The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
A Response To: Harry Schultz Says:
'It's All Over!' - Is He Right?
Jim Kirwan

Harry Schultz is both Right and Wrong. Harry says there is: "the supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers" and as that is true this concept is unthinkable, if there is to be a world to live in. However Harry goes on to say, "I fear we've lost the game. The Insiders have won." That's incorrect on both counts and its statements like this that can easily distort the minds of many. First, this is NOT a game, and we have not yet lost our way-to the Hidden-hand of the Insiders.
Schultz continues: "Many. . . are prohibited by the system from reforming it. Commercial, media & political power is concentrated in just a few elite hands." Right again: yet all this depends on the willing compliance of the sheeple-because if we balk-if we stop doing what we are told to do, then everything will break down. The 'system' will very quickly begin to destroy itself, because the entire mechanism is built around "just-in-time" delivery. If that system fails, for just one full day-then it will cost the Hidden-hands that direct our lives-billions-in lost profits: And, over time, stock depreciations, loss of prestige and so on. This is because Business-in-America has become a machine with human cogs that use blood instead of oil, to keep it all running smoothly. This was all made very clear in the film, "Metropolis" which was originally made by Fritz Lang in 1926, then remade in the 90's.
As sheeple, we must stop grazing in those meager pastures of contained survival. We must begin to LOOK-UP and stop whatever we were doing. That's all that it would take if this action was supported by enough of those who are currently enslaved to various divisions of the elite's power structure. Forget the BS about "brainwashing" that Harry goes on about; we're not so important that we must be actively coerced to live that half- hearted existence that we do now. Our lives today are governed by 'the paths of least resistance.' Baubles of fake rewards tend to rule our desires and these images are everywhere: From 'America's Next Top Model,' to "American Idol." These programs are not about fashion or talent-they're about sexual fantasies and dreams of unattainable & unearned wealth. Just as "Survivor" has nothing to do with real survival, this is only about perverted power and pseudo victories. There is also the in- between stuff as well: the endless cycles of the games of sport or chance to fritter away whatever might be left of sentient thought. If those sports figures played their 'professional' games in the same way we fail to look at American-politics: They would be booed off the field, and their franchise would be dissolved-in a New York minute!
We don't need to be conned into anything more, than we are already doing: in fact we pay these thugs to let us play at everything, by their rules and not ours-because we are too shallow to care about anything besides ourselves. Why have so many begun to compare our behavior to that of sheep? Whenever a people have chosen to be so blind that they cannot see what is happening to the natural world around them-a world that they literally depend upon for their very survival: then those people have become dumber than a flock of sheep.
There is a massive die-off taking place in the oceans and the rivers and the lakes of the world. There will no longer be any life in those waters in just a few years: The massive deaths of fish, of porpoises and whales, combined with the die off of frogs, birds, butterflies and bees, means that we are killing the natural world faster than ever. The fact that we choose not to notice these things confirms that we are becoming too-dumb-to-live. The world is a very complex and inter-related place: yet the sheeple of America can only seem to handle one thing at a time-and for too many that "one-thing" is becoming the only thing that they allow themselves to be concerned with. If this 'changes' then maybe there will be a tomorrow, if not: Then Harry's right ­ "It's All Over!"
Schultz talks a lot about the manipulation of money and wealth: The fake stats, the implied duality of monetary systems, plus the free floating dollar that is not backed by gold (1). There is also downsizing and outsourcing, that increase corporate bottom lines but which simultaneously kill what few jobs there still are: while this cycle creates massive bonuses for elites everywhere. Why is there no public outcry? Could it be that the sheeple think, that by owning stock in those companies, they too might profit? And yet those 'companies' are the same powers, that are planning to exterminate them - one job at a time? The sheeple may choose to say nothing, but they check their stocks and many actually believe that they'll be among the lucky few that will survive the coming crash. What they don't seem to realize is that the traditional stocks they own, no longer matter much; because everything is now held in the bloodstained claws of the Hedge-funds. These supra-funds make the normal movements on the Dow-Jones look like two coffee cans connected by a string; While the Hedge-fund's movements are so vast and overarching that their activity alone, almost defies description. It's the Hedge-funds that will determine the fate of all the 'little stocks' (the big names in American business that once stood for something). When the Hedge-funds begin to crash, a whole lot of 401K's will become virtually worthless-because they'll just be gone!
