of implementation."
Romney himself is heading for more trouble after calling for a "doubling of the US prison camp at Guantanamo" during the second GOP debate. If he wants to go in that foolish direction, Cofer Black is the one to take him there. Background: Black has been a vice president at Blackwater for the past two years and was a former director of the CIA Counter-terrorism unit before and after 9/11. The Blackwater leadership team is full of Bush administration insiders. Cofer Black has indepth knowledge of US falsifying the hunt for Osama bin Laden and building up a phony "war on terror."
Jeremy Scahill, has recently authored a critical look at blackwater. His book (a New York Times bestseller) is called "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army." His book has been so effective at bringing negative light on the growing mercenary movement that Erik Prince, Blackwater's CEO, wrote an article to the Grand Rapids Press defending his organization and denying that it is a mercenary group. He claims Blackwater is "a team of highly motivated and capable security professionals serve at the request of the United States government. Furthermore, Blackwater professionals do not engage in offensive missions. You would be correct in calling them a team of bodyguards, but very wrong in using a description of them as a 'private army."
Yes, that's the official version, but Prince is being disingenuous in his protestations. Blackwater has, in fact, already floated a proposal to the government to let it do contract offensive operations in Africa and elsewhere in order to eliminate warring factions that threaten UN "peacekeepers." Clearly there is the intent to broaden Blackwater's role into offensive operations--if they aren't already doing so covertly.
Scahill easily debunks Prince's claim that Blackwater is not a mercenary organization: "there's all sorts of definitions that one can apply to the term 'mercenary,' but he says it's a professional soldier serving a foreign power. Now, according to Prince's Op-Ed, it would seem as though Blackwater is just this team of patriotic Americans serving their country. But the fact of the matter is that Blackwater has recruited, hired and deployed mercenaries from countries like Colombia, Chile, Bulgaria, Poland, Fiji -- the list goes on and on."
Blackwater, like other mercenary surrogates of our gloablist government, exhibits the tell-tale signs of judicial immunity from wrongdoing. As DemocracyNow reports, "A landmark lawsuit brought by the families of four employees of the security firm Blackwater USA killed in Iraq three years ago has been partially derailed. This week, a federal judge ordered the lawsuit to be decided behind closed doors in arbitration -- allowing Blackwater to avoid public examination of its practices in Iraq. One of the three arbitrators could be William Webster, who served as head of the FBI and CIA under President Reagan and has personal and business ties to several Blackwater lawyers."
Blackwater lawyers have argued their cases with an interesting combination of dubious tactics. When they need to avoid Congressional scrutiny about their finances or crimes in Iraq they always claim to be a "private organization." When taken to court in a civil suit, they claim immunity as an "arm of the US military." They want it both ways. Only one thing is for sure: these types of black operation companies have no principles. You don't get into the exclusive mercenary club unless you demonstrate a willingness to do everything the government tells you to, legal or not.
This is the primary reason the public needs to fear them: It won't be American troops used to arrest American dissenters who defy our government taking us into a New World Order. It will be American mercenaries like Blackwater, Dyncorp and MPRI that fill the growing lists of concentration camps being built. There are dozens of smaller mercenary groups as well. When one large group gets discredited, as did Dyncorp over its sex slaves in Bosnia, another is allowed to rise up and take its place.
The only thing new about this story is that a supposedly conservative Christian president just reauthorized the set of Presidential Executive Orders and laws that give the president total dictatorial power merely by declaring a national emergency. Sadly, there are no limits to the reasons a president can use to put us under his "emergency authority. As Paul Joseph Watson of Prisonplanet.com writes, "Americans have officially been living under a dictatorship since at least 1933.
"New legislation signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a 'catastrophic event', the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power.
"The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, which also places the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of domestic 'security', was signed earlier this month without the approval or
oversight of Congress and seemingly supercedes the National Emergency Act which allows the president to declare a national emergency but also [supposedly] requires that Congress have the authority to 'modify, rescind, or render dormant' such emergency authority if it believes the president has acted inappropriately."
However Jerome Corsi, "who has studied the directive also states that it makes no reference to Congress and 'its language appears to negate any requirement that the president submit to Congress a determination that a national emergency exists." While this signing is called a reauthorization, there are changes that are being made to the law, and they have not been debated in Congress, nor addressed by public hearings.
A new poll has emerged that indicates how much the American public's perception of threats are managed by the media and its penchant for mouthing government assertions.
Donald Kirk reports that, "These results stand out in a poll conducted by the American Security Project in which 27% of the 2,000 respondents named Iran as posing 'the greatest threat to American national security'. That percentage was more than double the 13% who believe Iraq poses the worst threat, the 12% who put North Korea in that category, or the 10% who named China. No other country came close - just 2% of Americans see Russia or Afghanistan as the greatest threat, while 1% named Israel or Mexico as the most feared.'
The most ominous of the medium-term threats are Russia first, with China second, mainly because Russia has so much advanced weaponry and China is in the middle of the building and development process. All the rest of the smaller terrorist states are mere surrogates and puppets of these two predator nations. In the long-term, China will become the big threat, as Russia wears itself out in the next world war against the West.
