FOX's 'Hip' Goes Out - It's
Fallen And It Can't Get Up!

By James Neff

FOX attempts to be 'hip' with its new line-up of news/info-tainment programming, The Half Hour News Hour (stripped straight from the stage of Comedy Central's The Daily Show with John Stewart) and Red Eye, a late night gab-a-thon hosted by Greg Gutfeld and a panel of easily forgettable personalities who will soon go back to their day jobs writing slogans for ultra right wing political candidates and as entertainment directors aboard elderly cruise ship charters -- both programs an absolute exercise in futility.
The attempt by FOX to go hip and cool with 'cutting edge' supposedly 'conservative' based humor falls completely flat for several simple reasons. NeoCons are not funny. It's just that simple. The closed minded, arrogant NeoCon cannot be creative, it simply comes (or doesn't come) with the territory. Such a mindset and worldview isn't conducive to humor and creativity, it takes itself far too seriously and has old, grey mule blinder flaps obscuring its vision of the real world. Like all NeoCon endeavors, it simply smells of mind control. No amount of poking fun can cover up such an obvious, deliberate stench. It was even advertised as guaranteed to offend any liberal. In the continuing attempt to polarize the nation, FOX embarrasses itself yet again with amateurish crap. Old episodes of Hee Haw carried more stinging, well-written right wing humor.
The Half Hour News Hour, which feels a lot like a regular Fox news broadcast only hosted by smartaleck pseudo-hipster SNL wanna-be's struggles through the format without ringing any bells, and worse, becomes overtly offensive when pausing for the traditional fake commercial or PSA spot which sports well crafted brain washing double-speak about the evils of the ACLU. Get a clue, NeoCons... if the ACLU had not secured the rights of Nazi's to march in Skogee, Illinois back in the 70s, offensive though it may be, today we might not be able to even find a Bible in a public library or worse. Wake the hell up! Either all of us are protected by Constitutional rights and liberties, or none of us are. But of course, to the NeoCon, historic perspective is strictly something out of Bizarro world... Watergate never happened, the Vietnam war was a noble cause, McCarthy was a champion of American Virtues and Jesus is a staunch Republican.
There's nothing wrong with politically slanted humor, as most media tends to lean toward the left and likewise most comedy does as well, but NeoCon humor (not the same as 'conservative' humor, ie Foxworthy's Blue Collar Comedy ) is kind of like finding Joseph McCarthy's note pad doodles of hanging communists and "artist types" worthy of being a colorful illustrated coffee table publication or maybe Dennis Miller finally alliterating himself into a corner without an adverb to set him free. Let's be real about Miller, one of FOX's latest verbose acquisitions as a NeoCon mouthpiece, there's just so many transient pseudo-intellectual worldly references the human ear can tolerate from a human babble-box before one feels like a basketball-bouncing Bolivian bartender at a Batista birthday bash. *ahem*
Red Eye is an attempt by FOX to convince the world, or maybe itself, that NeoCons are "with it," when we all know they are just with themselves... alone... in a dank closet with Ann Coulter seeing who will have the guts to ask her if they can touch her adams apple. Yeah, that's the queasy, unnerving feeling this show gives you. A slight shudder and sense of nausea (know ye well the signs of the end times!). The only entertaining moments of the carefully pruned cultural yak-fest is the viewer mail which is so predominantly negative, one feels one has not wasted ALL of ones time sitting through Red Eye and FOX watchers are not all entirely addled automatons.
It is not likely either of these programs will fly, but then again, FOX is in a position now where it can bankroll any programming it wants. And will, if it fits the NeoCon agenda for tinkering with the minds of the masses. These two programs exist at Fox for one simple reason, in fact, one name: Stephen Colbert. If it were not for Colbert, Fox wouldn't be wasting its time trying to do the same thing as Comedy Central. But I'm afraid The Colbert Report has trumped all successors, it has even cast a chilling shadow over its progenitor, The Daily Show with John Stewart.
There are few minds as sharp and twisted as Stephen Colbert, and he's going to keep Fox on its toes with his bassackwards conserva-liberal mutation of the O'Reilly show. A recent 'mutual assured destruction' campaign which brought Colbert onto the set of the ever humorless Bill O'Reilly's The Factor to spin the no-spin zone on its heels, and likewise, O'Reilly to the set of The Colbert Report, (an exchange which damn near sparked a matter/antimatter flux in the time-space continuum, but it's very likely the microwave oven Stephen Colbert craftily lifted from the O'Reilly green room and placed on display as a trophy on the set of Colbert Report calmed the tides of universal chaos and entropy enough to stabilize reality after the event) marked the first chapter in what will probably be an on-going and entertaining feud between FOX and Comedy Central. In the end, FOX will just embarrass itself with poor imitations and hackneyed rip offs couched in NeoCon dentu-grip with a sticky guarantee of repugnancy.
Chris Pinero
Your article, "FOX's 'Hip' Goes Out...', cracked me up. I literally had to pause for laughing out loud when I read the line, "when we all know they are just with themselves... alone... in a dank closet with Ann Coulter seeing who will have the guts to ask her if they can touch her adams apple." I mean to tell you that I laughed for a solid minute after reading that line. Seriously! 
You and Jeff are still producing the finest news website available on the net, hands down. It is honestly hard to imagine just the two of you assembling such an array of information in so many formats. As always, keep up the top-notch work (like getting the website back up and running so quickly)...and tell David Dees that his artwork is compelling...and deeply disturbing...why is it so hard to stop staring at the 'North American Union' image?
Best regards,
Chris Pinero



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