Israel - A Malignant Tumor
In Need Of Radical Surgery

By Mohammed Daud Miraki, MA, MA, PhD

With the countless bombings of Lebanese civilians and the indifference toward human life including atrocities committed in the past, Israel seems to many almost like a malignant, malevolent tumor.
Israel is not the only guilty party in the current mass murder/genocide of the Lebanese people. The US and her European allies are equally guilty by turning a blind eye to this massacre. This further adds to the false moral issues the US and the UK touched upon after 911. The bombing of innocent civilians and the continuous blockade through the shelling of roads that lead from Southern Lebanon to the north points to the gross, indiscriminate murder imposed on the Lebanese.
This brings us to the issue of Iran's nuclear program and the continuous efforts by the US and her allies to threaten Iran to stop uranium enrichment. No one expects much from the US since it is not only a sponsor of the Zionist State but also complicit in the murder of the Lebanese and Palestinians. Brazil has the same enrichment program, other nations are moving toward similar efforts, but the US/Israeli/UK axis says nothing.
As the New York Times, 07/22/2006, reported:
"The Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, American officials said Friday."
The article continues:
"The decision to quickly ship the (Depleted Uranium) weapons to Israel was made with relatively little debate within the Bush administration, the officials said."
It is no wonder that the Bush administration and the government of Bush's pooddle, Tony Blair, do not want any cease-fire. After all, why would partners in genocide want to stop the other partner from the committing the same genocide all the partners aim to pursue?
The Europeans could take these Russian and Polish Jews and create a state for them in the middle of Europe. Instead, they preferred to insert this deadly entity in the middle of the Muslim world. It is no secret to Muslims, and they will not forget, that Israel is the tail of the snake and the head of the snake is the United States and UK. 



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