Many Come To The Rescue
And Vouch For The Integrity
And Honesty Of BYU
Professor Steven E. Jones

By Greg Szymanski
Everybody under the sun came to the rescue of BYU physics professor, Steven. E. Jones, after questions were raised by some longtime 9/1l truth advocates about his real intentions.
Emails and calls came in by the hundreds with 8 to1 supporting Jones, many suggesting the reason for the recent article about his motives "may be suspect."
The real truth, however, is a question differs from an accusation, the sad fact being almost five years after 9/11 most Americans probably would praise Jones for siding with the government, still thinking it's a good thing to keep    crazy conspiracy theorists at bay.
But in the small microcosm of 9/11, feathers get ruffled easily since most, including Jones, are not used to the public attention that now comes with the highly public and controversial territory.
In fact, if Jones is to ever act as credible expert witness on behalf of the people of the United States versus the 9/11 mass murder culprits, he better start answering questions right now since the American people deserve to know about his past in order that his testimony doesn't backfire on severe public scrutiny and harsh cross-examination.  
And people like Jones who want to keep one foot in the fire and one foot out are also not at all aware of heavy government infiltration in this important movement, some referring the 9/11 truth movement to a box of Raisin Bran with the few honest raisins in the milk surrounded by a whole lot of government bran flakes.
But in defending his honesty and integrity, Jones responded by email, saying he didn't have any hidden agenda, but only wanted to get at the truth behind what really happened the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, when the WTC and Building No. 7 fell in free-fall fashion.
He also categorically denied that the LDS Church hierarchy was involved in any nefarious activities or in satanic rituals, a connection made by others close to the church, including one Utah Mormon recently excommunicated by the LDS Church.
"Your article (appearing Feb. 19 in Arctic Beacon) contains unsubstantiated and false statements and is extremely offensive," wrote Jones in an email after questions were raised about his intentions. "I have been giving and will continue to give public seminars and I assure you I'm not a "government plant".
"As for the Special Prosecutor idea, it will go forward if and only if supported by a majority of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth.   So far, the idea (which I credit to Prof. Griffin) has received much support on the Scholars Forum.
"I may even go to media sources, as I have not agreed to do otherwise, although I would personally prefer to avoid such, if that's what it takes to get this nonsense of yours corrected.   And your reference to satanic rituals in the LDS hierarchy is false and beyond the pale of decency ­ do you have any respect for people and for truth at all?"
Although never accused of anything personally and probably is clean as a whistle, Jones defended LDS Church leaders in light of statements made by an excommunicated Mormon, Phd A. True Ott, who recently had his life threatened numerous times by thugs from the LDS for questioning the practices of Satan worshipping at the main Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City.
Ott's historical findings also linked Luciferian-Masonic connections with deep rooted LDS beginnings, making their evil way into the modern day church, said Ott, through numerous accounts collected by him calling attention to devil worshipping rituals.
"LDS church orchestrated violence was unleashed against me, starting with a red cross painted on my Cedar City doorstep. I was then excommunicated for my views, which is coming out in my new book called Free At Last," said Ott in a recent phone conversation from his Utah home.
Regarding 9/11, Jones went public months ago but supposedly backed out of the public limelight after only a short week of media interviews, including an MSNBC television appearance with Tucker Carlson.
His quick exit and BYU background, coming from a conservative/neo con academic institution known for heavily recruiting CIA/FBI, caused honest 9/11 advocates to think something "was rotten in Denmark."
Jones also claims he as cut a deal with BYU brass where he can only speak at "academic functions," justifying a reason for turning down numerous appearances, including a recent invitation to organize a gala speaking event in Austin, Texas.
Further, Jones and other professors are openly calling for a special prosecutor Watergate-type investigation, which many honest people in the 9/11 movement, including Phillip Jayhan of, say is nothing but a waste of time.
"This is no way to get a fair investigation," said Jayhan, adding any compromise with BYU by somebody seeking the truth needs to be explored.
However, fellow 9/11 advocate, James Fetzer, Phd, from the University of Minnesota and member of Scholars for the Truth, an organization Jones as since joined, said he vouches for his academic group's quest for the truth and his colleague "110%."
"I'm really floored!" said Fetzer in an email.  What in the world is going on?  You are attacking Steve Jones as a "self appointed leader" of the 9/11 movement?  When I founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I invited him to join me as co-chair. He had earned it by virtue of the courage and leadership that> he had demonstrated in presenting unpopular views and supporting them with research based on physics!
 "That is genuine "leadership" and there is nothing "self-appointed" about what he is doing as the co-chair of this society. I am also a bit taken aback by our insinuation that anyone who might contemplate the idea of using a special prosecutor is therefore somehow a dupe, off-the wall, or some kind of dis-information agent!   Surely you can understand that it takes quite a lot of exposure to the kinds of things that occur with governmental cover-ups to begin to appreciate that using a special prosecutor is not highly likely to be a successful strategy in getting out the truth.
"But it is certainly one that is worth considering. Patrick Fitzgerald is a case in point. BYU is a very conservative, private institution in a very conservative state.   There was a move to restrict his research in this area entirely, but they reached an accommodation.  Whether or not you were privy to it at the time it was put in place appears to be unimportant, but I can
assure you that Steve would be making more and more public presentations were it not for his having been "reined it" by his own institution.
Whether that is a good thing or not, it is the reality, one that you should take into account.
"Moreover, while Steve was unable to make his case with Tucker Carlson, surely you could see that Tucker cut him off, would not play even the brief video of the collapse of WTC7 that he had brought along, and otherwise abused him. I would suggest, by the way, that that is what you are doing here:   abusing him!  Which makes me very disappointed in you.  Please think about what I am saying here.
"The only grounds on your side is that, in your opinion, his judgment on a special prosecutor is rather naive.   That may or may not be true, but it hardly justifies an all out assault on a good man who is moving the ball forward in the search for truth about 9/11."
Another emailer, Charles Galway, had this to say about Jones:
"He's simply an academic physics professor at BYU, and LDS.   Since I was raised in Salt Lake City Utah (50 years), had LDS parents (for at least the first part of my life, and know many LDS members, I'd like to inform you that they are not all Satanists. I lived with a person for about two years that had a childhood satanic background and certainly don't find it that similar to my LDS friends," said Galway.
"In fact, currently I have a friend (of about 20+ years), supporting Dr. Jones in some preparation work, and so I have a strong inside connection there.   Dr. Jones does teach at BYU, and I suspect that Dr. Jones has neither the inclination to be an active media spokesman, or absolute (BYU) academic freedom to do so.   I can say that his religion has references (Book of Mormon) warning the people to be wary of kings (or leaders) that wage offensive wars, and Dr. Jones seems to take this as a warning to the "faithful" (as we say here in Mormon-Land).
"Dr. Jones wants to concentrate on the "facts" that can be evaluated, but is also aware that the facts don't exist independent of the political implications.   "He does believe an independent investigation is called for.  I really doubt that he understands that from your point of view -- where there's the danger of manipulation (ala the 9/11 (c)Omission report.   What he wants is a truly independent investigation, and probably one with subpoena power. That independence in fact may require an international effort.
"I personally think you should apologize for the slur-like references, and be a little nicer to a fellow "truth-seekers". I have a background in mechanical. engineering, Biology ( B.Sci.) and a Masters in Secondary Education as well as having worked on a number of DOD research projects. Anyway, I find Dr. Jones' analyses to be quite well done, and very convincing."
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