More Triangles Over New York -
Another Roswell Confirmation
George A. Filer <>
Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern
MUFON Skywatch Investigations
Filer's Files #51

MONTICELLO, SULLIVAN COUNTY -- On December 4, 2000, a large a triangular flying object was observed in the daytime sky with numerous bright lights. The object was sighted at 3:00 PM for about a minute. Cloud cover appeared to limit the sighting to a relatively short time. The object was 500 feet or less in altitude and appeared different from normal aircraft. Thanks to the MUFON Worldwide UFO Database.
BUFFALO -- Roger Hoeft III writes, "About July of 1998 at 11:00 PM, I was returning home from my job at a major trauma center and noticed slow moving lights in the sky." I live 15 miles due east of the city of Buffalo in a rural community. As I was turning down a road near my home I noticed slow moving lights in the sky to my right. They were coming from an extremely huge "ship" that floated over me. I had turned off my engine to my truck so that I could hear any sounds. There was a low hum coming from it. There were 3 or 4 white lights either on the edge or near the bottom. Although it was dark, there had been enough moon light for me to see the outline of this thing. It was at least 100 yards long, and 80 feet wide. It was about 200 to 250 feet in the air as it passed over head. I couldn't help but yell "wow" "this is it!! You've finally seen one!" I wanted to follow it, but by the time I turned, it was gone. The next day when I was back at work, and after I had gotten my officers out to their respective posts, I turned to my friend and said, "Dave, you won't believe what I saw!"-- and he said, "Wait until I tell you what I saw!" He proceeded to describe the same UFO to me. He lives ten miles due north of me, and was driving home at about the same time and we apparently saw the same craft. Last month, the Discovery Channel ran a story on "UFOs over Illinois." This is what we saw! Thanks to Roger Hoeft and Dave Marracino
ORLANDO -- On December 9, 2000, a 49 year old manager stepped outside to let his dogs out and spotted two bright star like objects moving together from the southwest to the northeast. It was a very clear night with an almost a full moon in the eastern sky. The witness reports he saw two star like objects moving across the sky and ran inside to grab his binoculars to look up at them. It still looked like stars moving. The light from them was extremely bright. One was right behind the other. (Example ' ' ) They disappeared behind some tall trees and that was the last I saw of them at 16:32 hours. It lasted about three minutes in total time seen. The objects were glowing brightly and were last sighted in the northeast. Thanks to the MUFON Worldwide UFO Database
CARLSBAD -- On December 9, 2000, we saw two brightly lit objects take off in the east. We were just getting home at 6:00 PM and my husband was unloading the truck. I turned and looked to the east at the moon. I saw what appeared to be 4 stars in a row above the moon. I thought that was interesting so I watched and told my husband to look. As I was pointing out the stars to my husband, suddenly two of them began to move. They accelerated so rapidly that within 2 or 3 seconds, they were completely gone. The objects took off flying in a straight path. There was no noise, they were just gone. We were both elated at seeing these UFOs. Thanks to the MUFON Worldwide UFO Database.
ROSWELL -- Researcher Fred Wilcox called to tell me that he was in the Army Air Force for 21 months in World War II. He worked at Roswell Air Force Base in 1948 as a civilian. He met Walter Haut who had been the Public Relations Officer at Roswell Air Base and announced the crash of a flying saucer to the press in 1947. Walter became friendly with mutual friend in 1955, who claimed Walter Haut told her that he had been in charge of the first crash site and saw the bodies. The wreck of the craft was in tact, and the 30 feet in diameter craft was taken to Roswell. Apparently, Walter Haut has told others this story through the years, but only after getting to know them exceptionally well. At least one other person who is still alive was also told Walter's story in the early 50s. Later this person also told Fred Wilcox about Walter's first hand observation of the crash site. Walter had been warned to keep his mouth shut and was very careful in telling only trusted friends. Fred Wilcox claims the New Mexico State Police also had a picture of the crash site and likely helped escort the craft back to Roswell. Later the craft was transported to Wright Field aboard a railroad train. Fred believes the craft had been flying out of a secret base near Orogrande, New Mexico since 1941. Thanks to Fred Wilcox of Amalogordo, New Mexico.
MEXICO CITY -- Francisco Trujillo of the NTX Mexican News agency contacted me to determine MUFON's opinion of a photograph taken on Tuesday, December 19, 2000, by a professional photographer Alfonso Reyes of Notimex. Reyes has taken a remarkable photograph of a brightly lit object racing toward the Popocatepetl Volcano near Mexico City. He was capturing the awakening and explosive eruption of the volcano that is in the background of the photo. Reyes claims he did not see the object while shooting the volcanic eruption at 6:10 AM. The object was not observed until after the picture was developed. The photo is a 20 second time exposure taken with a 24 MM lens. The time exposure accounts for the streak that reveals the object's trajectory that appears to descend towards the volcano. It is difficult to discern if the object is moving toward or away from the camera or how it came to be in the film. Popocatepetl means " Smoking Mountain" and the volcano started new eruptions the previous day. The object may be the result of Earth Lights; volcanic related earthquakes, pyro plastic flows, or plasmas caused by titanic earth stresses. Of course the object may be simply a UFO and detailed analysis is under way. Volcanologists have been concerned that the volcano may explode, but shortly after the photo was taken the volcano mysteriously stopped its eruptions.
Many UFOs have been seen and photographed in the area in the past. For example, on June 29, 1999, the surveillance camera of the CENAPRED, the government agency for disasters prevention was monitoring Popocatepetl taking time lapse photos at intervals. A disk shaped dark object was photographed near the volcano crater emerging from the smoke clouds at 1:20 PM. Other photos and video of UFOs have been seen. UFOs seem to have a strange fascination with volcanoes so if the eruptions continue there are likely to be more photos and video.
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