- If you're a Bible thumper or a die-hard born-again, you
may want to hit your browser's "Back" button now before your
blood pressure and pulse rate go off the scale. Don't say you weren't warned.
(I've included some rhetorical and other smart-alec remarks in this essay
to prevent it from being completely dry material.)
- One close look at the engineering within the human
body is enough to convince anyone with even half a functioning brain,
that it is beyond a doubt a marvel of engineering. But what does this mean with
relation to the Bible? Simply that God DOES exist. If one's eyes are
open, they can still discover and understand the precepts and
foundations of today's Christian faith while searching for real truth
behind the curtain at the same time. The written Word we have today may
be more inaccurate than many realize. Unfortunately, most people are too
timid or scared to question anything they are told.
- We live in an age where tele-evangelism has become a
big "non-profit" profitable business, and truth has been sacrificed
on the altar of profit for marketing purposes. Priests, ministers
and pastors dot the earth everywhere, often telling their flock all that
they want to hear - for fear of these people not coming back
next weekend. Many ministers essentially bark at their people
on Sunday, "You're all worthless and weak. Now drop and give me 10!"
(to paraphrase a line from the film Animal House.) They pass brass plates
around (is it an accident that it happens to resemble an inverted hat?)
or baskets on poles before and after the condescending insults
are delivered, demanding the people pay up for the privilege of hearing
it all. And pay they do - billions of dollars every year to hear
these insults. To ministers, their interpretation of the godly word "Hope"
is related to the Sunday morning plate tally. This isn't supposed to be
the real meaning of "sheep" which Jesus referred to often in
His sermons. The Lord taught to turn the other cheek, but He never once
taught people to lie down and be a doormat. Bacon did an excellent job
creating a work that has struck fear into the hearts and minds of billions,
not millions of people in the past 400+ years.
- Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek (at least that's
what the KJV translation has told us.) The overall Biblical
reality is that the other cheek wasn't always turned. Instead, swords
were picked up. The Bible is a very bloody Book indeed. Seemingly endless
wars and death are documented, many of which were claimed to be committed
in the name of God. And so were those hanged in Salem for witchcraft,
killed by the Spanish Inquisition and countless others. Naturally. Perhaps
all this even inspired Steven King's books?
- So where does Sir Francis Bacon fit into the mayhem?
To begin we'll take a brief look at his life. His portrait bears a
striking resemblance to Sir Walter Raleigh of cigarette fame.
Bacon lived from 1561 to 1626. Living to 65 years old in
Bacon's day was no small accomplishment. There were countless harmful diseases
in that day. Bacon's father was known as "Lord Keeper [of the
Great Seal.]" It is a title which he too, would be
given later in life. The "Keeper" is a title associated
with the Illuminati. When Bacon was just 13 years old, he was sent with
his brother to Trinity College at Cambridge. In 1584, he entered the House
of Commons as member for Melcombe. He was knighted in 1603 by James
VI. Today, knighting someone usually is the result of some great life's
work and isn't bestowed until later in life. In 1608 Bacon had entered
upon the Clerkship of the Star Chamber.
- But he was corrupt alike politically and judicially (which
is probably how he was given the Clerkship title) and now the hour of retribution
arrived. In 1621 a Parliamentary Committee on the administration of the
law charged him with corruption under 23 counts; and so clear was the evidence
that he made no attempt at defence.
- [1]
- Sir Francis Bacon
- He had the last word
- Sir Walter Raleigh
- Permanently retired from life (i.e., dead) at age 65
from an "antiseptic experiment" with snow and cold (Bacon's
own words [1]) gone wrong, he is well known as the Bible's editor.
There are those who believe he faked his death, by changing his identity
and moved to the continent. Bacon certainly was no angel and lived his life
much like other people of both his time and ours, except that he was
in a far higher tax bracket for his time. How can one live such a
life, and still be expected to do an accurate translation of the Bible's
manuscripts? In his New Atlantis written in 1610 and published 1627,
Bacon declared that his utopian land of Bensalem had "no touch"
of "masculine love" (a clever and polite Renaissance term for
male homosexuality.) And what of James VI? He was the sponsor of the English
translation of the Bible that bears his name and was himself an accomplished
author, James VI of Scotland was well known for his "passionate attachments
to handsome young men."[2] It's interesting that this homosexual
desire continues with the ruling class continues to this very day. Why
didn't Bacon find women attractive? Perhaps one or both of
his testicles never dropped, but we shall never know. (Nor do we want to.)
- Indeed, what a colorful pair Bacon and James VI made.
