The Way
By Ted Lang

What more can be written or said about the deadly, dangerous, criminal Bush regime that hasn't been written or said already? It is indeed insanity to continue writing about each and every new crime or propagandized event fraud conjured up by Bushco and his criminal masters of the mainstream media. Currently, a joint journalistic orgasm on the part of both our criminal government and its criminal media enablers exposing impotent and completely harmless "terrorist plots" on the part of incompetent and feebleminded individuals is being processed to add to the 9-11 terrorism fraud. It is being manufactured to continue justifying the real terrorism being perpetrated against the free people of this nation and also those internationally vulnerable. Cindy Sheehan had it right: G. Bush, president, is the world's one and only terrorist.
Bush's entire foundation and strength is 9-11. Yet the evidence grows exponentially exposing the facts that it was our own government's "Reichstag" event perpetrated to abolish our Bill of Rights, destroy our military, destroy our economy, destroy our middleclass, and to erase our borders to usher in the North American Union of the New World Order. The Associated Press somehow dropped the ball by reporting on this and legitimizing it as proof that there's a traitor in the White House.
I have admitted to my discouragement, and also to a period described as a self-imposed sabbatical, being convinced that our nation has been totally destroyed and is being led by an ignorant, simple-minded moron, far too stupid to either realize or care what he has done and what he continues to do to this once-great nation of freedom-loving people. But I am changing my mind; and no, not as concerns the deranged imbecile in the White House, but as to my outlook on the future of our country.
Losing all hope is the by-product of the observation that the majority of Americans don't seem to care whether or not they remain free or become enslaved. My assessment is that the masters of the MSM are deliberately dumbing down and propagandizing America and Americans via selective reporting by the spiking and killing of major news events, under-reporting meaningful events, and over-reporting meaningless events such as the recent "terrorist plot" against the Sears tower, yet another Larry Silverstein holding. As law professor Jonathan Turley recently stated writing for the Los Angeles Times, "Americans have long been defined by privacy values. We have fiercely defended what Justice Louis Brandeis called our 'right to be left alone.' It is only the assurance of privacy that free thoughts and free exercise of rights can be truly exercised. Such privacy evaporates with doubt; it is why the Constitution seeks to avoid the chilling effect of the uncertainty in government searches and seizures."
This explains the motivation behind self-imposed sabbaticals ­ why would any sane critic of the current dangerous, deadly, criminal Bush regime set themselves up as a target for these felons if there isn't even the slightest chance of remedy? This is the ice water the Bush criminals seek to throw on independent, creative thought. Of course, they cannot hope to penetrate individual minds and control individual thought and action ­ yet! But the Bush crime machine's efforts are now focused only on one individual mind communicating with another, minds that disagree with the alleged minds who wish to subvert, rule and control US via impending acts of torture and terror.
"Yet, the problem has been that these programs have been revealed and analyzed in isolation," continues Turley. "Each insular program has been defended in insular terms. It is just domestic telephone numbers or just international transactions. Citizens have become accustomed to a steady stream of secret programs and new forms of government monitoring. It is something that our fiercely independent ancestors would never have imagined." And then, Turley's most astute and frightening message: "Privacy is dying in America ­ not with a fight but a yawn."
But why is Turley writing this commentary? Where are the opinion writers of the Los Angeles Times? For that matter, where are the opinion writers of the New York Times? And the Boston Globe and the Washington Post? And where can we get contrasting dissent and opinion on televised news, either network or cable? Remember when CBS used to report real news, and not editorialized selections and propaganda? Remember such commentators as CBS' Eric Severeid?
The Bush regime is able to destroy America's freedoms precisely because of an insular approach by not only our criminal government, but also because its mass media enablers parallel these efforts via insular and editorialized news reporting. No color commentators, and no contrasting views, and the die has been cast: America is now collapsing under the intolerable weight of the first of the three "uns": that of a populace that is UNINFORMED. That, as a reporter, was William L. Shirer's greatest flaw, in both his outlook as well as his book: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Is it possible that even back then, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, Shirer was aware of the press's capability and culpability in enabling the horrific rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany? The other two "uns" acknowledged by Shirer are "unorganized" and "unarmed." But by far and away, the greatest flaw of the pre-Nazi German people was their brainwashing by a mass media that Hitler ensured was in his corner. He too had a Tony "Snow job."
And of course, the most obvious debility of a soon-to-be-enslaved populace is the total absence of any modicum of dissenting opinion. Now more than ever, the attempted destruction of any and all citizen privacy will not only serve magnificently to block timely dissent, but to also completely prevent even its germination! Think of what Hitler would be capable of with such a weapon! Think of what Bush will shortly be capable of.
