FL Teen Martin Anderson
Sentenced To Death
For Joy-Riding

By Judith Moriarty
Fourteen year old Martin Anderson (Florida) is dead ­ murdered by sadistic, depraved staff at a boot camp. Martin excelled in math, and had won a school leadership award. Martin's gift to society ­ his leadership qualities are lost forever. His joyriding with his cousins in his grandmother's car ­ resulted in a death sentence, a short three hours after his arrival at this   camp of sadism!
Young Martin, who suffered from sickle ­ cell anemia (obviously not a consideration) collapsed while doing push-ups, sit-ups, running laps and other exercises that were part of his 'admission' process at the camp. For this infraction, Martin was ruthlessly manhandled and abused; by a number of burly guards over a period of 30 min. The videotape shows this young boy being kneed, punched, smothered and dragged about like a rag doll!
Imagine the outrage of Martin's parents, when the incompetent Dr. Charles Siebert, the Bay County Medical Examiner, reported that the boy died of 'complications' of sickle cell trait!  The 'complications' were forced physical exertion, collapse, and a thirty minute beating. Martin's body was exhumed and a second more through autopsy was done. Dr. Vernard Adams, who conducted the second autopsy reported, "Martin Anderson's death was caused by hands blocking the boy's mouth, as well as the forced inhalation of ammonia fumes that caused his vocal cords to spasm, blocking his upper airway."  Apparently these sadists had shoved ammonia capsules up this child's nose! One can only imagine, the terror of this boy, helpless and powerless, being beaten to death by staff people who were supposedly assigned to his care!  Why they are not behind bars at this moment is unconscionable!
There are a number of these boot camps (private- public) throughout the country. Martin's death is not the first. The objective in these places is to break the spirit of the child (male or female), bringing about conformity and emotional desensitization! In other words, turn them into obedient, passive, compliant zombies!
The most disturbing, though not surprising, viewing of this video (shown on the news),  was watching this group of male staff;  who collectively  saw nothing wrong in using brute force against a child who'd collapsed. When violence and degrading humiliation are considered therapy, when sadistic emotional and physical attacks are seen as helping the victim, there  is no way to rein staff in. When there is no regulatory oversight of such places, staff are free to vent their impotent, self ­ loathing on the voiceless. By their very nature, institutions which hold powerless people; encourage abuse and maltreatment by staff of limited intellect and grave psychological problems. When abuse of power is the treatment (group homes, prisons, war zones, boot camps, private clinics etc) it is impossible for treatment or care to be safe.
I can personally relate to the grief of the Anderson family, in that my 21 year old brother was beaten to death by staff in an institution. His crime was autism! My parents were informed that my brother Jerry had died of pneumonia with a 'smile on his lips'! When they insisted on viewing his body, the massive bruises told another story. A mere youngster at the time, I sensed my parent's impotency, due to their poverty, of fighting a state institution. It must be understood, that in such cases, an institution closes ranks. The explanation that finally came forth on my brother was that fellow residents had beaten him. With these residents, all profoundly retarded, and therefore voiceless, there was no way of getting to the truth. No way, until 15 years later, after my brother's death, and the death of my parents, that I went to work in this institution.
Staff, many who had worked there at the time of my brother's death, had no way of connecting me with him, given that I was married. I didn't bother to tell them. Frankly, I had applied for a job there, out of financial necessity. I had no intentions of becoming a crusader against abuse.  Reflecting on my experience in this place long afterwards; I came to the conclusion that people experience cross roads events in their lives. A cross road experience is when you are suddenly thrust into the position of standing for what's right. It's nothing that one can prepare for ­ but rather it is a testing of one's character/values. Many in the sunshine, non-confrontational, events of their lives presume themselves to be persons of loyalty, integrity, sacrificial giving, justice, kindness, gentleness and compassion. The proof comes in the crisis at the crossroads. Am I the person that I thought I was?