Both were 33rd degree free masons and most readers already know what that
means when it comes to masons and Christianity. The masons do not use an
ordinary Bible in their religion - they have their own based on a different
deity. This bastard philosophy polluted the fountain from which the
English translation of the Bible sprang. But it doesn't stop here with
boys, ruffles, top hat and lace collars. There's far more
to consider...
- Edwin D. Lawrence, author of "Bacon is Shakespeare
and The Shakespeare Myth" during a lecture on October 9, 1912 wrote:
"The 1611 King James Bible is ornamented with Bacon's symbols and
in my own special copy of the record edition, also dated 1611, these symbols
are Rosicrucianly [8] marked to call the attention of the initiated to
them and to tell them that the 1611 Bible is without possibility of doubt,
one of Bacon's books... When Bacon was born, English as a literary language
did not exist, but once he died he had succeeded in making the English
language the noblest vehicle of thought ever possessed by mankind. This
he accomplished merely by his Bible and his Shakespeare." [3] (Typographical
and grammatical errors are preserved here.)
- Pen names are used all throughout the literary world
even today. So why couldn't Bacon be Shakespeare?
- We might ponder how long Lawrence lived after publicly
denouncing the powerful Bacon, and what did Lawrence finally die of?
- Bacon-Masonry book written by
- George Tudhope, 1954. Note the
- embellishment of masonic symbols [6]
- One of the most contentious and heated arguments among
church lay-people and born again Christians is regarding the
completeness and accuracy of the Bible. The tired phrase "nothing
can be added to the Bible or taken away" has been chanted for years
by Christians. Repeated endlessly, this reminds one of the Hari-Krishna
airport terminal types. Usually this is chanted by born-again Christians
that have it all figured out - and they won't hesitate to tell you
so. Scholars and historians will tell you that more blood has been shed
throughout history in the name of religion, than for any other reason.
Anyone claiming Biblical completeness is simply ignorant of the true facts
about the Scrolls. If we look at just one small panel of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Book of Exodus (below) we can see that the scrolls are in the same condition
as a cheap paperback book left in a hot attic would be after 40 years,
flaking apart at the edges. Can any idiot using any portion of their
working brain ever honestly declare the Bible is COMPLETE?
- Dead Sea Scrolls - A section at the Library of Congress
in WA, DC.[4]
- Dead Sea Scrolls - Book of Exodus [5]
- How did these fragments become a nice, complete
- Book with perfect sentences and a nice even number
of chapters - 40?
- So far we've looked at the un-inspired translation of
the Bible by a man with questionable character and Masonic philosophy.
He certainly was not a "man of the cloth," but actually a lawyer/philosopher
on King James' payroll. One doesn't need to be a scholar to see
that countless sentences in the Dead Sea Scrolls are either unreadable
or missing. In the standard KJV Bible words shown in italics
were added by James' translators to compensate for missing fragments,
or to "clarify" meaning. No, God didn't come down and put those
words in to make it perfect as many wish to be the case. If one looks
carefully at the modified sentences (which are numerous and on almost every
page) and reads these modified sentences both with and without these
added words, the entire meaning of the sentence can change quite dramatically
yet in clever, subtle ways. Pastors, priests and ministers never talk about
these italic words on Sunday mornings, however.
- Let's look at an one example of scriptural editing from
the Book of Revelation.
- (For rense.com technical reasons, KJV italic
words are shown here in capital letters.)
- KJV/Bacon version:
- "Rev. 6:4 And there went out another horse THAT
WAS red, and POWER was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from
the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto
him a great sword."
- Let's re-read that same verse again without the
words THAT WAS and THE SON:
- "Rev. 6:4 And there went out another horse red,
and was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and
that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great
- So we see that the horse may have been red in the un-embellished
version. But removing the word POWER changes the meaning of the second
part of the verse. After all, what is a deity without special powers? And
without the word POWER, it indicates that no power was given to him to
take peace from the Earth! And what of the one who "sat thereon?"
It appears all he will get is a red horse to do his job. How did Bacon
know what words to add throughout the Bible - and where? Perhaps the word
POWER could also have been FIRE, DISEASE, PESTILENCE, etc... Any of these
can take peace from the Earth and make people kill one another, too.
- Although almost every page in the Bible has numerous
examples of tinkering, we continue to hear from well-meaning Christians
that "nothing can be added or taken away from the Bible."
These people can shut their pie holes now, because it's
too late. Bacon already tinkered with the Bible centuries ago! No one in
their right mind can believe that "creative writing" will
always have the same meaning an "inspired work" has.
- These lost books are mentioned by name in the Bible.
