Rahim Karjoo, M.D., F.A.S.C.P./F.C.A.P
American Medical Diagnostic Laboratories, Inc.
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Rahim Karjoo, MD, is a Fellow of The College of American Pathologists and of The American Society of Clinical Pathology.
Currently and for the past fourteen years he has been The Laboratory Director and Pathologist  of Doctors Hospital of West Covina, CA, and of:
American Medical Diagnostic Labs of Santa Ana, and concurrently, the past ten of those years has been a Clinical Instructor in the Pathology Department at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
Dr. Karjoo was, for ten years prior,  the Chairman and Laboratory Director of CIGNA Health Plan of California. Earlier in his career he was on the Clinical Pathology Teaching Staffs at Yale University, University of Connecticut Medical School and Pahlavi University School of Medicine, Shiraz, Iran.
His passion and course of research for many years has been the pathology of migration of silicone in human tissue, his silicone implant research having been published in 1995.
Dr. Karjoo has many published papers to his credit and awards for outstanding, dedicated and distinguished services.


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