'Jellyfish' UFO Cruises
Over Bolivia For An Hour
From Scott Corrales
Inxplicata - The Journal Of Hispanic Ufology
La Patria (newspaper)
An unidentified flying object (UFO) flew over the skies of Oruro early morning yesterday for approximately an hour. It was recorded by citizen Gustavo Ponce, who at first did not believe what he was seeing.
The time was approximately 01:30 hours in the morning when Ponce was heading for bed. At that time he saw a yellowish light in the sky that drew his attention, prompting him to reach for his binoculars to look at it more carefully.
"It was a very strange and shiny figure that could be seen through the binoculars. I went ahead and took out my camcorder to videotape the UFO in the sky. As the camera zoomed toward the object, I could how it was breaking down into a shape resembling a jellyfish or something like it. It was very strange."
He added that the object was flying over the eastern part of the city and that it was the first time he had ever seen such an object, having never had previous visual contact with a UFO.
LA PATRIA visited Ponce's home to see the images captured by his camcorder, attesting to the fact that the shining object broke down into a full circumference, adopting the shape of a jellyfish.
This is not the first time that a citizen has reported such objects. It is know that some reports of UFOs seen in the sky were told at a certain time, but they were not given credence by the public at large, since there is considerable skepticism toward the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrials.
Translation (c) 2005. Scott Corrales, IHU.
Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO.



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