Only a few have been published over the centuries, such as the
Book of Enoch or Book of Jasher. However, the Book of Jasher is still considered
a lost Scripture like Enoch since it isn't included in the Bible.
- Here are a few more of the lost books:
- * Book of the Wars of the Lord (Num. 21:14)
- * Book of Jasher (Josh. 10:13. The name Jasher means
"upright." First published in Venice in 1544, reprinted
in Vienna in 1811.)
- * Book of the Acts of Solomon (1st Kings 11:41)
- * Book of Samuel the Seer (1st Chr. 29:29)
- * Book of Gad the Seer (1st Chr. 29:29)
- * Book of Nathan the Prophet (1st Chr. 29:29)
- * Prophecy of Ahijah (2nd Chr. 9:29)
- * Visions of Ido the Seer (2nd Chr. 9:29)
- * Book of Shemaiah (2 Chr. 12:15)
- * Book of Jehu (2 Chr. 20:34)
- * Sayings of the Seers (2 Chr. 33:19)
- * An Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 5:9)
- * An Epistle to the Church at Laodicea (Col 4:16)
- * Other prophecies to Enoch (Jude 1:14)
- These Books lead us back to Sir Francis
Bacon and what he knew about them. The first page of any KJV Bible pays
homage to King James stating that the Bible was "diligently compared
and revised by his majesty's special command." How many Christians
have actually read that first title page and realize what this means? What
was King James' "special command?" Was it Bacon and his secret
scholar-slaves? We will probably never know what that means. We do know
that after the first five Books of the Bible, the organization of the Bible
ceases to be chronological. It was organized that way by King James' and
his employees who decided it will be that way. I don't think anyone really
knows why to this day. Perhaps it's simply the order they randomly unwound
the scrolls and did their translation. Today, there are some scholars that
fear some of these lost Books ended up in a fireplace or were tossed aside
and lost, because the teachings they contained were too heretical
for that era. Another of Bacon's creative works was titled "New
Atlantis." It mandated a technocratic-type Utopia, which indeed sounds
very much like the philosophy of the NWO we hear about today.
- Nothing stated in this essay is meant to imply that Jesus
Christ did not or does not exist. In fact, historical scholars will tell
you that His life is among the best documented of the ancient world by
written historical documents outside the Bible. The life of Christ impacted
not just religion, but the politics of the day which were interwoven
with religion. Even the kings of Jesus' time didn't all enjoy this
level of biographical history. The question also remains - what did Jesus
actually teach? Do we accurately have ALL of the material he taught? Looking
at the list of missing scriptures, it's clear from the titles alone such
as "Book of the Wars of the Lord" that many important teachings
have been lost. Even the Jews cannot help us with accuracy or missing scripture issues,
because the Torah consists of only the first five books of the Bible
and nothing more. The principle of tithing (giving 10%) as stated in Genesis
14:20 [7] appears to have been completely removed from the Torah, as used
by Jewish orthodoxy today.
- It's highly unlikely tithing is fiction, because one
of the principles the Lord taught was that greed is a sin. And surely the
Lord would have foreseen the greed that would inevitably infect churches
all the way into our present time. We see television documentaries
that always show how it can take a year for a scribe to reproduce one Torah
by hand. Quite likely somewhere in the past the Jews have done their
fair share of "editing" of the scriptures, too. By taking
the principle of tithing out of the Torah, Rabbis everywhere are free
to demand money whenever they like. And they don't hesitate to do it. A
Jewish businessman was moaning to me one day in his office while he
was writing a check for one of the "high holidays," and
how much these were costing him. He reads the Torah everyday, all year
over and over and never saw anything about tithing in it. His Rabbi didn't
know about it either. Regardless of the statement, many KJV bible churches
and believers never speak of it in the proper context. Instead of asking
the members to pay just 10%, they make them sign pledge cards forcing
them to commit to far higher amounts than they can afford. A Methodist
church attempted to pull this one on me when I was 16 years old. My
net pay was $14.00 a week for a part time job at a grocery
store. After offering them a generous $5.00 a week (or so I thought)
they had the nerve to demand more! I told them they were lucky to get
the $5.00! To this day I remember the expressions on their faces. At
that time, I didn't know about the principle of tithing or would have thrown
them out. No doubt, many readers are already familiar with the
feelings of being taken on a similar ecumenical guilt trip.
- To make matters even more confusing, many believers and born-agains will
tell you that everything in the Old Testament is irrelevant! And these
same people will steadfastly also tell you in the same breath, that nothing
in the Bible can be added to or taken away from. So which is it? Toss out
more than half of the Bible? Keep both parts? Few realize that the Old
Testament is more than 3 times the size of the New Testament! Some
well meaning Christians are internally like Curly of the Three Stooges
who might say when connecting up wires, "positive, negative... I never
know which is which!"