All those good little sheeple that have held their tongues and worn their blindfolds with such care, for all this time: never protesting, never speaking-out: these quiet two-faced dupes will be shocked and broken. When this happens, they will become as poor as the ordinary people that they plundered (perhaps unintentionally), way back when they were just proud of their 401K's and so confident that they would never be affected-except perhaps only slightly by the coming 'crash.' All of that was before the advent of the Hedge-funds that will put an end to all their little dreams-forever. If this happens Harry will be right-AGAIN!
After the crash and the implementation of the North American Union, these same millions of victims will discover, to their horror, that then there will be no cash economy. The "Amero" will replace what was the currency of the former United States of America Inc. and this will mark the final chapter that was begun with the Act of 1871. These "adjustments" to our way of life will also mark the end of what we used to call "this country," because by then we really will be existing only, in THE HOMELAND INC. That's one more for Harry!
Then there's the romantic idea of "the Return to Past Glories," which is never going to happen, anymore than a virgin who is raped can ever be the same person as she or he was, before the rape! No one can go back to that time of innocence before the Elites put on their ski-masks and began their murderous and thieving ways that have so twisted this world's purposes -to fit-within their tiny and demented plans. Many share Mr. Schultz's view that "It's All Over!" yet most have never even thought what they might do, to counter this impending loss of all our freedoms. Instead they simply scan the headlines, now and then, deciding finally that 'this is just over-their-heads, and they probably can't win anyway ­ so why bother? This is only possible when individuals have no real or vested interests in the place or nation where they supposedly "live." But sheeple don't actually "live" anywhere except in their fantasies; they don't "feel" anything beyond their own creature comforts - so they have no conscience. And without a conscience they cannot comprehend compassion or the kind of compass needed to maintain stability within a wider world. To the sheeple the world is just one huge unending pasture, where the grass varies from place to place. Sometimes they need to detour around the burned out rain- forests or those clear cut areas where nothing grows at all ­ but hey there's always going to be more grass-isn't there?
Hence the public has tended to remain on the fringes of this war- upon-us all. So when some of us begin to raise our voices, this makes a lot of people uncomfortable. If they're on the web, they can just "DELETE" and continue on with their pre-planned days or nights. This is hardly what is needed from a people that are facing the loss of all their freedoms. So what do they do? They declare that they've lost-before they've even begun to fight ­ this says a lot about this thorny problem that Harry Schultz was looking into.
He said: "It isn't good news that we need, but a clear picture of our awful situation." True! However he was wrong when he went on to say: "There is no current hope for reform, change, or replacing the controlling elite." Harry was wrong because, there are actually ways to begin that process: 'The Hammer' (Tom DeLay) was broken and is awaiting trial. Same is true for a number of the criminals surrounding Abramoff that have fallen, and that process is continuing. Now Cheney appears to have outlived his usefulness, along with Rummy, who's still hiding out inside the Pentagon-both might be charged along with Rice for lying to congress, the FBI, and the 911 commission: And as of yesterday there is now the total and very public failure of Robert Muller, that non-descript thing that heads the FBI, along with his superior Roberto Gonzalez; the man who wrote the torture memos. It seems both men have completely failed to prevent their rogue-agents from violating US laws, or even the extended illegal perks within the USA Patriot Act. The result is that now there are 140,000 plus people, out there, who ought to get together and sue the government for violating so many of their civil rights. But the real damage done was to the internal credibility of this fascistic dictatorship: Because its things like this that WAKE the sheeple ­ and the directors of those Hidden-hands simply cannot tolerate it!
