- Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
- Dear C,
- Can you believe it, I just received the letter you sent
me on 18, July, 2006 today, November 24, 2006!?! That's four months and
six days! This gives you an idea of what's happening with my mail - it's
ridiculous! I also received several other letters today from different
people dated in the first part of July. I received a letter from a notable
professor yesterday that had originally been sent on July 17 - it was received
by the court on July 25, and I just got it.
- The power of those in charge of my mail is such that
there is absolutely nothing I can do about it - there isn't any such thing
as checks and balances here - it is one of the many negative holdovers
from the occupation of conquered Germany by the United States. Unfortunately
my countrymen still don't have the guts to contest unfair and undemocratic
rules and regulations originally imposed upon them by an alien occupation.
What a pitiful bunch - what a sad, sad place - yet they continue to take
it. Amazing!
- I am afraid I have to plead guilty to having become "Americanized,"
in my expectation of Human and Civil Rights protections. "Die Zeit,"
one of Germany's most conservative newspapers had a five page article on
November 9. 2006, about one of the first [2003] German Civil and Human
Rights lawyers . In previous letters to you, Ingrid and Lady Renouf, I
had decried that there never were such organizations in this country, like
the ACLU, or the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, which by the way,
I have been a member of for decades. Well apparently after more than sixty
years of occupation, Germany is finally coming around to the point of view
of relatively civilized nations in respect to the civil rights of its own
- In the past, "Right Wing" folks held the fact
that I was a member of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association against
me, they fretted over my ideological flexibility," my "convictions,"
etc but when it comes to Civil and Human rights and those of the Constitutional
variety, I embrace no "ideology," over that of truth, the truth
is these rights must apply to all men! The problem with many people on
the right is that they are prisoners of their own "law and order"
mentality. I have often become dismayed during interviews and/or conversations
with different individuals when that person would say something to the
effect that "there ought to be a law against this, or a law against
that." They never understood that this very attitude is what has led
us to this current "Bush-Cheney-Gonzalez-Rumsfeld" impasse. In
other words,, this mentality is what has brought about the growing "Police
State," you now face in the United States. The so-called "patriot
Act" has eroded a thousand years of hard fought for "Magna Charta"
type or inspired freedoms from oppression and invasive government interference
in the daily lives of Americans. There is no doubt whatsoever that the
American War for Independence and the Constitution, as well as the Bill
of Rights," developed as part of struggle to free a growing number
of people from the oppressive will of a corrupt dictator. The American
Revolution remains a high water mark of western civilization's struggle
to balance order with maximum personal liberty, but wisely always checked
with common sense, accountability and oversight!
- Unfortunately Americans slacked off on the "eternal
vigilance" necessary to maintain their free republic - slowly but
surely individual liberty is being stripped away, not all at once, which
would set the masses off to Washington DC with pitchforks and rifles, but
ever so slowly, insidiously, they are being taken away - incrementally.
Each increment not being significant enough to dust off the rifle above
the fireplace, not urgent enough for the citizenry to saddle up their horses.,
but sure enough, they are being taken away. As I understand it, in January
2007 Americans will no longer be able to leave America without governmental
permission. [This is true - see here <http://hasbrouck.org/IDP/IDP-APIS-comments.pdf>http://hasbrouck.org/IDP/IDP-APIS-comments.pdf
- 9-11 was orchestrated by the same people that want to
deprive you of individual liberty, and no, it wasn't the Arabs. 9-11 was
employed in order to usher in the final power grab, after the infamous
"coup d'etat " of the hanging chads and the Supreme Courts decision
to go with Bush, despite the fact that he lost the popular vote and that
the election results in Florida were anything but certain. The "Patriot
Act," as we have come to call it was written long ago, only the flash
point or moment of opportunity was needed in order to introduce it without
it and its ramifications being too closely scrutinized by a half sleeping
American public.
