Good UFO Sightings In December -
New Millennium Begins
By George A. Filer <>
Director - Mutual UFO Network Eastern
MUFON Skywatch Investigations
Filer's Files #1 1-2-01
UFO SIGHTINGS HAVE BEEN FEW IN DECEMBER -- But good UFO sighting reports came in from New York, North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, California, Washington, Chile and Turkey. Although there are thousands of reports each year, the last five years have shown that December and the Christmas Holidays have the least number of reports. Perhaps people are too busy to report sightings during this period, but more likely the UFO aircrews go on vacation. Polls show that 7% of the total population have seen UFOs, but only a small percentage are actually reported.
As we start the new Millennium, it is time to expose the fact that alien, and most likely extraterrestrial presence has been with us for many thousands of years. Today our newest technology such as radar and satellites are picking up the UFOs on a regular basis. There is also good evidence that UFOs may provide a safety hazard to our aircraft. Important aircraft accidents such as TWA Flight 800 and EgyptAir Flight 900 have numerous reports of UFOs in the vicinity. Jeff Challender has put together raw video footage from space shuttles orbiting Earth. These show incontrovertible evidence that the NASA downloads show UFOs moving at tremendous speed both in our atmosphere and in space. I personally feel many of the ancient historical and religious texts also tell the story of our visitors. Ancient Sumerian, Indian, Greek, and Biblical texts reveal that our Earth was visited by angelic messengers flying in strange craft that are remarkably similar to those seen today.
Human nature has tendency to reject and bury those factors that might be a threat. Politicians, scientists and high ranking military appear to have the most to lose if it turns out these unidentified flying objects are manned by non human intelligence. Most of our readers realize that some UFOs may be natural phenomenon or classified military aircraft. However, it seems doubtful that humans have developed craft that can fly at 100,000 mph, but we should realize that we may have been fooled on occasion by clever counter-intelligence efforts to hide new aircraft.
Our world still faces major environmental problems in the new Millennium. New diseases, an energy shortage and the threat of international terrorism all point to difficult times ahead. President Bush needs all the help he can get to overcome these serious problems in the future. It will be interesting to see if the new president is willing to publicize the UFO presence. His father and President Clinton appeared willing to ignore the problem.
Less than a hundred years ago the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk, and now we are getting ready to visit other planets. For the first time in history, we present a threat to other intelligence's by venturing forth to other planets. The future of our civilization may depend on the actions we take regarding the visitors. We must learn more about the visitors who could cleverly exploit us, using religion, sex or the entertainment industry against us. There is evidence in the past, they attempted to give us lessons on how to live as brothers. It is time we matured and find ways to eliminate hatreds and wars as a means of settling disputes. There may be accidental encounters between the visitors and us. The fact they have not simply destroyed us indicates they choose to keep us alive. Until we know their plans and motives we must gain intelligence information on their intentions.
During the last Millennium many great men have come and gone. Leaders like Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, scientists such as Einstein, Kepler, Tesla, and Bell. Its interesting that most of the greatest men also had a curiosity about UFOs. In reflecting about the past, I thought about those who had left there mark on my life. A great actor who died this year, had a great effect on me. I met Sir Alec Guinness in London and he was gracious and friendly. He was in my opinion the true superstar of the "Star Wars" movies. I think he knew there is a God the Creator or Father of the universe when he stated with a sparkle in his eye, "May the Force be with you!"
NORTH MASSAPEQUA -- On December 2, 2000, 37 year old male and a 39 year old female were driving north on Hicksville Road in Nassau County. Suddenly a bright green light was spotted by both of them at exactly the same time. The witness said, "It would have appeared to have been an airplane or such, except for the fact that it was going straight down at rapid speed and then disappeared." The speed was definitely greater than an object falling from the sky. The object was directly in front of us at 11:15 PM and we only saw the object descending. We knew it cannot have been fireworks or ground-launched incendiary device. We looked down a few streets to see if we could see it where it may have landed. Witness 2 believes it landed, and quite possibly the light went out just before landing while moving to the northeast. Witness 1 believes it disappeared from view -- perhaps the light went out but it was still there. The object was in sight for about a minute. Less than 5 minutes later 3 or 4 helicopters were circling the neighborhood. Thanks to the MUFON's Worldwide UFO Database. 1 (800) UFO-2166
NORTH TONAWANDA -- Roger Hoeft III writes that back in about 1978-79 my brother and his wife told me of strange goings on that were occurring behind their home in Western New York. One evening in the fall, after dark, we observed a ship gliding over an empty field behind their home. This time it was observed from the side and had the "cigar shape" that is, long and not too high. There were several large picture windows, that I could see with binoculars. I could only see light in the windows. We watched as this one glided along at about 10 mph or so, and then it turned on it's side and took off at great acceleration towards the north. I presumed that it was an experimental aircraft, since the Niagara Falls Air Force base was only about 10 miles away. Possibly this is where the craft I saw in '98 came from. Thanks to: Roger Hoeft III
FAYETTEVILLE -- On November 30, 2000, Patricia Carter, her husband Bob, and her sister-in-law, Judy were driving when both ladies saw an object moving slowly across the sky at around 9:45 PM. Bob, thought it was a blimp. But I said, 'No way!' We saw red lights in an elongated pattern, on or around the perimeter of an oblong object. The object appeared to move at the speed a blimp would move, but it was too elongated to be a blimp. There didn't appear to be any other lights visible." "Then Bob stopped to speak with a man at Gray's Creek," near Fayetteville, NC. We were quite curious and persuaded Bob to turn the car around and follow the lights. By the time the object was nearly out of sight and traveling along north of the river. We lost sight of the object because of a line of trees that obscured our vision." See the Fayetteville Observer for December 2, 2000. Thanks to Stefan Duncan of AUFON.