It would seem that the "Abandon hope all ye who [live] here" admonition is indeed in order. The mass media and the government are one and the same entity, just as was the case in pre-Nazi/pre-World War II Germany. Now in America, where law is government and government is law, a condition created by the enforced voiding of our rule of law via the USA PATRIOT Act, a federal statute that has abolished our Bill of Rights illegally by not permitting the joint and several states to repeal each Amendment as prescribed by that self same rule of law, any action taken by government is legal as authorized by the nation's moron-in-chief. And any required legal goo and wording can be conjured up by the legal talents of greasy Alberto [VO5] Gonzales and John Yoo.
Enough already! It's time to yank these maniacs and genocidal mass murdering torturers. And yes, I'm here to tell that there is definitely a way to do it!
Let's start with the watered-down Shirer observation regarding the weaknesses of the German people in allowing Hitler to rise to power by beefing it up using full disclosure of the actual fact-based weaknesses: uninformed, unorganized and unarmed. We are still far from all those conditions, but of the three, "unorganized" is indeed the most dangerous and makes US most vulnerable. Look how many Americans already suspect a high degree of government complicity in 9-11 as has been frequently reported by Zogby. And great numbers of both the American people and many members at all grade levels in the American military want US out of Iraq. And of course the chief executive moron of America isn't paying the slightest bit of attention. That's why he's a moron!
Addressing the greatest of three "un" conditions, we are unorganized because we have been made to depend politically on only two organizations allowable to US for recourse and redress; namely, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. And this "access" is limited by both choice and time to only elections, also controlled by our two-flavored one party government and its media. As we can see by observing the dangerous, deadly, criminal Bush regime, neither one of the American political parties will in any way, shape or form provide a solution. But to be very sure, a solution DOES exist. And, organization is, at this point in our history, more important for our survival than has ever been the case in the brief history of our once free and constitutionally limited republic.
"An example?" you might ask ­ certainly. Compare two well-known organizations: the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the National Rifle Association. I strongly doubt that AIPAC has over 100,000 members as it claims, but I have no doubt that the NRA has over 4,000,000 members. Yet which organization has much more power? The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee is more powerful for three reasons, but the most important of the three is organization. AIPAC is better organized, even though its support base is approximately only six million Jews in this country and another six million in Israel. And if we need to reinforce these numbers even further, think of the TWENTY MILLION Christian Fundamentalists who believe in the "End Times" dispensationalist concept that offers that everything Israel does is right because they are God's chosen people and will help US into Paradise.
The NRA has only four million members compared against twelve million Jews and twenty million Christian Fundamentalists that believe in Israel's right to kidnap, torture, invade and mass murder innocent civilians who never did their government any harm. Clearly, AIPAC has a powerful advantage in terms of numbers. But in sheer potential strength, the NRA is stronger because it represents somewhere between SIXTY and EIGHTY MILLION gun owners!
AIPAC's advantage is indeed in its organization. AIPAC lobbyists are closer to members and senators in our Congress, and enjoy widespread Washington DC access advantages across all bureaus and government offices. And donations to AIPAC, which lobbies for a foreign country and demands we invade nations that haven't attacked US as designated by Israel, are tax-exempt and probably comparable to the NRA's revenue base. But donations to the NRA, which also lobbies American government to preserve the constitutional rights of 80,000,000 gun owners, are not tax-exempt. This is a case in point demonstrating the effectiveness organization has over a sheer and major strength in numbers.
And this strength in concentrating organizational power and structuring can be observed yet in a reverse manner by understanding deliberate disorganization or numbers nullification. Deliberate disinformation, or the nullification of a major strength in numbers, is the singular most important role of the corporate, establishment, mainstream media. The MSM is the loudest and most vociferous voice clamoring for the necessity and importance of elections "to ensure democracy." It is the MSM that more than any other element in society forces US to think in terms of Democrat versus Republican. We should all recognize this MSM strategy of "divide and conquer." Its most successful proponent is talk radio's Rush Limbaugh and cable TV's Bill O'Reilly.
How can a people rise up peaceably and stop the enslaving agenda advantages of the unstoppable partnership of the Bush regime and its enabling MSM? They can be stopped by merely reversing the three "uns" utilized in Hitler's pre-Nazi Germany. Here's the way:
First, the people of America must be informed, resulting in their great alarm, and their demand that Congress undo the massive power it has abdicated to G. Bush, president. Many Americans already know what shakes ­ it is these, the informed, who must take the risk and the potential abuse to inform others. Internet writers, the writers and commentators of the Alternative Media, must begin using their knowledge and talents to inform the people across America through small daily newspapers and weeklies, through letters to the editor [LTTE] and guest columns. If needed, take the time to sit down with an editor, attempt to win him or her over, and stress how all will benefit from the effort.
