What About Medications
For Seniors, Mr. Decider?

By Jerry L. Gardner

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." --Franklin D. Roosevelt

As we suspected, the "Decider" in his address last evening softened up the proletariat with the old "chicken in every pot" and "cow in every barn" routine appealing to the ignorant masses who are controlled by their bellies instead of their minds. He was careful to do this before getting to the meat of his subtitle plan, which is, his (his controllers, illuminati, CFR, gang of 300, trilateral commission and the Royal Palace) continued quest for Mid east supremacy, a step toward world domination, and ownership of their oil, culminating in the formation of the coming world wide "Beast."

Note: Do we think these recent attacks on our liberties and changes affecting our constitution (the Gonzales perception) are accidental? Even common logic must dictate that America must fall as a sovereign "nation" (not in elitist power) before it can merge successfully into the European Union, or NWO. We are being methodically and surreptitiously set up, led, and are destined by the power elite to become a part of the whole called "Globalization," a less "in your face" term for One World Government. We should keep this in mind while we observe critical changes coming, close observation will pull back the curtain of Oz and open our eyes to where we are really headed.

During the charade of the standard promises of tax cuts for the working class and a chicken in every pot, which had the beer and potato chip crowd salivating, the Decider threw in everything capable of being a snare to the national and international ignorant except one very important issue. That critical issue was the obscene cost of medicines seniors have to dish out just to stay alive, many times at the cost of doing without essential food needs or even fuel for warmth in the winter cold. Unlike the "users" and "freeloaders" flooding our borders, using and bankrupting our social services, sometimes actually pushing American citizens out of the way, taking our jobs and sending millions of American dollars back to Mexico, most of our citizens have worked very hard and long for America, to build today's ungrateful corporations and a better America. These same ungrateful corporations are now sending those very jobs and wealth over seas to those who hate America in order to save a buck. I believe my phone bill even goes through India. Burns my patriotic butt! Most Americans, Americans who have long provided much food and other helps to others around the world who were hurting, are too proud to beg, or in some cases, even to let anyone know they themselves are hurting, until they are found dead or sick in their homes.

Sure, he (Decider) touched on health care, that too is a major issue, I know personally. At the risk of self humiliation I will share my personal experience as an example to illustrate that my situation, although bad, is quite the norm, but is not as bad as many Americans who have no hospitalization or health care at all. That is unless they qualify as a chosen minority, or just came across the border with the many thousands who receive our benefits each day with the blessings of big pals Bush and Fox. Stealing even more from the hard working tax payers. In most cases these receive the very best care available. A trip to any doctor's office today will provide a great education to the uninitiated when they learn they can't understand a word being said by those that pack the doctor's offices and the emergency rooms of our hospitals, unless they speak Spanish, or some dialect thereof. I'll just throw this in for good measure; The average waiting period at our local hospital emergency room (a sizable major hospital) is six hours, I have waited as long as eight hours "with chest pains." So, if any of us around my area are really sick, we had better take a lunch with us to the emergency room.

I don't believe my case is unique, the big difference being I am not destitute and my wife is still able to work and receive a small income, thank God for that. But, many seniors, and non seniors, are in dire financial straights. I have been blessed to some degree, not rich mind you, but a home and enough to eat. America is quickly becoming a nation clearly divided into the super rich and the abysmal poor, with the poor middle class struggling to pay the bills on both ends of the spectrum. First, a little background to further my point. I am pretty much a victim of my own choices because I went into the military at age eighteen and loved my country, loved my job (aircraft), and felt some sense of self worth in knowing I was serving not only my own interest, but my fellow citizens as well. Corny? I guess so in retrospect. But I was really proud of my uniform at the time and what it (I) represented.

I left the military before retirement (after fourteen years) because there had been so many drastic changes from the time I enlisted. The military is now a business, controlled and supported (somewhat) by corporate America and outside influences (I'll let you guess who). Basic attitudes were changing, attitudes I couldn't deal with personally. It was becoming highly political and the attitude was changing from "Defending the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic," to an all volunteer force resembling a force of paid mercenaries, even to the shameful point of serving under the authority of foreign commands via the UN. Michael New learned this the hard way, just as some of our awakening military personnel are learning today. Michael was subjected to mass humiliation by the very soldiers and officers he loved and respected, betrayed by his superiors who had folded to the NWO killing machine and then discharged him for refusing to make his United States uniform inferior to the UN uniform by having to wear UN id patches, and submit to the authority of foreign national rule (which I understood while I was in is illegal and subject to the UCMJ). No American soldier should have to take orders from a foreigner! Michael New is the REAL hero! Military logos went from; "Peace Is Our Profession" (our logo in SAC) to seeing logos in military offices and on military equipment which simply read; "We love to kick ass," and "F---Iraq," spelled out by good Christian service men and women on an aircraft carrier. Oh yes, that really sounds macho, but with a barbaric Nazified tone.

