Three Questions & Two Walls
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By Ted Lang

If one wishes to understand the so-called complex undertones and interactions connecting the geopolitical world, and the dangerous mess we are all embroiled in today, one must come to the realization that this requires an understanding of World War II. I knew this when I was still young; but as the saying goes, youth is usually wasted on the young. That is because when one is young and strong, youth seems invincible. And along with advanced years comes understanding, but only for those who are driven by inquiry. Writing political commentary requires both, namely, inquiry and understanding.
Inquiry must be tempered by the realization that one can never have all the answers. And when pat answers are indeed obtained, most of them are proven wrong by the mere passage of time. Nevertheless, inquiry into the causes, as well as the effects, of World War II, must be understood to launch inquiry into the whys of here and now. It was this gnawing realization of the serious deficiency in my appreciation of the historical events surrounding World War II that I knew I had to tackle this undertaking.
If ignorance is bliss, I have now acquainted myself reasonably well with an understanding of the "good war," and find that it, along with EVERY war, was both unnecessary and uncalled for. This generates my disappointment with humanity and the sadness acquired with such knowledge. It identifies Man's failure in the world so graciously provided to us by our Maker. And this observation, as made by me and many others of far greater stature in terms of their level of public recognition, their level of achievement, their intellectual capacity, and other superior human qualities, generates yet more inquiry into the obvious and continuing collective foolishness of Man.
Along with a general knowledge of the causes of WW II, the conduct of the war by the belligerents, and its final outcome, I found myself initially curious to an extent that can be reduced two three basic questions regarding that war; first, why did Hitler and his Nazis so hate the Jews? Second, why was Nazi hatred for the Jews such a factor in the war? And third, if the war was such a success, resulting in the total destruction of Nazism and its hatred-driven activities and institutions, why are we still reliving the Holocaust on a seemingly unending daily basis?
It is, perhaps, folly putting one's head in the sand and to actively pursuing ignorance and the bliss so often accorded to it; but as for me, I'd rather know the ugly truth than allow myself to be converted to intellectual and warm body fodder for deadly connivers, plotters and manipulators. Why allow them to transform me and my family and friends as expendable assets and merely potential collateral damage for the political expediency of their unnecessary and ill-advised wars? And if wars are not mere extensions of political expediency and irrefutable evidence of the contemptible plotting, conniving, deadly politicians have for their own citizens, why are we still reliving the Holocaust?
This now brings me to a "model" I would like you to consider. As an accountant, I rely heavily upon Gates' Microsoft Excel. Consider for a moment that you are an accountant and have been asked to accumulate numbers in three columns and then add them up to strike a total for each column. You would, of course, place a heading at the top of each column to type-classify the numbers data that you were asked to accumulate and possibly to research. The three columns not only have horizontal lines, but vertical ones to separate them. We will now employ this simple concept to serve as the basis for our "model."
The three concepts to be considered are, therefore, separated by two so-called walls: the vertical line between the first concept and the second, and the vertical line between the second and the third. The first two concepts are easily and readily understood; not so very easy to understand is what I have previously alluded to; namely, the third concept, which I intend to describe by a non-word. The third concept describes, in its original form, a horrific event capturing the concept of the lowest levels of human depravity. But I now offer it in a slightly different manner. I intend to offer it as an ongoing activity, or yet another "ism."
Here are the three concepts: 1) Judaism; 2) Zionism; 3) "Holocaustism." Judaism and Zionism are different; in fact, I would offer that there is a world of difference between them, as recently proven by Zionists themselves when vociferously attacking the free speech rights of Jewish professors Tony Judt and David Noble, and smearing them as "anti-Jewish" and even as being "anti-Semitic." How can Jews be anti-Jewish? Of course, these academics were smeared by the Zionist network for speaking out against the government of Israel. They stand alongside such American patriots and courageous academics as Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.
Judaism is a religion, every bit as much as are the numerous denominations of Christianity, the basic divide being that of Catholic and Protestant. Zionism on the other hand, is an "ism" much of the same flavor and connotation as Nazism, Fascism, Bolshevism, Communism and Zionism; and all of the latter three "isms" can be identified as products of "Jewish" intellectualism. But do Jews really wish to be identified with these? And if some do, then wouldn't the term "Zionism," the concept of a Jewish state, be the least offensive of these?
It is a vital and integral objective of Zionism to "marry" Judaism and Zionism. It is vital to the Jewish state to claim all Jews as their own. But are they? It doesn't seem that Jewish Professors Judt and Noble would be welcomed in Israel, especially after being smeared by such "Jewish" organizations as the ADL, the "American" Jewish Committee, AIPAC, Hillel, etc., etc., etc. Zionists desperately need, and are aggressively motivated, to totally eliminate any wall of delineation between themselves and the Jewish populations of all nations. If that wall is strengthened and reinforced, Zionism is cast out and isolated for all to see and recognize.
At the back end of Zionist power, is a term I believe I will now coin, as being that of "Holocaustism." More than any other condition, Holocaustism serves the interests of Zionism immeasurably and is the source of their greatest power. Again, a wall of truthful delineation exists between the terms "Zionism" versus "Holocaustism." To repeat, the wall of delineation between Judaism and Zionism, and that which separates Zionism from Holocaustism, are both based upon truth and reality. The destruction of these walls of truth is the main objective of Zionism.