- When I once questioned a born-again man a few years ago
why he thought the Old Testament was "irrelevant" and told him
he really had a dichotomy about this. He responded with "You just
don't understand. It's because the birth and teachings of Christ changed
everything, making only the New Testament relevant." He's right. To
this day I still don't understand it. After all, why would God have instructed
his people to build temples in which to worship Him, had numerous prophets
like MOSES, gave the Ten Commandments to the world and have His people
build the Ark of the Covenant - all of which are a part of the Old Testament?
Of course this was all a pointless exercise taking up hundreds of years
because God had nothing else to do, right? How stupid of me that I didn't
- We owe such much to "scholars" like Bacon and
his colleagues for helping to create this ecumenical disaster. He was a
closet free mason whose beliefs and un-inspired editing of the Bible helped
to ignite the chaos we have in religion today.
- When the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the dead desert,
little did that shepherd know what the confusion that would follow.
- Ted Twietmeyer
- www.data4science.net
- www.bookonmars.info
- [1] http://www.luminarium.org/sevenlit/bacon/baconbio.htm
- [2] http://www.glbtq.com/literature/bacon_f.html
- [3] http://www.sirbacon.org/links/bible.html
- [4] http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/deadsea.scrolls.exhibit/intro.html
- [5] http://www.abc.net.au/religion/features/scrolls/ (c)
- Copyright notice of permission here at http://www.abc.net.au/common/copyrigh.htm
- [6] http://www.sirbacon.org/tudhope.htm
- [7] http://www.bibleinsight.com/ti-genesis-tithing.html
- [8] http://www.rosicrucian.org/home.html
- Comment
Anonymous Theologian
- >"One doesn't need to be a scholar to see that
countless sentences in the Dead Sea Scrolls are either unreadable or missing.
In the standard KJV Bible words shown in italics were added by James' translators
to compensate for missing fragments, or to 'clarify' meaning."
- The Dead Sea Scrolls weren't used by the KJV translators,
who used the Masoretic Hebrew text not the only recently rediscovered texts
of an sect of Judaism that had been extinct for over a millennia and a
half by the time they began their project.
- >"We do know that after the first five Books
of the Bible, the organization of the Bible ceases to be chronological.
It was organized that way by King James' and his employees who decided
it will be that way. I don't think anyone really knows why to this day."
- Hundreds of years before Jesus, Jews outside the Israel
needed translations of the Scriptures in Greek, thus the Septuagint (LXX)
was born. The KJV follows the order in the LXX, even though it translated
directly from the Hebrew, because the LXX was what most Gentiles had to
read after in the Christian era.
- There are many more basic errors in your article that
come from spending too much time studying the occult and not enough spent
on things like Church History, the Scriptures themselves, Textual issues,
etc. in order to be able to begin to tell what whether the occult/conspiracy
material you are reading is even possible, much less probable.
- Response from Ted Twietmeyer to "Anonymous
- It's difficult to respect a comment from someone who
claims to be a theologian yet hides their name. I never claimed to be either
a scholar or a theologian, and have never hidden my name. I do not
hide behind a keyboard or bogus name as many readers already know. Unlike
unreferenced rhetoric, I've provided numerous references to good sources
at the bottom of the essay for the information used in the article. Anyone
can use these to learn more. This was done in anticipation of receiving
comments such as yours.
- Unfortunately, most who have written me on this article
clearly haven't looked at these references based on the comments they
- With 1400+ years between Bacon's group and the time the
scrolls were written, it's most likely that the scrolls they used for their
translation looked no better than the Dead Sea Scrolls. Perhaps I should
have made that distinction clearer.Back in the early 1600's of Bacon's
time, archaelogical science was essentially non-existent. In fact, in the
late 1800's and early 1900's people were using mummies as fuel for heating.
(On a History Channel documentary.)
- Archaeology is the science that eventually developed
methods, tools and technology to unwrap and unwind ancient parchments. To
make the statement "In conclusion, Mr. Twietmeyer's allegations consist
of nothing more than uninformed, unintelligent straw man arguments. His
ignorance of all things Biblical is abysmal, to say the least" is
FLAT WRONG. I give numerous references for the statements made, and it's
clear this anonymous expert hasn't read a single one of them.
