Minutemen To
Descend On DC
To Stop Bush's 'Guest Worker' Amnesty
Program To Be Heard By US Political Leaders

Contact - Tim Bueler
530 401-3285
Huntington Beach, CA - The Minuteman Project has announced a rally in Washington, D.C., to bring attention to the national crisis of illegal immigration and the impending "guest worker" amnesty program before Congress. Minuteman Project Founder Jim Gilchrist and Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) will speak against the proposed legislation.
All members of the United States Senate have been personally invited to participate in the demonstration and will be given an opportunity to address the audience.
"Too many in Washington, from both political parties, have tried to ignore the crisis in illegal immigration," said Jim Gilchrist, a decorated combat wounded Vietnam War veteran. "On this day, they will hear the message loud and clear: Law-abiding Americans are sick and tired of the flood of illegal immigrants coming across our borders. It affects our economy, our jobs, our health and education systems, and every hard-working tax-paying American. It is tantamount to modern-day slave trading."
The rally will be held on Wednesday, February 8, 2006, on the lawn area on the west side of the Capitol Building, on First Street between Constitution Avenue NW and Independence Avenue SW from 11:30am to 2:00pm.
"Our goal," commented Gilchrist, "is to stop the illegal alien 'guest worker amnesty program' dead in its tracks. Washington is out of touch on this issue. It's our job to make sure they know the stakes involved in this fight and that they will face the political consequences if they continue to ignore the wishes of the American people."
Also participating will be Barbara Coe, co-author of Proposition 187 and the president of California Coalition for Immigration Reform; radio personality Terry Anderson from KRLA; John Clark of the American Immigration Control Foundation; Peter Gadiel from Families for a Secure America; Minuteman group leaders and members from across the country, as well as courageous, loyal, law-abiding Americans of every race and ethnicity.
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