Neolib Ice Queen
For President

By Kurt Nimmo

It does not matter if there is a strong "anti-Hillary sentiment in the country" and nearly half of all respondents to a Newsweek poll would not vote for Clinton, no matter what.

"A recent Marist Poll showed that 47 percent of respondents nationwide 'definitely will not consider' voting for her, a percentage that alarms some former aides to President Clinton.

Those numbers wll need to change for Democratic primary voters-now comfortable with assessing electability-to move her way," notes Media Matters.

However, as Hillary appears to be the "candidate" (selectee) of choice for 2008, and the corporate media is onboard with the dictates of the ruling elite handed haughtily down from on-high, "Newsweek ignored its own, more recent poll, conducted December 6-7, despite including it in a press release promoting" its December 25 cover story, Is America Ready for Hillary or Obama? In fact, America is ready for whatever unscrupulous, self-seeking, and vicious degenerate the ruling elite throws into the circus ring known as the American political process. Millions of us, of course, plugged into the electronic hearth of the corporate Borg Hive, will vote for this Gorgon, unable to see her snakes for hair, wings, brazen claws, and eyes that turn anyone looking into them to stone.

Hillary snuggles up quite nicely with those who are in the process of reducing the planet to a corporate feudal slave plantation, as demonstrated by her attendance at the latest Bilderberg conclave in Canada. Bilderberg, initially convened by the late Count Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, an honorary member of the German Reiter SS Corps, is a gathering of our lords and barons, including the likes of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, Stephen Harper, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, virtually all of the European Union commissioners, and no shortage corporate titans, including those representing Royal Dutch Shell, Nokia, DaimlerChrysler, BP, Barclays, and the News Corporation, to name but a few. As for the latter, it should be noted that News Corporate CEO, Rupert Murdoch, has cozied up to Hillary as of late, described as a "political odd couple" by CBS under the telling title, "Rupert Murdoch Loves Hillary Clinton." Incompatibility issues under the rubric of "liberal" and "conservative" are strictly for public consumption.

In addition to informing us that Hillary tops John "Keating Five" McCain in the run for unitary decider, Newsday reports Clinton's comment to Meredith Vieira of the NBC Today Show in regard to Iraq. "If we knew then what we know now there certainly wouldn't have been a vote and I wouldn't have voted that way." In other words, Clinton expects us to believe she is an idiot, as it was plainly obvious Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction well before the October, 2002, vote in Congress to give Bush the authority to invade the small and enfeebled country reeling from the devastating injury inflicted upon it by more than a decade of murderous sanctions.

Clinton is firmly onboard with the neolib shell game in regard to Iraq. "Sen. Hillary Clinton said Monday she would not support a temporary surge in the number of American troops in Iraq unless it was part of a broader long-term plan to stabilize the region," reports <MSNBC. "She has signed on to the idea that a phased redeployment of American troops is the best way to pressure Iraqi leaders into taking that greater responsibility, though she has been much more cautious about setting timelines than many of her colleagues in congress," theNew York Observer adds. In essence, this translates into more of the same, as the puppet government of Iraq is obviously incapable of taking "greater responsibility" for the neocon engineered chaos in the country.

Last November, Clinton told CNN she did not "regret giving the president authority [to invade and murder] because at the time it was in the context of weapons of mass destruction, grave threats to the United States, and clearly, Saddam Hussein had been a real problem for the international community for more than a decade," never mind this "real problem" was nurtured by the United States government in the form of technological aid, intelligence, the sale of so-called dual-use and military equipment, and direct involvement and warfare against Iran (while, on the other side of this equation, Israel was selling weapons to Iran in order to kill Iraqis, thus producing a stalemate that resulted in a million people slaughtered).

But Hillary's take on Iraq hardly matters, as it is basically an internecine squabble between kissing cousins, the neocons and the neolibs, team players for the same ideology with a few minor differences. In 2002, Clinton voted for H.J.RES.114, the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002," including an assertion that "the current Iraqi regime has demonstrated its continuing hostility toward, and willingness to attack, the United States."

In fact, it was the other way around, as the United States and Britain launched "Operation Desert Fox," when Hillary's husband was in office (December 16, 1998), specifically targeting "a maternity hospital, a teaching hospital, an outpatients' clinic in the Saddam Medical City and the Health Ministry.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs received a direct hit. Desert Fox's bombs also targeted the capitol's water system, knocking out water supplies for 300,000 people," as Gar Smith notes.

Add to this the imposition of "no-fly zones," established by the United States and Britain, and there was an uninterrupted series of attacks, numbering in the hundreds of thousands. "Since the Pentagon unilaterally declared the existence of the 'no-fly zones' over two-thirds of Iraq, U.S. and British warplanes have flown more than 336,000 sorties. Between December 1998 and June 2000, U.S. and British warplanes entered Iraq's airspace on military missions 21,600 times," killing hundreds of Iraqis.

"Despite nearly four years of punishing attacks, Saddam Hussein has neither threatened to use nor used any weapons of mass destruction," Gar concludes. Indeed, there was "continuing hostility," but it came from Hillary's husband, not Saddam Hussein.

But none of this matters now, especially with the persistent amnesia of the American public. Clinton is simply attempting to provide a bit of wiggle room, inserting distance between her past action as a warmonger and the current reality, as the 2008 dateline for another Neoliberal Order "election," that it to say selection by the elite, closes in.




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