A crossroad event is an individual act ­ an individual decision. It is a momentous event, in that it usually involves a personal sacrifice. It asks itself ­ "Is this job, this position, my paycheck, worth more than standing up for what's right? Am I willing to face public ridicule, criticisms, abandonment of family and 'friends' and loss of my job?" The word 'friend' needs to be qualified, in that a true 'friend' will never desert you. It is a most isolating and lonely trip down the road less traveled ­ but the most rewarding pilgrimage that one will make. For in doing so ­ one experiences a new awareness, a fearlessness, and boldness.
In my experience, at the institution of reporting abuse and negligence of the residents (helpless and voiceless); the immediate response was not to laud me for following the law ­ but rather an attempt to fire me! If I entered the coffee room ­ all would leave. If a message had to be conveyed to me, it was done in a note. The local newspaper was full of hateful accusations by fellow employees/administration.  I was asked to take a lie-detector test, which I had no problem with. Interestingly, the abusers all refused. I knew, that I knew,  that I knew, that  I was right.  This institution was the largest employer in the county and apparently politics took precedence over protecting the helpless. We lived in a small town, some 20 miles from this institution, so it was a big event when a news helicopter flew in from a distant city to do a story. When they tried to fire me for doing my job, I had contacted every agency having to do with the handicapped, the Governor, the FBI (they received federal funds), and every newspaper. It became a state-wide event!
I was helping my husband out in our seafood store before starting my shift (3-11) at the institution. The doors crashed open; with a horde of reporters, cameras and lights descending upon us. A reporter shoved a microphone in my face and said, "Mrs. Moriarty we've just come from the institution. We've been told that you are nothing but a trouble-maker, what do you have to say to this?" I replied, "If reporting crippled, blind, profoundly retarded people, being thrown down the stairs, kicked, held under water (bathtub), left naked, in puddles of urine, covered with flies, eating feces out of the toilets, because of not being fed, and receiving inadequate medical attentions, makes me a "trouble-maker", then, yes I'm a trouble-maker and will continue to be so, until something is done!"
 It was a long arduous battle but in the end I won every court case. I knew I would because I was right.  You don't abuse your fellow human beings ­ most especially the most helpless and vulnerable and think there's nothing wrong with it. Eventually, many people lost their jobs, including the Superintendent, who'd threatened that he'd "get me".
With young Martin, there was not one person in the group beating and suffocating him (including a nurse), who recognized the cross road they were at. None came out of their groupthink/herd mentality and defended a little boy who was helpless! This is inexcusable. People, it must be understood, are basically followers. They will take part, or say nothing, in such group situations out of misplaced loyalty. A false sense of bravado takes place when people act collectively. Many find themselves caught up in depraved acts that they wouldn't do alone.
This groupthink mentality is found in all spectrums of society. It is not just in war zones, institutions, shelters, prisons, etc, that this perverse allegiance takes place.  Physicians, Law Enforcement Officers, judges, corporations, government employees, and Attorneys are just as guilty.  There's a closing of the ranks should a 'whistleblower' appear in their midst.  I've never seen it to fail, that the government employee, who reports corruption and misuse of public funds, is the one fired. The police officer who refuses to take part in some cover-up is the one who is black balled! The military man who reports inhumane treatment and torture; finds himself a target even by his own hometown. It shows you how far down the food chain we've devolved, when FEAR becomes the silencer of honest folks. "Silence is Golden" ­ but not in the face of injustice ­ grave abuse ­ murder ­ fraud and corruption. A young boy was sentenced to death, for a joyride.
Rep. Bill Janklow, of South Dakota, known for his numerous motor vehicle violations, was convicted of manslaughter, in the death of Randolph Scott. The judge in this case, sentenced Janklow to a mere 90 days in the county jail ­ with 10 hours of the day free! Be it Rep. Janklow, or a Senator, leaving a woman to die in a submerged car ­ our system of justice in this country is for the moneyed and titled! If Martin had been a well known Representative from Rhode Island, he could have pleaded sleepwalking and been admitted to a money rehab center! All animals are NOT equal.  It behooves all of us to take a moment and voice our outrage to Governor Jeb Bush, and Florida newspapers. SILENCE = CONSENT. Are we who we think we are ­ or are we merely another member of the herd ­fearful of standing alone?   



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