- Bacon's character remains what it was. Many don't like
this, and it didn't thrill me to learn about it either. The more
I researched Bacon, the less respect I had for him and the more I realized
he was not exactly an inspired man, save it be to earn money for his heavy
debts. However, another fact still remains - that despite all
the nit-picking anyone may do, that biblical scripture has been endlessly
interpreted to suit the affairs and culture of a given era. And any errors
can be amplified and expanded upon by nefarious and greedy men.
- Life in our day is no different. We now have a self-appointed
dictator who blames God for all his negative actions, claiming "God
tells him what to do." There are also plenty of institutions around
the world without doorknobs, also filled with people claiming God tells
them what to do, too.
- The question rarely anyone seems to ask is a simple one:
WHICH god does the dictator listen to?
- Ted Twietmeyer
- Comment
- Dear Mr. Rense
- I would like to respond the Ted Twietmeyer's article,
_Did Francis Bacon Fry the Bible?_
- To put the case bluntly, Mr. Twietmeyer is an ignoramus.
I shall examine some of his statements to prove my point. Quotations from
his article are marked with *
- *Many ministers essentially bark at their people on Sunday,
"You're all worthless and weak. Now drop and give me 10!" *
- Acknowledging one's need for God does not make a person
worthless. Quite the contrary. If God thought people were worthless, he
would never have sent Jesus in the first place.
- The Lord taught to turn the other cheek, but He never
once taught people to lie down and be a doormat.
- No, but Jesus did warn us about false Christs and false
teachers. And the Apostle Paul warned us about false teachers as well.
He said, "But examine everything carefully, hold fast to that which
is good" (1 Thessalonias 5:21, NASB). Naiveté is the result
of cultural conditioning, not Biblical teaching. If people are taken advantage
of, it's usually their own fault.
- *Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek (at least that's
what the KJV translation has told us.) The overall Biblical reality is
that the other cheek wasn't always turned. Instead, swords were picked
up. The Bible is a very bloody Book indeed. Seemingly endless wars and
death are documented, many of which were claimed to be committed in the
name of God. And so were those hanged in Salem for witchcraft, killed by
the Spanish Inquisition and countless others. Naturally. Perhaps all this
even inspired Steven King's books? *
- The reason the Bible is so bloody is twofold: first,
The Bible describes people as they really are, not as they see themselves.
History is full of violence, not all of it religiously based. Second, it
is not unusual for God to use a nation to judge other nations. If Mr. Twietmeyer
doesn't understand this concept, it's because he is ignorant of the Bible's
cultural context (after all, it was written by ancient Semites, not modern
- *Bacon certainly was no angel and lived his life much
like other people of both his time and ours, except that he was in a far
higher tax bracket for his time. How can one live such a life, and still
be expected to do an accurate translation of the Bible's manuscripts? *
- This argument is foolish. Morality is not a necessary
prerequisite to being a Biblical scholar; knowledge is.
- *Pen names are used all throughout the literary world
even today. So why couldn't Bacon be Shakespeare? *
- Does Mr. Twietmeyer have any proof of this? Is it relevant?
- *One of the most contentious and heated arguments among
church lay-people and born again Christians is regarding the completeness
and accuracy of the Bible. The tired phrase "nothing can be added
to the Bible or taken away" has been chanted for years by Christians.
Repeated endlessly, this reminds one of the Hari-Krishna airport terminal
types. Usually this is chanted by born-again Christians that have it all
figured out - and they won't hesitate to tell you so. Scholars and historians
will tell you that more blood has been shed throughout history in the name
of religion, than for any other reason. Anyone claiming Biblical completeness
is simply ignorant of the true facts about the Scrolls. If we look at just
one small panel of the Dead Sea Scrolls Book of Exodus (below) we can see
that the scrolls are in the same condition as a cheap paperback book left
in a hot attic would be after 40 years, flaking apart at the edges. Can
any idiot using any portion of their working brain ever honestly declare
the Bible is COMPLETE? *
- So Mr. Twietmeyer manages to attack both Christians and
Hari-Krishnas in one fell swoop! How clever!
- Any Christian who thinks they have it "all figured
out" is naive, to say the least. Mature Christians realize that as
with any field of knowledge, the more they learn, the less they know --
no one ever "arrives."
- And, the Bible is NOT based on the Dead Sea Scrolls!
Rather, the Dead Sea Scrolls, when compared to more recent Hebrew Old Testament
documents, show the accuracy and reliability of the transmission process.
