Anatomy Of An Outlaw-State
By Jim Kirwan
The United States of America calls itself a nation, yet we lack any of the components that would make that a true statement. We say that 'America' is a Republic, but a Republic is a nation where the supreme power of the citizens rests in their elected representatives; representatives who are directly responsible to the citizens for what is done in their names. That system has become an insupportable farce. Without public participation in governmental affairs, the US has become a police state that governs itself like a fascist dictatorship that routinely acts against the will of the vast majority ­ and has now gone beyond any need to justify the actions of the administration, or the congress, or the courts.
This nation has spent 230 years preparing the United States to finally become a Rogue State, and publicly declare us an Outlaw-State among the community of nations ­ the very thing we still say we exist to prevent.
This began in the 1490's with European opportunists seeking Asian gold and glory, when they stumbled on "The New World" which they immediately began to trash. What followed was an American Holocaust that featured the prolonged slaughter of the sixty to eighty million indigenous people who were here when the adventurers arrived. Yet this immeasurable crime, that still continues, is not even a footnote in our "history," because the purpose was nothing more than just a preamble for all that was to come.
The setting for the grand-theft that would become the USA began in the drawing rooms of Old World Europe, and spread to the mansions of the Colonial elite here. The special few here had risen here by building their wealth with slavery, brutality and deception in order to create a "New World Order." But some of the founders were conflicted. Despite our criminal beginnings: some sought to use the best of previous knowledge to create a nation where individuals would be free to realize the possibilities inherent in the lives of those who lived here: excepting the native populations, the slaves and all the women.
These dreamers were opposed by a formidable group who were dedicated from the start to the idea of a Colonial Empire that might one day rule the planet. This conflict is as old as time itself: the greed and avarice of the few that is always opposed by the needs and passions of the many. The numerical advantage has always favored the less educated  group, while the elites that rule in any situation control the money and the power. It was not different here.  
Many say that they cannot understand what's happened here and yet the answers are everywhere, in the history that surrounds us all. Simple, brutal and deceptive ­ the plan is 'crystal clear' ­ because too few have had the guts to look at what history tells us we have done. The anatomy of every Outlaw State begins with an analysis of who controls the money and hence the power over others. But here in the USA laws are now pending to prevent discussion, to gag the population and to outlaw the most primary of topics. It has already begun on Universities where open discussions in the marketplace of ideas have been censored and this is one result:,,1746227,00.html
The Act of 1871: Congress passes an Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia that formed a Corporation called THE UNITED STATES, which is owned by foreign interests that replaced the organic US Constitution with a corporate document. This alters the control of congress and frustrates public involvement ~
In 1886, in the case of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that a private corporation is a person and entitled to the legal rights and protections the Constitutions affords to any person. This gave eternal life to Corporations, without any of the responsibilities that any human being has: In effect placing the actions of corporations above the law, & giving them power over all of us.
Establishing The Federal Reserve System
Beginning in 1871, in just 42 years, The New World Order had taken control over who is allowed to make monopolist profits and who is allowed to control and direct the priorities of the US Government: along with determining who shall profit from the printing and distribution of money that comes supposedly from the US Treasury ­ when in fact that function is in the hands of foreign and private ownership, and has been since 1913. All of this, with bios of the key players is available on the web, for anyone that cares to know.
The First & Second World Wars and their aftermath are covered in "An Independent Investigation of 911 and the War on Terrorism": by Dr. Albert D. Pastore, PhD, 23 chapters in length.
Are there common denominators within this brief look at what has become of the United States throughout the long march that began on blood-drenched and greed riven American soil? Are there real answers as to who's in charge, and why!
The answer has been available for any man woman or child, anywhere in the world who has ever bought anything with a US dollar bill. This has never been a secret, except as are all open secrets in any open society. The answer is engraved in the Great Seal of the United States, which is also part of the seal of the Presidency, and this seal is prominently displayed on the back right hand side of each and every US one dollar bill. Above the American Bald Eagle is the Star of David that surrounds the thirteen stars that stand for the original 13 states. The image clearly outlines who is in charge, as well as who will do the bidding of those powers that seek to lead The New World Order. Only a public outcry during workday hours could give pause to this dark alliance.
