- James Bacque
- The most sacrilegious author to come out of World War
- Eisenhower, Churchill, Truman, and others sought revenge
on Germans
- How 1.5 million Germans were murdered in French and American
Holocaust Camps after the war ENDED.
- The Crucifiction Of James Bacque
- It seems that the internet has given new life to a lot
of 'alternate' historians, authors, and their works. Facets of history
that threw a light on things such as the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia's
1933 famine, the Gulags, the fire-bombing of German civilians, the Morgantheau
Plan, etc., were always conveniently buried. Now comes the internet,
and a flock of curious young minds rediscover the James Bacques and David
Irvings and a whole realm
- of serious research of what really transpired in the
'great war.'
- Who Is James Bacque?
- James Bacque is a Canadian author and historian, he has
written five books on WW2. He wrote two books on allied death camps, and
the treatment of civilian Germans from 1945- 1950, which quickly reached
anonymity, but now the internet has revived them.
- What's The Controversy?
- Wikipedia, which is becoming the cyber library to the
world, is on a campaign to disallow any discussions that portrays Zionist
Jewish history in an unfavorable manner. James Bacque, who is not an anti-semite,
or a revisionist, still crosses the line and Wikipedia seeks to defame
him as it does to hundreds of prominent truth tellers, journalists and
legitimate researchers of the recent past.
- What's Bacque's 'Sin'?
- His book 'Other Losses' shows Eisenhower creating death
camps for German soldiers. The Eisenhower HOLOCAUST consumed approximately
one MILLION innocent German soldiers and support personnel AFTER the war
ended. It is an outrage by any measure.
- In 'Crimes and Mercies,' Bacque demonstrates the evil
and poison that the allies used against the German people. You see for
yourself with facts and irrefutable data, the psychopathic hatred directed
against a nation and its entire culture and history.
- The Morgenthau Plan
- Henry Morgenthau, a New York Cornell educated Jew, was
International Jewry's point man advising Roosevelt. He felt Germans were
genetically evil, and advocated mass executions, sterilization, breaking
the German state into three sub states, and turning it's economy into an
agrarian one.
- The biggest secret of the war was Roosevelt, Stalin,
and Churchill's heritages.
- Steven Ambrose Trotted Out To Discredit Bacque
- Since Bacque doesn't want to follow the politically-correct
line, the Wikipedia censors decide to discredit him using the Court Jesters.
Ambrose, a mediocre writer at best, was now recertified as an historical
giant, and called out to protest Bacque. He said of Bacque: - "Scholars...will
find Mr. Bacque's work to be worse than worthless. It is spectacularly
flawed in its most fundamental aspects."
- Eisenhower chose Ambrose write his biography, and Ike's
Jewish roots, his military incompetence, Operation Keelhaul, the Allies
Death Camps, his mistress, etc. were never mentioned. Eisenhower was portrayed
as a political and military genius. Which he was not.
- Ambrose was called on by Hollywood to verify the 'Holocaust'
with 'The World At War' series. He wrote such fiction as the Band of Brothers,
Saving Private Ryan, which strategically-placed Jewish heroes throughout
the plot.
- Relating Bacque's Books To The Big Picture
- What if our young people...university and high school
students of history...began putting together that simple truth that WW2
was caused by these three backing Poland, which, in 1939, killed 58,000
German Nationals. What if they began to consider that Germany and its
people were deliberately slaughtered to eliminate the one force that stood
in the way of the Jewish/Bolshevik/Communist takeover of the world
- The Only Mystery
- The only surprise here is James Bacque naiveté.
He can't understand why the Court Historians, and the World's Cyber Encyclopedia
(Wikipedia) hates him. Eisenhower's image is supposed to be that of a great
leader, a war hero, fighting the evil Nazis. They don't want him seen as
a womanizing, pompous, incompetent, Jewish monster who hated the German
people beyond measure and sought, along with his whiskey-swilling ally,
Winston Churchill, to destroy Germany and the German people once and for