The relevant documents are as follows:
- * /*The Dead Sea Scrolls*/: date from 200 B.C. - 70 A.D.
and contain the entire book of Isaiah and portions of every other Old Testament
book but Esther. * /*Geniza Fragments*/: portions the Old Testament in
Hebrew and Aramaic, discovered in 1947 in an old synagogue in Cairo, Egypt,
which date from about 400 A.D. * /*Ben Asher Manuscripts*/: five or six
generations of this family made copies of the Old Testament using the Masoretic
Hebrew text, from 700-950 A.D. The following are examples of the Hebrew
Masoretic text-type: o /*Aleppo Codex*/: contains the complete Old Testament
and is dated around 950 A.D. Unfortunately over one quarter of this Codex
was destroyed in anti-Jewish riots in 1947. o /*Codex Leningradensis*/:
The complete Old Testament in Hebrew copied by the last member of the Ben
Asher family in A.D. 1008.
- The method the Jews used to copy the Old Testament is
extremely meticulous. Every /*letter*/ of every page had to be in /*exactly
the same position as the original*/, otherwise the copy would be destroyed
and the scribes would have to start over again.
- The differences between the Dead Sea Scrolls and more
recent copies are very minor, and /*do not in any way*/ affect the meaning
of the text! Please refer to the website History of the Bible: How The
Bible Came To Us
- http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/bibleorigin.html
- for further information on this subject.
- *How did these fragments [the Dead Sea Scrolls] become
a nice, complete Book with perfect sentences and a nice even number of
chapters - 40? *
- Mr. Twietmeyer is apparently confusing the book of Exodus,
which contains 40 chapters, with the Dead Sea Scrolls, which is in fact
several books, not just one.
- The original documents were written with perfect (that
is, complete) sentences. The Jews arranged the material into columns. The
chapter and verse divisions were officially added later, around the 16th
century. More information on this subject can be found here http://www.bible-researcher.com/chapter-verse.html
and here. http://www.williamtyndale.com/0transmissionofbible.htm
- Also, general information about the Dead Sea Scrolls
can be found at Wikipedia.com here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_sea_scrolls
- *One doesn't need to be a scholar to see that countless
sentences in the Dead Sea Scrolls are either unreadable or missing. In
the standard KJV Bible words shown in italics were added by James' translators
to compensate for missing fragments, or to "clarify" meaning.
No, God didn't come down and put those words in to make it perfect as many
wish to be the case. If one looks carefully at the modified sentences (which
are numerous and on almost every page) and reads these modified sentences
both with and without these added words, the entire meaning of the sentence
can change quite dramatically yet in clever, subtle ways. Pastors, priests
and ministers never talk about these italic words on Sunday mornings, however.
- Again, the Bible is NOT based on the Dead Sea Scrolls!
Italicized words in the King James Version were NOT added to compensate
for missing fragments; they were added to make the English more readable,
since the KJV is a literal /*word-for-word*/ translation, and Hebrew and
Greek grammar is different than English grammar. They were certainly never
added to change the meaning of the original!
- Let me give an example of what I'm talking about. Years
ago, a song was written in Spanish entitled, "Eres Tu." In English,
the title is translated as "It Is You." However, that is a literal,
/* word-for-word*/ translation. A better translation would be "It
Is Always You," since the verb is future indefinite. In King James
parlance, the word "always" would be italicized. Accurate translations
are possible, but there's no such thing as a perfect translation.
- *KJV/Bacon version:* *"Rev. 6:4 And there went out
another horse THAT WAS red, and POWER was given to him that sat thereon
to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and
there was given unto him a great sword."*
- *Let's re-read that same verse again without the words
THAT WAS and THE SON* [He meant to write "POWER"]:
- *"Rev. 6:4 And there went out another horse red,
and was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and
that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great
sword."* * * *So we see that the horse may have been red in the un-embellished
version. But removing the word POWER changes the meaning of the second
part of the verse. After all, what is a deity without special powers? And
without the word POWER, it indicates that no power was given to him to
take peace from the Earth! And what of the one who "sat thereon?"
It appears all he will get is a red horse to do his job. How did Bacon
know what words to add throughout the Bible - and where? Perhaps the word
POWER could also have been FIRE, DISEASE, PESTILENCE, etc... Any of these
can take peace from the Earth and make people kill one another, too.*
- *Although almost every page in the Bible has numerous
examples of tinkering, we continue to hear from well-meaning Christians
that "nothing can be added or taken away from the Bible." These
people can shut their pie holes now, because it's too late. Bacon already
tinkered with the Bible centuries ago! No one in their right mind can believe
that "creative writing" will always have the same meaning an
"inspired work" has.*
- These people can shut their pie holes? Mr. Twietmeyer
doesn't seem to have any respect for those well-meaning Christians! Perhaps
he doesn't deserve any respect in return?
- "And there went out another horse red, and was given
to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should
kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword."
