Argentina - Astonishing
UFO Event In Victoria
(Entre Rios)

From Scott Corrales
Inexplicata - The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

By Andrea Pérez Simondini
Source: Planeta UFO
Date of Event: 04/29/07

Once more, Victoria has astonished us like in the good old days: the event witnessed last night, April 29, 2007, continues to amaze us, showing that there are manifestations occurring in this place that are not properly discussed elswhwere, neither in Argentina nor in the world at large.

We headed toward Cerro La Matanza with Walter Vergara, a member of our team, his girlfriend Georgina, Sebastian, a boy who helps me as an assistant in the UFO museum, and the undersigned. It was a lovely, starry night.

At 20:30 hours, we began to see a bright light with many smaller lights in a circular arrangement hovering over the river (which was quite full, owing to the latest surge, penetrating into the depths of the mountainside) and close to its banks. We used binoculars for this observation, trying to find something that would give us a clue as to its nature, as it was in that location, in spite of being flooded, there was no chance that it could be a vessel. Suddenly, the lights -- or some internal element belonging to them -- began to make tremendous flashes in every direction. One of them was so powerful that it turned night into day. At that moment, a white sphere appeared overhead, its size larger than the full moon, leaving in its wake a sort of short corridor -- a white wake that ended close to where the lights above the river were located.

Everything took place so quickly that we were stunned, unsure as how to react. These lights above the water remained in place until 21:05 hours and suddenly turned off as one, showing us that they represented a single structure, and despite the full moon and the use of binoculars, we were unable to see anything at the site.

A few minutes later, at the same site but slightly over to the left, two closely joined lights emerged. They remained motionless until the time that we decided to head home. But to shake us even further, that wasn't all that occurred that evening.

At 21:35 hours, we saw two airliners heading south from a northerly direction, one of them flying slightly higher than the other. At the same time, another flight was coming in from the opposite direction, flying higher than the other two. We all thought that these were three simultaneous flights. Imagine our surprise when the airliner heading south, and the one flying lower than the other (apparently), exchanged signals with impressive lights, as though greeting each other. We soon became aware of what was going on. The other airliner heading north began to light up in such a way that there was no doubt at all that it was a mustard-colored UFO. After displaying its presence, it vanished and nothing further could be seen.

As I said, it had been a long time since I had such an experience. We will try to learn what flights passed over the area at that time, and as we have done before, will try make inquiries about their pilots.

(Translation (c) 2007, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez [Planeta UFO] and Silvia and Andrea Pérez Simondini [Vision OVNI])



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