There was also this last night on 60 minutes, about even more incompetence. It seems that the FBI decided to blame one Stephen Hatfill for the Anthrax scare. They didn't bother with evidence, they just began a whisper campaign, a sort of trial by innuendo, held on television mostly by John Ashcroft, and Mueller-the-Moron who still has his job: despite his total incompetence Before, During and After 911. The FBI didn't make their case then and now Hatfill is now taking them to court! Most likely he will win because, unlike the sheeple: He aggressively resisted this government's campaign of lies, innuendo, and harassment. Hatfill is using the current laws (flawed as they may be) to smash the government's case and the fools that came after him. The point here is: That unless people begin to follow Hatfill's example, by legally and publicly resisting this criminal cabal in every arena where they seek control-then we shall indeed fail. However if we do this, then 'everything' could Begin-to-change! (2)
Forget the "usual methods!" Screw the Congress-they only listen to Israel, and never to American voters! We need to start making everything a local matter, because all Politics really is local! While the networks have their hammer-locks in place, thanks to Clinton's Telecommunications Act that legalized the theft of local control over real news, then turned it all into gossip or propaganda-despite all that there is still some dissention in their ranks. Why not at least find out ­ call them up, be clear but determined. Make certain! Send them a "The Question of the Week"? Involve your friends and make the "question" as interesting to as many people as you can. Set up sit-ins at the stations: bombard talk-radio with Questions, Questions, and more Questions! Then watch the resistance grow right there where you live-because the people DO know that this whole thing STINKS-Big- Time!
The creatures that we're up against are NOT Super-human - they can be made to feel the pressure when this is done carefully. Take a national story, one that's sure to aggravate the 'The Decider' and then begin by asking local media why they haven't covered that! Tape a few of their programs and break down how many minutes are devoted to which topics ­ then force them to justify the use of the word "NEWS" in their programming. Write to the FCC and send copies of your queries and responses to publications like Mother Jones, or Harpers, Vanity Fair or GQ ­ they're interested in what's really going on. Ideally the stations themselves might actually begin to help ­ but if not then get as many signatures as you can-and demand that they make changes to their format or face hearings on their license to broadcast, over YOUR airwaves: 'The People' ­ need to "get creative!"
Too many people here: quit before this fight began, and now those 'sunshine patriots' say "It's Too Late ­ we can never change anything now!" That's just a bunch of lazy people, looking for another easy out. If hundreds of people began to fight back, nationwide, within their own communities and who knows, maybe the people of this country might even begin to talk to each other again! That is the key-because conversations are the doorway that can lead to discussions. If we can talk 'with' each other instead of 'to' each other, then there's a real chance some things will finally begin to change. Because together we are all much stronger than any solitary warrior ever could be. . .
The little people, the ones that have thrown off their sheepskins, can also resist in a million little ways that will not come back to bite them personally. For instance, Americans produce more than almost any other nation, because the degree of our personal- productivity is at an all time high (because too many are terrified they will be fired), and companies count on this. They turn this output into bonuses for themselves-while the "working wage" continues to go backwards. They used your competence to expand their profits, while they tried to kill your job. What would happen if you were just a bit less conscientious? Remember everything is tied to their clock; from the order placed, to the preparation, the packing, the shipment itself as well as the delivery ­ all of it relies on time and personal competence: That's why It's called Just-In-Time! As this Thought-Form gets planted into thousands-and- then-millions of working minds, things will be forced to change, because 'Business' cannot withstand those kinds of changes that will ultimately destroy their finely tuned tyranny that creates their excessive personal wealth; and it is that which actually produces the power that they then use to discriminate, to tyrannize, and to bully those who make it all possible ­ That's you and me!