- What does the phrase "and was given to him"
refer to? Is it speaking of the red horse ("and [the red horse] was
given to him")? In that case, this person's ability to take peace
from the earth rests entirely on whether or not he had a red horse to sit
- Or rather, does it refer to the person's ability to take
peace, regardless of the horse's color? A better rendering would be, "And
there went out another horse [that was] red, and [authority] was given
to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth..."
- The phrase "was given" is from the Greek word
"didomi," which means "to give, to bestow, to grant, the
have power," etc. Thus the rendering "...and power was given
to him..." is quite correct.
- Mr. Twietmeyer would know this if he bothered to consult
_Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible_, or _Zondervan's Parallel
New Testament in Greek and English_, _or Vine's Expository Dictionary of
New Testament Words_, among others. I used e-Sword, free Bible software
which can be downloaded here. <http://www.e-sword.net/downloads.html>
- *How did Bacon know what words to add throughout the
Bible - and where?
- *Because Francis Bacon and the other scholars could read
Hebrew and Greek. Duh!* *
- We do know that after the first five Books of the Bible,
the organization of the Bible ceases to be chronological. It was organized
that way by King James' and his employees who decided it will be that way.
I don't think anyone really knows why to this day. Perhaps it's simply
the order they randomly unwound the scrolls and did their translation.
Today, there are some scholars that fear some of these lost Books ended
up in a fireplace or were tossed aside and lost, because the teachings
they contained were too heretical for that era.
- The Books of the Bible were organized first, by category,
and second, by chronology. This arrangement, while not perfectly chronological,
is nevertheless logical. Who came up with this arrangement or when or why
is /*entirely irrelevant. */
- Certain books were kept out of the Biblical Canon for
good reason. Either they were not relevant to the larger context of the
Bible (some were mere histories), or they were never accepted by the Jewish
community, or, in the case of some Old Testament books and the Gnostic
Gospels, they have no historical credibility.
- *The principle of tithing (giving 10%) as stated in Genesis
14:20 [7] appears to have been completely removed from the Torah, as used
by Jewish orthodoxy today. *
- Do you know this for a fact? The changes in Judaism which
I'm familiar with are found in the Talmud, Mishnah and other Rabbinical
writings, not the Torah. These were the teachings which Jesus criticized
because the scribes and Pharisees placed them above the Torah (see Matthew
15:1-9, for example).
- *Quite likely somewhere in the past the Jews have done
their fair share of "editing" of the scriptures, too. By taking
the principle of tithing out of the Torah, Rabbis everywhere are free to
demand money whenever they like. And they don't hesitate to do it. *
- Do you have any evidence that the Jews have deliberately
"edited" the Old Testament? The Dead Sea Scrolls are evidence
to the contrary (see above)! These statements about the Jews changing the
scriptures for financial gain are anti-Semitic, unless you can prove them
to be true (I'm referring to Jews living today, not the ones Jesus was
talking about 2,000 years ago). And even if they are, that doesn't prove
that all Rabbis are corrupt!
- Regardless of the statement, many KJV bible churches
and believers never speak of it [tithing], in the proper context. Instead
of asking the members to pay just 10%, they make them sign pledge cards
forcing them to commit to far higher amounts than they can afford.
- 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 states, "But this I say, He
which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully
shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his
heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth
a /*cheerful*/ giver" (NASB; emphasis mine). /*Nowhere*/ in the New
Testament does it state that Christians are required to give financially.
- We owe such much to "scholars" like Bacon and
his colleagues for helping to create this ecumenical disaster. He was a
closet free mason whose beliefs and un-inspired editing of the Bible helped
to ignite the chaos we have in religion today.
- What ecumenical disaster? Again, Mr. Twietmeyer is quite
misinformed. The King James Version is based on the Textus Receptus, which
just happens to be the source for the New Kings James Version. The other
modern translations generally use the Alexandrian documents. And, those
"scholars" he refers to were /* genuine scholars*/, something
which Mr. Twietmeyer certainly is not.
- In conclusion, Mr. Twietmeyer's allegations consist of
nothing more than uninformed, unintelligent straw man arguments. His ignorance
of all things Biblical is abysmal, to say the least.
- In the future, I humbly ask that if anyone wishes to
criticize the Bible or Christianity, that they would please, please, please
take the time to thoroughly research the topic first. If they can use the
internet to share their ideas, they can certainly use it to acquire information
which both is accurate and relevant.