- An informed electorate would never have fallen for it
- not if they had been steeped in their own traditions - not if they had
been familiar with their own history - especially in how it related to
the development and purpose of the United States Constitution and Bill
of Rights. A constant, never ending agenda of "warping" the Constitution,
along with an intentional and well orchestrated program to "dull the
vigilance," of the American citizenry has been the name of the game
for more than sixty years now. It really started before WWI - the perversion
of the meaning of the Bill of Rights has been one of America's greatest
problems since the Wilson and Roosevelt Presidencies. Roosevelt's New Deal
legislation and his attempted packing of the Supreme Court allowed the
termites access to the attic so to speak and now the roof is damaged beyond
- The last group that I ever heard seriously discussing
the breakdown of American traditions was, strangely enough, the John Birch
Society, as well as a few Goldwater type Republican holdouts. The rest
had "adapted" and had come to accept the stripping away of individual
liberties as necessary for a variety of reasons. Americans have never fully
realized how terribly warped and distorted their society has become as
a result of the constant assault from within by the termite Fifth Columnist.
The Marxist-Socialist mind set expounded by refugees from Europe and the
intellectual baggage these people carried with them literally infected
the relatively healthy political system in the United States. Canadians
too saw the same thing happen to them after WWII. Quebec even gave it a
name, they called it "La Revolution Traunquille," or the "Silent
Revolution." This phenomenon perverted the French Province first,
it then spread to the English speaking Provinces - starting with the colleges
and university system and then infecting the print media, then broadcasting,
and finally into Parliament itself. That is when the infection began to
trickle down into laws, like "hate laws," and legislation that
allowed "abortion on demand," and changed the rules associated
with immigration - all of these things transformed Canada into the basket
case it is today. Of course the Americans, British, French, Germans, Italians,
Spanish, and Portuguese finally succumbed too the "quiet revolution."
The entire western world has been under assault by a curare like toxin
that has affected our minds, numbs and paralyzes us. That is what has brought
us to the here and now.
- This brings me to the trouncing of the Republicans on
November 7, 2006. Boy was I glad I took Ingrid's advice and bought a television
for my cell and thus could watch all of the interesting election coverage
and commentary on CNN, BBC and Monde 5 [French TV]. I also watched Spanish
and Italian coverage as well as some German commentary. The German networks
are rather boring and parochial/provincial - again, my long absence and
living in the European Diaspora, namely North America, has made me less
tolerant of the blinkered approach the German media takes on such issues.
I thoroughly enjoyed the US election campaign and coverage, the short interviews,
glimpses into the lives of New Englanders, Texans, Californians, etc What
I saw was Americans touting the virtues of traditional American values,
despite all of the media smoke that followed their comments. What were
those traditional American values? Non-interference in the affairs of foreign
governments, I.e. zero support for the occupation of Iraq. I was hearing
Americans essentially restating the ideas espoused by George Washington
in his farewell speech.
- Curtis, hundreds of thousands of Americans would not
today be dead and/or rotting away in Veterans hospitals, in wheelchairs
and in diapers, if they [Americans] HAD ONLY STUDIED THEIR HISTORY and
drew the obvious conclusions. Instead, they DID NOT and now they along
with the rest of the world have paid a steep price. I heard one of the
newly elected politicians on CNN say that it would take 15-20 years to
repair the damage done to the American image by the Bush administration,
if it could in fact even be undone. I was floored by his lack of self delusion.
It was inspirational, even here in this German prison!
- At this point even Bush's father and his friends and
advisors like Scowcroft have concluded it's time to rope in the errant
cowboy and the bad company he keeps. It's "save your ass time"
at the Bush dynasty brain trust.
- So, while I sit here in prison, thanks to the vindictiveness
of my enemies who have schemed for more than thirty years to bring about
what has thus far unfolded, all this goes on - while my enemies have rubbed
their hands together in glee their power has peaked and now is waning.
Their International scheme is in shambles - the helicopters are being prepared
as I write this for a Saigon like evacuation from Iraq and Afghanistan.
As America's power and influence declines, other power blocs and emerging
"super powers" are rising and will eventually replace the old
decrepit and degenerate order - There is no Israeli lobby in Peking or
in New Delhi, in Putin's Russia or in Tehran.
- All the best.
- Ernst as always