'Al-Qaida' Group
Claims Responsibilty
For Explosions

The drumbeat of 'Al Qaeda did it' is already pounding through world news headline stories. 911 researchers and others are strongly advising everyone to withhold judgement regarding stories of claims of responsibility. -ed
The Scoop Team
Democratic Underground - Al-Qaida has claimed responsibility for the series of blasts that shook central London during rush hour on Thursday morning. Blair has left the G8 meeting for the capital. At least two have been confirmed dead and scores injured in the seven blasts on the city's transportation system. (...)
The blasts, which were early on blamed on a possible power surge on the London grid, have now been claimed by the terrorist group al-Qaida according to a document posted on Web site often used by the group to announce attacks. A group calling itself "Secret Organization -- al Qaida in Europe" says it was responsible and says it was a reaction to British participation in military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. The authenticity of the claim could not immediately be verified.
Arab sources who monitor al-Qaida have also said they believe the attacks are almost certainly the handiwork of Osama bin Laden's terrorist group.
London Bombs - Al-Qaeda Claim Emerges
LONDON (AKI) - A European-based militant group believed to be linked to the al-Qaeda network has said it was responsible for Thursday's multiple bomb attacks in Londoon. The Group of the Secret Organisation of al-Qaeda in Europe issued a brief statement posted on the Internet claiming responsibility for the blasts and warning Italy and Denmark to pull out their troops from Iraq or receive similar treatment. Authorities have yet to establish the message's credibility. In the statement, the authors say that "an attack has been carried out against the British Zionist 'crusader' government in response to the massacres that have been carried out by Great Britain in Iraq and Afghanistan." According to the statement "the Mujahadeen heroes have carried out a holy operation in London", saying that "the British people has been warned more than once and now we have kept our promise with a huge effort" which it said had taken lengthy preparations.
The statement concludes with warnings to two other European governments. "We are again warning the Danish goernment and the Italian government, along with all 'crusader' governments, that they will receive the same punishment for what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Group lays claim to blasts
'Al Qaeda in Europe' warns other nations
Thursday, July 7, 2005; Posted: 10:16 a.m. EDT (14:16 GMT)
Emergency service vehicles at Edgware Road Station
Unknown Group Claims Credit For Bombings
LONDON, England (CNN) -- A previously unknown group calling itself the "Secret Organization Group of al Qaeda of Jihad in Europe" has released a statement claiming responsibility for the subway and bus bombings in London.
CNN could not confirm the authenticity of the statement, which was posted Thursday on a Web site connected to Islamic radicals.
The statement said Islam and "Arabism" could "rejoice for it is time to take revenge from the British Zionist Crusader government in retaliation for the massacres Britain is committing in Iraq and Afghanistan."
"The heroic mujahideen have carried out a blessed raid in London," the statement said, translated from Arabic.
"Britain is now burning with fear, terror and panic in its northern, southern, eastern and western quarters. We have repeatedly warned the British Government and people."
The statement said the group had carried out the attack after exerting "strenuous efforts over a long period of time to ensure its success."
"We continue to warn the governments of Denmark and Italy and all the Crusader governments that they will be punished in the same way if they do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan," it said. "He who warns is excused."



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