In previous efforts, I have redefined Zionism as well. Zionism is no longer the mere concept of a Jewish state, but the usurpation of American wealth, power and capital in the form of American taxpayer revenues, special privileges accorded only to the Jewish state and to no other, and the deployment of our own military in virtually exclusive support of the government of Israel. No other nation on Earth has so usurped the advantages and protection offered by the United States thanIsrael. Zionism is now defined by this writer as the total destruction of the American state to advance only the interests of the Jewish state.
With the foregoing as background, it shouldn't be long before we are all apprised of the growing worldwide hatred for Jews. Growing, as well as more frequent expressions of "anti-Semitism," will now be identified as dangerously occurring and becoming more cacophonic, thereby lending more than mere incidental and sporadic eruptions confirming, continuing and expanding the Holocaust. These protestations are, however, concrete evidence of the continuing employment of the concept of Holocaust, or "Holocaustism." Zionists want US to believe that the Holocaust is ever ongoing, even nowadays. So then, why did we fight and "win" WW II if this didn't forever end the Holocaust? And consider the blasphemy of merely questioning the number of innocent Jews lost in the Holocaust!
After digesting Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, I found the author a good blow-by-blow describer of the events leading up to Nazi control of Germany. Shirer was a good journalist, but as is unfortunately the case with almost all journalists, a far better propagandist and story teller than an intellectually gifted analyst and honest commentator. He discredited Hitler's concept of "Jewish bankers," thereby unwittingly or otherwise ignoring the Rothschild influence in establishing control over America's money and wealth. Rothschild and his descendants and banking partners were also the chief architects of Zionism. Rothschild's banking intimates and cabal members, the Warburgs, wrote our "Federal" Reserve System Laws. The Federal Reserve System is not "federal;" it is a board of private bankers that have maneuvered itself to control our money supply. Our money is controlled by the foreign Zionist entity now identifiable as the Rothschild-Rockefeller international bankers.
And Shirer's observation that Hitler merely hated the Jews because he was insane and anti-Semitic for absolutely no reason is total nonsense! The hated Versailles Treaty, the "treaty" that ended World War I and brought about the rise of Hitler and served as the primary cause of World War II, was written by the Rothschilds through their New York attorneys, Allen and John Foster Dulles. Allen Dulles founded the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921.
Zionists tricked the dimwitted Woodrow Wilson into involving US in WW I, a war we had absolutely no reason for being in other than to serve the interests of the Rothschilds and their Zionist underlings. Zionists got US into that war, and then wrote the treaty that ended it. To posture themselves this way, it was necessary for them to drag US into it. They are still doing this today. This was what Mel Gibson had try to say albeit while "under the influence." But it is "business as usual" in forever asking the forgiveness of the "Jews" when one offends them by attempting to erect the walls of truth between Judaism, Zionism and Holocaustism.
It is the Zionist dependency upon Holocaustism that serves not only to silence any and all dissent and attack upon its primary objective, which is world domination, but to continue to endlessly revive and rekindle the alleged horrors regenerating collective worldwide sympathy that serves so well to camouflage Israeli atrocities against humanity in Palestine and Lebanon. World opinion is turning against Israel because of the increasing and now more recognized horrors of Zionism. It is these incidents that are generating the great increase in incidents describable as "anti-Semitic." Zionist proactive atrocities are the cause, and not the reactive criticism of the staggering occurrences of inhuman butchery on the part of Israel. Justified rebuke of Israeli atrocities are being framed as "anti-Semitism"  
Israel wants US all to remember the Holocaust with the words, "never again;" yet, it is Israel that is employing tactics just as loathsome as were the atrocities committed by Hitler and his Nazis during the Holocaust. Why has Israel's massacre of innocent, unarmed and unsuspecting Christians in Lebanon not now been reflected upon in the same light as had been attributed to the very Nazi activities Zionists now draw strength from through Holocaustism? It appears the world's guilt trip is ending!
It was the Zionist horrors perpetrated against Egyptian prisoners of war in 1967 that motivated the Israelis to attack the U.S.S. Liberty. They concluded that their internationally banned war crimes had been detected thereby justifying the Zionist atrocity of attempting to sink our ship and to murder 234 of our sailors. Who violated the Geneva Conventions then? Who continues to violate them now? What nation has violated more UN resolutions than any other? Who tortures and then instructed and trained Bush, Cheney and Dummy to torture defenseless POWs? Who behaves today as the Nazis did back in the 30s and 40s? Who has trained Hillaroid? And who more than Nancy Pelosi continues to hawk the same all Holocaustic utterances: "Israel has a right to exist" and Israel's fight is our fight?" And what resources and advantages does our wonderful "ally" provide US? And who's got the oil? Is it Israel that is our chief supplier, or is it the nationsIsrael wants US to carpet bomb? We are indeed Uncle Sap! 
It is more than overdue for the entire world to renounce the unity of Judaism, Zionism and Holocaustism. And as usual, a REAL president, indeed "a president for all seasons," Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, provided US and the world with an international forum to address just these issues. Too bad Ahmadinejad is the crosshairs of the world's most dangerous rogue nation and its 800-pound gorilla, US. And too bad we're saddled with a phony president appointed by the Zionist bankers and its CFR, as well as a phony congress [lower case deliberate!].
But, 'tis the season!' What say we all chip in and buy our leader a new bike? Why hell, we have so much wealth, we can buy him several red shiny bicycles. And also, how about a lifetime supply of pretzels? 
© THEODORE E. LANG 12/22/06 All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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