PlameGate - As Big
As Watergate, Iran-Contra?
Eliminating Witnesses To Treason

By Wayne Madsen
A familiar scene at the US District Court House in Washington, DC. We've seen it before in this town -- the media camped out in the courtyard in front of the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Court House, between the U.S. Capitol and the White House off Pennsylvania Avenue. The media has been there before, during the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals, and the more recent non-scandal of Monica Lewinsky/Whitewater. In the past, the media anxiously awaited for the arrivals and depatures of people with names like Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Liddy, North, Poindexter, Secord, McFarlane, Tripp, Curry, and Hubbell.
Now, the media looks for people with names like Miller and Rove to enter and exit the famous court house. Although the court house is now ringed with construction barriers, the preponderance of satellite dishes, microwave "trees," and entrepreneurial hot dog vendors all point to an impending scandal of Watergate and Iran-Contra proportions.
New York Times reporter Judith Miller made her second appearance before the Grand Jury this morning. She departed the court house at approximately 10:35 am EDT. Karl Rove is expected to make his fourth Grand Jury appearance on Friday, October 14. The word is that the criminal probe is focusing beyond the CIA leak of the identities of Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster Jennings & Associates non-official cover colleagues and on to the wider role of senior White House officials in a conspiracy to attack Ambassador Joseph Wilson and lie about the reasons the United States used to go to war in Iraq.
The focus of the probe on the White House Iraq Group (WHIG) not only would focus on Rove, Scooter Libby, and Ari Fleischer (names that have already been mentioned by informed sources as likely targets) but also Vice President Cheney, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, International Public Diplomacy chief Karen Hughes, and Chief of Staff Andrew Card. President Bush, himself, could also be a subject of the criminal probe for conspiracy. The turning up of the heat on Bush's closest aides has also resulted in a barrage of criticism for Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald from the typical right wing noise machines, including propaganda outlets on the web and cable television.
The Grand Jury in CIA Leakgate is sitting behind these doors between the US Capitol and the White House. Hopefully, this will put to rest uninformed rumors and disinformation that Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has involved Federal judges and jurors in Chicago in his probe of the CIA leak. Those reports are simply not true.
There are indications that the CIA's Counter Proliferation efforts in Iraq prior to the war may have also been compromised by the outing by the White House of Valerie Plame Wilson and Brewster Jennings & Associates. Iraqi assets in a position to know about the destruction of Iraqi WMDs by 1995 may have been executed by remnants of Iraq's security services and other paramilitaries working for the U.S. in order to silence them as witnesses to Iraq's WMD disarmament eight years prior to the U.S. invasion.
The media waiting game in CIA Leakgate.
There is a sense of anticipation in the air.



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