- First of all, I would like to point out that I am a big
skeptic as far as UFO sightings are concerned but in some ways this only
makes me more determined to show the photos to people and to try and get
some kind of answer or comment about them... The bottom line is... that
myself and colleagues know what we saw whilst not knowing what is was and
ultimately if need be would take a lie detector test to prove that we are
telling the truth.
- The photos were taken using a Cannon 300D camera with
a 300mm image stabilising lens. The original photographs untouched are
available if required.
- At around 10.00am this morning July 10th 2005 I was sitting
outside with 4 colleagues when I saw a very bright flashing rotating object
in the sky. This I pointed out to everyone, and everone saw it. At this
point I must say that I am one of the worlds greatest sceptics with regards
to UFOs. I managed to photograph the object and have 6 very good photos
of it.
- Please do not take this e-mail as a crank contact as
I must admit that I would be very dubious but others saw it as well.
- To continue... 3-5 minutes after the object had passed
over we all saw another object flying in at the opposite direction at great
speed against the wind direction and seconds later suddenly took a shap
turn to the left, second later to disappear from view. We are all professional
people and quite frankly have better things to do with our time than to
make wacky e-mails or photos but we all feel that what we saw was totally
unexplainable taking into account the possibilities of the object being
a weather balloon or plane reflecting the sunlight.
- I must say once again, please do not take this e-mail
as a hoax. I have the photographs to back up our claim of seeing a UFO.
- Steve Mera