- I urge everyone to read and contemplate the implications
of Jon Rappoport's plain-spoken, temperate, courageous, and I believe,
unanswerable, editorial on the ordeal of Ernst Zundel, the West's most
significant political prisoner. He became one, as you should all know by
now, with the collaboration of the United States Government.
- In the past I've been taken to task for being a bit free
with the word "unanswerable." All right: Rappoport's ripping
away of the legalistic B.S. surrounding Zundel's persecution is unanswerable
to anyone in whom a Voltairean heart still beats.
- By the way, where are all you libertarians, civil and
otherwise, these days? Cat got your tongues? Don't want to upset your precious
apple carts?
- When Commissar Chertoff and his gang get around to deciding
that you're "giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war,"
or some such nonsense, you're going to be apple sauce. And who will then
utter a peep on your behalf?
- By his stubborn and personally costly defense of the
right to utter and print sentences, even those that blaspheme the West's
de facto religion, Zundel has effectively pop-quizzed all of us on our
commitment to liberty.
- Most of us deserve a big, fat "F."