When THEY begin to stumble, they will soon be devoured like the road-kill that they've always been: Their "power' will be torn apart by the Vultures of Capitalism who measure ever tremor in the system. Once such things begin to roll through the black-granite caverns of that place where their hearts should have been-then even the ice-palaces of the BANKERS will begin melt under the pressure. Because when the Sheeple finally begin to LOOK-UP ­ then and only then ­ will anything really begin to change! Enter the new era of "The Good, the Bad & the Ugly"! (3)
When the pressure to survive is shifted from the human cogs that have been chained within-the-system, because those little people begin to refuse to cooperate with the criminals in their own impoverished enslavement: Then the balance of power between those who work and those who profit will begin to CHANGE again! This is the ultimate answer to Harry Schultz ­ and this must be answered from those decisions made, within each and every one of us. Is this tyranny really "OVERWITH" or are we going to finally begin to fight them here and now-on their own ground-until we can regain our Freedom-From the tyranny of these self-professed dominators that stand astride our dreams: Dreams that have been converted to the nightmares that each of us must pay for?
As for the rest of this long article: I would only suggest that among the thousands of us, that are opposing this over-blown charade, we do have the skills needed to bury them. Obviously - We don't have 'enough ' people with the right skills, but those that we do have, are worth millions - of them.
This 'takeover' is being undertaken solely for egregious and illicit profits, for the twisted dark powers that only brutality can bestow, and for the personal 'High' that too many of them get from screwing virtually helpless people. There is no trace of any belief system among the lot of them - there is only greed, hatred, and fear. Fear for the security of their own positions - fear that they might be sabotaged from within, or murdered by one or more of us (there are many ways to die ~ and an outright death is not the most painful of them all).These are the opposite of 'Super-Beings' these are the literal dregs of this or any other society, and that FACT has become increasingly clear.
Why does that matter? Because it means (even to them) that they cannot survive, because all their so-called plans and perverted fantasies are constructed of and by parasites, and all of their constructions are built upon that quick-sand of corruption that lies at the heart of a literal desert - when it comes to innovation, creativity, or thought of any kind. Whether in nature, or in societies - these FACTS are clearly known to cause "near" total failure - each and every time that such organizations attempt to raise their hideous and completely mindless heads.
I said "near" because to date this THING has been growing through more than two world wars, and a procession of several governmental failures - only to return - reconfigured Again and Again ~ yet ~ which always meets with colossal failure. This time we must rip out the black granite "hearts" of those bankers, conspirators, mercenaries, and the thousands of uncommon-criminals that are AGAIN attempting to take the world straight into that hell that they so obviously believe in.
At the core of every human being there is a flame that continues to burn ~ and those embers yearn to burst out again, into that flame of liberty which everyone who seeks to live knows only too well. That flame is stronger than all of the dark forces amassed against it. This is not something that can be defeated by cleverly spinning the circumstances, or by locking down whole populations. Because this is the essence of being human - and those who have terminally opposed all of life - will always find ways to destroy themselves along with those millions that they have plotted for so long to maim, and murder to their heart's content. That's the simple truth!
?I know that getting to that realization will kill many, many more people in the process, but equally I know the days of the New World Order are numbered and they shall not only not succeed ~ their cause will become so hated that even the thought of this obscenity rising again - in the end - will not survive!
I guess my point above, is that while we cannot afford to underestimate "THEM," Neither can we fail to believe that we can and will - not only beat them in this dirty war, but those who survive this continuing crime, will have triumphed over this toxic cancer that too many have courted, for far too long.
That torch of Freedom is a hard taskmaster, and it requires feeding regularly. The flame is always and only fed by the blood of those who would be free - and freedom can't function on "substitute fuels" - ever!
Please note that the wounds in 'Liberty' are 'exit wounds' because the attacks upon us came directly from inside this country. . . when we unmask those facts, the balance will shift on everything they've done, and on all they want to do!
1) Juicing the Stock Market
2) Tables Turned in Anthrax Investigation - 60 Minutes - CBS News
3) September 11- Revisited



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