To me, this is a sick and distorted mentality under which our current military is operating today, as can be witnessed in the inhuman tortures, slaughters, and immoral actions being carried out in Iraq as I write these things. No man or woman should "love to kick ass, or kill," this (killing in war games) then becomes little more then murder because it is a state of mind and purpose. We do what is necessary to remain a free people, hopefully short of killing, we don't need to make war a Gladiator show, or an arena for entertainment venture, a Roman spectacle, if we do, then we have become the "new barbarians" of the world. Certainly there is no "humane" war, but the American military has taken shame and atrocities to a whole level with an almost diabolical killing mentality. Its like they have some demonic orgasmic pleasure, not just simply in killing, but the extended extreme suffering they now inflict, mostly on innocent very young and very old civilians, as we witnessed in the tortures of naked prisoners in Iraq with our brave female soldiers looking on and laughing. The more gory the better, even to torturing of injured pet dogs, as we learned recently from Iraq. Sorry for getting off on a tangent, but these things must be said also. This is part and parcel of Bush's "War Of The Worlds." War has a direct impact on homeland social services.

Back to my point on health care and Bush's sly omission in presenting that particular case last evening.

I left the military and went into the real world of employment, I didn't earn a lot of Social Security retirement (a joke in its self) due to the limited time I had left to remain in the work force. When I was military we didn't participate in SS, so if one did leave he was simply screwing himself financially, but this was a moral choice I had to make. In retrospect I should have stayed the remaining six years and sat around on my butt like they all do, waiting for that fat government retirement check and benefits, oh well, Que Sera Sera. I get a monthly SS check for just over $700.00 from my employment in the civilian field, from that I have to pay a hefty fee for Medicare, leaving me just under $700.00/mo. My health care, the minimum I can get and insure that I won't be ejected from my home, or accrue doctor or hospital bills that I would never be able to pay, has been running me between $600.00 and $750.00 a month to cover my wife and I. We have to shop carefully every year for the lowest cost provider which will cover the basics. Health care insurance goes up a considerable percentage every year. Most providers should be jailed as criminals for their coverage cost, but then maybe not, their cost only reflects the criminal cost of hospital and other medical services, such as anywhere up to five bucks if you order a single aspirin from their pharmacy while in the hospital. One could recover cheaper at a Holiday Inn than in a hospital room and receive better service. So, where does that leave room for such trivial things like food, car expenses, medications, cloths, standard bills such as heating and electrical you might ask? Well, that is the point. The "Decider" made all the standard bullshit promises last evening but you can bet he didn't touch his and Cheney's "Golden Calf," the Pharmaceutical industry, and the obscene cost of medications in America, the second largest rip off just under petroleum products, especially gasoline. They protect their "Golden Calf" so carefully that they restrict, or prevent Americans from obtaining affordable medications in Canada.

Millions of Americans live hand to mouth, most just one payday from financial disaster and he talks about a growing economy, a prosperous America, and introduces a couple of citizens who managed to break out of the system and earn a decent living, like this is the "norm." Sure, its prosperous for Bush and his NWO ilk, why shouldn't it be, they take almost half of the American working man and woman's income every year and spend it on themselves (congressional perks and pet programs) and to wage their corporate money wars at over $8,000,000,000 a month. It boggles the mind at what that amount of blood for oil money would do for health care and Americans here at home.

The trap is obvious and cyclical. The Israeli run American government encourages personal debt by not limiting unlawful and destructive usury (percentage rates) charged by their own "non federally" operated Federal Reserve (misnomer) and Cabalist operated banking empire. By virtue of their closed ownership they protect all the credit card companies. It isn't uncommon to receive two or more credit card offers a month, easy credit, easy slavery. Almost every American is in serious personal debt by design. If a young American were to only pay the minimum on a $10,000 balance with a 15% APR, it would take them more than 39 years and cost them over $16,000 in interest charges.The average borrower will never be debt free.

This keeps us subservient and obedient to the "duel masters" the monster corporate/government, the monster we ourselves allowed to spawn and grow, through apathy, indifference, ignorance, and internal corruption until now the benevolent servant (government) has become the cruel task master.

The most backward primitive societies on earth don't throw their senior citizens, their Mom's and Dad's out in the cold, only in rich America stands guilty of that. My, how easy it is for the rich and powerful to feign compassion in their egotistical condescending fashion, especially when the TV cameras are on them.

Yes "Decider," we witnessed your mouth moving but nothing substantial was coming out. You speak with forked tongue. You'll continue to serve your masters. The killing and the slaughtering for oil will continue and America will remain status quo. We will continue to exchange the blood of our children for butter to feed our sorry greedy appetites and to lubricate the gears on foreign oil wells. Evolving? Sure we are!


"When you have robbed man of everything, he is no longer in your power. He is free again."  --Aleksandr Solzhenytsin


""Before the war is ended, the war party assumes the divine right to denounce and silence all opposition to war as unpatriotic and cowardly." --Senator Robert M. La Follette



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