Advertise yourselves as available and responsible, and most importantly, avail yourselves of the huge advantages provided by such American heroes as Cindy Sheehan, Charlie Sheen, Ed Asner, Sibel Edmonds, and other such notable personalities. Do not take it upon yourselves to critique the "Great and Wondrous" Bush; launch your piece very respectfully, not referring to a "regime," but upgrading it to its less acrimonious description of it being an "administration." Of course, it is a regime, but think of both your gatekeeper and your audience! You are trying to plant doubt, not instantaneously set the world on fire. And just look at the huge bag of tricks you can wow your local public with. Give 'em the scoop on the NAU, Downing Street, 9-11 facts, Rothschild-Rockefeller, the memos subsequent to Downing, the Katrina conference, PNAC and the Pearl Harbor of the 21st Century, Thermate in 9-11, AM websites to back up and support your position, and don't forget the quotable notables.
To really back-up your local columns and LTTE, however, no one serves as a better source than a leader. An individual with ready-made notoriety and fame is of course much better than a leader only a few are familiar with. But an individual that is deemed a leader by way of example, whether a famous individual, or a not so famous individual, will of course be attacked, smeared, and marginalized in someway by the Government's American Gangster System, or GAGS. Only weeks after actor Charlie Sheen spoke out offering a cover-up of 9-11 on Alex Jones' radio program, and when Sheen subsequently appeared on a lesser CNN cable TV news entity, the GAGS used their partners in the MSM to marginalize Sheen with some worse than worthless tripe concerning his former marriage and divorce. And you can be sure that Matt Drudge and others in the Bush AM piled on!
But America now has a leader! He is an energetic leader, one who gets on airplanes, conducts information seminars, has a radio program and constantly stirs up the pot. He's becoming more than just a thorn in the side of the Bush crime machine ­ he's crowning them with their much-deserved crown of thorns! Our leader is Alex Jones! He doesn't merely hide behind a keyboard like I and a lot of other AMers do; he's out there leading the charge, and I believe he's got them scared.
What is it that makes Alex Jones a leader? It's simple ­ HE makes the news! And that's the key! If a political viewpoint, or a key political event, or a very necessary corrective action must be launched, it is he who creates the publicized event to FORCE the MSM to pay attention! They spike it at the risk of their eventual exposure as facilitating the political crimes in the first place. How many more in the American military have died because the New York Times refused to run "the Downing Street Memo"? The Times can and should be held accountable [lawsuits?] for their complicity in the unnecessary deaths of our military personal that might have been avoided had the pressure been turned up on neocon Gangsta Bush for the troops to be brought home instead of allowing them to be needlessly killed.
With each passing day, Jones' leadership is translating to a growing legion of fans and followers that hold the potential for a bigger and better organization. But reliance on such an organization alone is folly because its critical mass will come at a point too late to get the Bush crime machine under control. And remember always, it is only the Bush crime machine today; tomorrow, it may become the Hillaroid crime machine, or one led by Jeb "the Reb" Bush, or the domain of firecracker fascist Rudy "Kazootie" Giuliani! Lose the political labels!
Get religious! What better organized activity already exists in America if not organized religion, an anti-crime organization already in place. Yes, speak with your priest, or minister, and even your rabbi if you are an individual that firmly believes that Israel does not have a limitless right to lead the mass murdering moron in the White House to imperial war after imperial war. Sure, there'll be GAGS gag orders from the IRS, FBI, CIA, DHS, and a host of other criminal alphabet organizations bent on enslaving US. Screw em!
Forget about the MSM's politically correct ban on religion and politics. This has been created by them precisely for the reason of rendering US impotent via lack of organization. And if the NRA really wanted to end gun control for once and for all, why don't they use their excellent legal position to question the legal disparity of tax-exempt status for AIPAC while demanding their exempt right as guardians of the United States Constitution? All gun owner groups such as the NRA should combine in a coalition, even if it be only a temporary one, to stand firmly against the USA PATRIOT Act and other government practices restraining ALL our rights.
We are still armed, at least for the moment. We still have an Internet, at least for the moment. Make no mistake: our criminal mass murdering and torturing unanswerable-to-the-people government and its media are eyeing both. If we don't hang in there together, they will indeed hang US separately. Leadership, information and communication, organization and firearms ­ they are the way. Organize through the churches and the synagogues. More Jews than can be imagined now vehemently oppose this horrific war. And remember Jesus. He too was a Jew! He has offered US the way. We are way overdue in following!
Theodore E. Lang
© THEODORE E. LANG 6/26/06 All rights reserved
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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