- The only intelligent, well-written and well-researched
article which I've read on Rense.com in this genre is _Who's Right About
Jesus - The Quran Or New Testament?_ by Dick Eastman. I don't agree with
Mr. Eastman about the deity of Christ, but he does bring up some really
good points, and I respect him for that
- Comment
- Mary Sparrowdancer
- This is one of my favorite subjects! It's good to be
asking questions and hopefully leading others to ask questions.
- I have been reading the "testaments" for the
last 30 years in four different languages: Latin, Hebrew, Greek and English.
I can tell you that the English translation is the biggist *crock-O-you-know-what*
that I have ever seen. It is so badly mistranslated, I cannot even
begin to comment on it.
- Yet, people have lived, died and killed others in keeping
with their beliefs in these mistranslations.
- It appears to me that Jesus was the opponent of the old
war god of the Old Testament (Jehovah) - not the son of him. If he was not
the opponent, then why would Jesus refer to that warring god of israel
as a "liar and a murderer" in the gospel of John?
- This is further revealed in the recently translated
Gospel of Judas, released by the National Geographic Society. Documents
that are more recently surfacing have a less likely chance of having been
redacted. Again, he asserts himself as a follower of a very different god.
- We have been led to believe that the war god of Israel
is the "only god of the universe." Jesus (not his real
name, of course) refuted all of that, but then the catholic church handed
humanity back over to jehovah.
- Those who think they are following christianity, are
worshipping the wrong god. It is also good to question why we have the
10-Commandments in all of our courthouses now, demanding that we bow down
to the war god of Israel. None of the teachings of peace of Jesus are anywhere
to be seen. It is not "god" that is banned from us.
The god of Israel is being shoved down our throats. The teachings
of Jesus and any mention of him have been banned.
- Comment
- Loren Pedersen
- Ted -
- Great piece! It did not offend me at all, and I
have been a "born-again" Christian for most of my life of 50
years - in fact, I agree with most of what you stated, and found the history
behind King James and Bacon fascinating, since I didn't know about those
details of history. So I thank you for enlightening me.
- I have realized for a very long time that there are many
details left out of the "Bible", as even the Bible itself mentions
such. And for most of my Christian life, I have realized ever more
so as I get older "in the faith" that "the church"
has gotten many teachings all wrong - including, and especially, the "you
can't add to or subtract from" the Bible - this referenced verse is
in the Book of Revelation and - in my opinion - refers to that Book specifically,
and to no other book, and certainly, not to the entire Bible.
- The reason that prohibition was placed in Revelation
is because that Book is heavily and intricately "encoded", and
any change to that Book will change the outcome of its interpretation.
Which, in dealing with "the last days" and the "end of the
world" as we know it, would have life-and-death (even eternal) consequences
for billions of people, if the Book of Revelation is interpreted wrong.
- I could go on in a book-length analysis of what I've
uncovered over the years, that runs contrary to "religiously-correct"
teachings. Maybe some day I will write a book on such - and be prepared
for a serious backlash by "the religious establishment".
- Loren
- South Dakota
- Comment
- Larry and Maria
- Enjoyed your article on "Did Francis Bacon Fry the
- My name is Larry Morris and am a 32nd
- Degree Mason. I would like to clear a few things.
Our Lodge's use the Holy Bible at the altar. If the Lodge is Muslim,
I am sure they use the Koran and etc.
- I would suggest you explore books by Manley P.
Hall and the one that is important is "The Secret Teachings of All
Ages". Manley Hall was the founder of the Philosophical Research
Society and has many books and did thousands of lectures and etc.; very
knowledgeable and did a very good chapter on Bacon. In this book
you will find stated the real mother and father of Bacon and etc.
- To relate the fact that Bacon was Shakespeare,
in the KJV of the Bible, it so states this in a secret way. Bacon's
cipher number was 33. Go to the 46th
- Psalm and count 46 words from the top and so the same
from the bottom. There are 111 words between the top word and the
bottom word. If you add up, 4+6 Psalm = 10= 1 and the 46 word from
the top and 46 from the bottom that equals 1 1 1= 3 and the 111 words between
= 3 which then becomes 33.
- It goes on and on, however I just wanted to convey
the fact that Masonry which Bacon was, is a Esoteric Society upon which
this Country was founded as most all of the forefathers were Masons ie
as was Lafayette who represented the French when they supported our Revolution.
- To further understand Freemasonry, one really should
study the Kabbalah, as written by Albert Pike, in his book, "Morals
and Dogma", it relates that all Dogmatic religion is issued from and
returns to Kabbalah.
- I have more to say, but I do not want to go too far as
I may have already.
- I send this all with respect for your knowledge and I
am only conveying what I have learned from my studies.
- Again, I really would like to emphasize, Manley P. Hall.