'All The Hallmarks
Of Al Qaeda' - NOT

From Philip Hoag
A. Synchronized timing devices ........not triggered by suicide bombers (CNN)
B. "high explosives" .......not homemade material...The bombs used in the attacks held less than 10 pounds of explosives each. (CNN)
C. Bombs had 'level of sophistication' ...military grade...attacks had used timers.... "In Israel we've had coordinated (suicide) bombings but they've never been that close," ..."If they've got down to a minute that would be an all-time record." (CNN)
Prime Minister Tony Blair said investigators still don't know who was behind the attacks, but said a group like al Qaeda was probably responsible ????
1. Synchronized timing devices
2. Bombs with a high 'level of sophistication'
3. Military grade explosives
4. Closely coordinated bombings down to a minute
al Qaeda was probably responsible ????
It sounds more like all the hallmarks of a Western intelligence service.


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