Reuters wrote that "The United States plans to let a landmark nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia expire in 2009 and replace it with a less formal agreement that eliminates strict verification requirements and weapons limits, a senior U.S. official says." This comes on the heals of a steady stream of Russian announcements that it is backing out of compliance issues in the treaty. Instead of blowing the whistle on Russian duplicity, we replace the treaty with "informal agreements" that remove any requirements for strict verification of continued Russian cheating. I have continually warned about this pattern of US duplicity in covering up for Russian offensive war preparations. The globalists are covering for Russia's military resurgence that is essential to Russia's ability to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike on America in the coming years (after China is ready to take on its attack role in the Far East)
Give it time, and government agent-provocateurs are found in EVERY government prosecution of high-profile terrorist threats. As Counterpunch Magazine reported, "To listen to government officials and the mainstream media, the six New Jersey men arrested for allegedly plotting an attack on the Fort Dix military base were well organized and nearly 'ready to strike.' But like all of the government's claimed victories in 'fighting terrorism,' there are disturbing holes in the story that should raise questions about scapegoating and scaremongering.
"The U.S. attorney's office in New Jersey announced May 8 that five men--Jordanian-born U.S. citizen Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer; Turkish-born legal U.S. resident Serdar Tatar; and brothers Dritan, Eljvir and Shain Duka, ethnic Albanians from the former Yugoslavia who were reportedly in the U.S. illegally--had been charged with 'plotting to kill as many soldiers as possible in an armed assault at the Fort Dix Army base.'
"The FBI says it learned of the supposed plot when the men went to a Circuit City store and asked a clerk to transfer a jihad training video of themselves onto a DVD [amateur terrorists led by the FBI or CIA always are instructed to do the stupidest things in order to get caught]. They were arrested after allegedly attempting to purchase weapons from an undercover FBI agent.
"But the extent of their supposed military-style 'training' appears to be trips to a firing range in the Poconos and playing paintball in the woods. According to the Washington Post, the indictment against the men 'indicates that the group had no rigorous military training and did not appear close to being able to pull off an attack.'
"The media's reports [This is typical--they always have "links" to al Qaeda or jihadist"] on the arrests immediately deemed the six as 'Muslim fanatics' and 'Jersey jihadists.' But some of the men were known to be not particularly religious. In fact, according to the New York Times, investigators have quietly admitted that 'there is little indication that they were devout--or even practicing--Muslims.'
"Perhaps most troubling [and key part of this report], however, is the FBI's use of two paid 'informants' in the case. One of the informants, according to the Times, 'railed against the United States, helped scout out military installations for attack, offered to introduce his comrades to an arms dealer and gave them a list of weapons he could procure, including machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades.' That begs the question: how far would the supposed 'plot' have gone had the FBI not been there to push it forward?" If we knew the full story, we would see that, as in all the British terrorist plots, it was the government informants that were trolling the internet for disaffected Muslims who could be lured into the plot. It is the government that goads them into these acts.
The White House has cut a secret deal with the pro-amnesty forces of both parties in the Senate and were prepared to ram it through the Senate before the Memorial Day recess. But public outcry and opposition in the more conservative House has been so strong that the "reform coalition" decided to take more time. The AP reported that "Senate leaders agreed Monday that they would wait until June to take final action on a bipartisan plan to give millions of unlawful immigrants legal status."
"Since agreement on the major provisions of the bill was announced late last week, a firestorm of opposition has ignited across the country. Senators and representatives are reporting heavy volumes of phone calls and emails expressing outrage with the legislation they believe represents the largest 'amnesty' program ever contemplated by the federal government. [Naturally] President Bush yesterday attempted to tackle the concerns of those opposing the bill -- denying again he would ever support an "amnesty" bill." Sure.
In typically deceptive fashion the measure makes promises to tighten border security and workplace enforcement (which are only adone or enforced in token amounts) in exchange for a wholesale amnesty wherein the total population of illegals is immediately granted "probationary legal status." One of the Orwellian aspects of the workplace enforcement provision is that employees, including all citizens, will have to start presenting original birth documents to their employers in order to keep their jobs. Again, through one crisis after another we get closer to the totalitarian practice of forcing everyone to carry certified identity papers.
I won't comment extensively on the bill this week as there are going to be a lot of changes and amendments proposed, but what it looks like we are going to get, is some form of amnesty with little enforcement. One of the new roadblocks to the deal is a Democratic proposal to cut in half the temporary workers visas, which the administration opposes. The importation of 400,000 skilled foreign workers each year does impact US employment, and some Democrats want this stopped.
We are also seeing some very disturbing fine print come out of this White House bill. There are sneaky little additions of language that will facilitate the hated North American Union that the Bush administration is trying to foist on the public, without public hearings. The Bush administration is hoping this language will get lost in the heat of the immigration debate.
WorldNetDaily.com reports that "The controversial 'Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007,' [Don't you hate the euphemistic titles they put on these bills?] which would grant millions of illegal aliens the right to stay in the U.S. under certain conditions, contains provisions for the acceleration of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, a plan for North American economic and defense integration, WND has learned.
The bill, as worked out by Senate and White House negotiators, cites the SPP agreement signed by President Bush and his counterparts in Mexico and Canada March 23, 2005 -- an agreement that has been criticized as a blueprint for building a European Union-style merger of the three countries of North America. 'It is the sense of Congress that the United States and Mexico should accelerate the implementation of the Partnership for Prosperity to help generate economic growth and improve the standard of living in Mexico, which will lead to reduced migration,'" There you have it--pushing integration as a remedy for "reduced immigration." That's like saying, were going to open all our borders as they do between European states and the illegal immigration problem will go away. Well the immigration won't stop, only the enforcement--because unlimited entrance would be legal.
World Affairs Brief, May 25, 2007. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted.
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