"Wag the Dog" is indeed the order of the day, but Americans may be surprised to learn, just who is the dog, and who is really in charge of Operations.
This arrangement is not accidental, because Zionism and the Colonial Spirit of America's Empire builders are two sides of the same spear-point. What we have tried to do to the Americas, and to the far flung empire of American Influence: Israel is attempting to do to the Middle-East and beyond. That is why, despite Israel's lack of an economy or partners in the world ­ the USA has given her so many trillions of dollars over the fifty plus years of her existence. The State of Israel is minuscule in size, its total population far less than even one of our major cities, and yet her influence dominates our congress, our courts and is openly courted by our Presidents ­ regardless of party. This is because she rules by deception and one of Israel's most lethal weapons is her Sayanim:
In the First World war, even before there was a state, Zionists of that day used the Sayanim to sucker punch the Germans in a way that led to their defeat. The Sayanim were also valuable in obtaining the Balfour Declaration and everything between then and the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. After WWII, Israel used the Jewish Holocaust as a shield against any that might challenge anything that this newly created state might want to do
It is interesting that Zionists used the Irgun (their own terrorists) to chase the British out of  Palestine. Israel, like many other nations, owes it's origins to terror, and they used the Jewish Holocaust to obtain credentials from a sympathetic family of nations. WWII only lasted long four years, but this occupation has lasted 58 years. Israel is still torturing, starving and murdering Palestinians, that is more than reminiscent of the Nazi's, in fact Israel has outdone the Nazi's in their repressive this brutal occupation that savages the surviving people of Palestine. To that list of war crimes -  Israel the EU and the US have now added the crime of sanctions against a captive and impoverished  people; because the Palestinian people dared to vote for themselves and against Israel, in an election George W. Bush commanded them to hold!
"The Israeli Lobby  For the past several decades, and especially since the Six-Day War in 1967, the centerpiece of US Middle Eastern policy has been its relationship with Israel. The combination of unwavering support for Israel and the related effort to spread 'democracy' throughout the region has inflamed Arab and Islamic opinion and jeopardized not only US security but that of much of the rest of the world. This situation has no equal in American political history. Why has the US been willing to set aside its own security and that of many of its allies in order to advance the interests of another state?"
Israel is a nation with 200 nukes in its arsenal that does not belong to the IAEA, and has not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Israel has also violated something like 60 plus UN resolutions, and ignored the global outcry against what her troops, both in uniform and out, are doing around the world. Is it any surprise then -  that for many  -Israel has become 'the Jackal' among nations?
The people of the USA, the EU, the UN and the world ­have ALL been had! The billions of people worldwide that keep trying to stop these wars, that demanded investigations and have asked in vain for answers to what is really going on in this blood-spattered place that used to be an earth that once belonged to everyone. ALL OF US HAVE BEEN SCREWED ­ because we did not track what happened to the money-changers of old, or to the bankers and power brokers of our day. But most were apparently just too busy or too self-concerned-to bother. Now the time has come to choose!
There can no longer be TABOO-topics like the Jewish Holocaust, nationally or internationally, if we are to end this continuing nightmare being orchestrated by Israel. Every nation has their ugly secrets, some more than others: But if events like the facts in the Jewish Holocaust are not opened to public scrutiny ­ then nothing will ever change, except to deepen!
The Jewish people became wandering survivors after their Diaspora, living by their wits, isolated ­ often outcast ­ as can be seen in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. It appears that the lessons learned so long ago, by so many, have become vicious weapons to take everything from anyone that disagrees with them. The course has been set for us, by the bestial imposters of several nations,  who would gladly lead this world into World War III. But after all this time and blood and greed and intrigue - that is NOT an option!
In a truly free and democratic society, no legitimate topic can ever be declared off limits for those who are part of an open and civilized society: Therefore any law that seeks to limit the public or bar people from discussing the merits or evils of any other system, should never be allowed to become part of the fabric of this society: Because any such limitation is CENSORSHIP ­ and should be illegal by any legal definition.
So - EVERYTIME you look at a US one-dollar bill anywhere in the world, just turn it over and think about that symbol on the far right side. Either you resist the idea of this malevolent construction designed to enslave you, or you agree to let this War-Upon-the-World continue . . . that choice is yours.



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