CORAL SPRINGS -- On December 23, 2000, a 43 year old educator saw a saucer shaped object with a dome at an altitude of 500 feet or less. The object was north of Coral Springs, only 250 feet away from the observers position at 8:00 AM. The saucer flew back and fourth at high speed and appeared metallic. Its lights dimmed and eventually disappeared. The witness said, "I felt helpless, but I got a picture of it, but it turned out blurry." There was rain and a cloud cover. Thanks to the MUFON's Worldwide UFO Database. , 1 (800) UFO-2166
MICHIGAN CITY -- The witness a 26 year old male was walking in Dunes National Park on December 21, 2000. When he got to the top of Mount Baldy at 8:45 PM, he looked down and noticed a shiny, metallic like tent sitting on the ground about fifty feet away. It had a dome with appendages. The witness states, "It sat there for about two minutes, then began whining, and finally took off at an incredible speed, making a high-pitched whining sound." I also noticed a strange smell. The object changed color to a bright red and finally fiery red heading higher and finally too far away to see. I looked at my watch, noticed that roughly two hours had passed. My memory and motor skills were effected by the incident. I had involuntary actions that included paralysis and a rash. Thanks to the MUFON's Worldwide UFO Database.
DEARBORN -- A UFO video clip was filmed on Ford Road on September 5, 2000, of an odd bright light in the northeast sky at 6:50 AM. The object was only a few degrees above the horizon and the Sun had not come up yet. The witness pulled into the new Visteon building's parking lot and started filming. At first he thought it may be a cloud, but it actually sat motionless and then slowly moved to the southeast. The video shows a "ribbed" disk shaped form which appears underneath the "illuminated/reflecting" upper section of the object. The video and other UFO investigations can be seen at this excellent web site.
PINAL COUNTY -- I live in a remote area of the San Tan Mountains. I have had several sightings over the last three years always when there was no moon. There is no electrical service in the area, so there is no light interference. At the time, I spent almost every evening outside enjoying the stars and the quiet. From within the mountains I observed a helicopter, sometimes two that followed a large object closely. It was completely dark with no lights, but made a strange sound. I am familiar with aircraft and turbine engines, but these are very quiet and have a strange sound. I assumed that it was a new experimental aircraft from a facility within the San Tans Mountains. Often these craft headed to Sacaton, where there is a very strange facility surrounded by orchards on the Indian Reservation. After finding this facility I became intrigued, because it is a very odd facility. I am not claiming that it is alien, but the facility and these sightings are interesting and may worthwhile. Thanks to the MUFON's Worldwide UFO Database.
SANTA BARBARA -- This letter was written to Dr. Leir. " On December 17, 2000, my friend and I were on the roof when he saw an object in the sky. The object was almost straight up in the sky overhead, and about the size of Venus, but looked metallic from a reflection of the sun. Atmospheric distortion was evident, when comparing it to aircraft flying in the area. We assume the object was at a higher altitude. Looking through binoculars, I saw a puff of smoke or vapor from the UFO. We both lost sight of the object when it split into three separate smaller ones, and the total brightness went down. It split from one to two and from two to three. (X to x x to x) The split off flew north east. When I moved I lost them in the field of view. We viewed the object for about 7 minuets, just before 4:50 PM. This object has shown itself each of the past going back to 1992, during the Holidays. It has been witnessed by many individuals and studied by MUFON. Thanks to James Brandt and Dr. Leir.
SEATTLE -- On December 23, 2000, four witnesses noticed strange flashing lights. A 34 year old witness is now in the military, his 33 year old wife and 13 their year old son were driving to Tacoma. Upon entering the Seattle city limits around 8:00 PM, they saw what looked like a flying police car's lights up in the sky. The lights were within visual range of a large commercial aircraft. The flashing lights came from the east and accelerated suddenly for about a full second, increasing from helicopter speed to full throttle jet fighter speed. It took about 20 seconds to cover the distance to the coast. Once over the water, the flashing lights made a 180 degree turn and returned half the original flight path. It then made a 90 degree turn toward the South and moved quickly out of sight. It was 500 to 1000 feet in altitude. The object was visible for several minutes. The object moved from 500 feet to one mile away before disappearing. Thanks to the MUFON's Worldwide UFO Database.
There have been a series of sightings in Chile's 2nd Region in recent months. Local researcher Jaime Ferrer reports that a luminous object with an almost-rhomboidal configuration was seen on Monday, December 18, 2000, at 22:30 hours in the area known as Ojo de Apache, two kilometers west of Calama. The witness Mrs. Maria Angelica was walking home on a road with no lighting in the area when she saw the UFO. She lives in terror, because every night she hears violent stomping on her rooftop that she feels are related to the UFO. She claims, her animal-owning neighbors have lost many animals to the intruders.
Periodically our earth travels through parts of the sky that are more dangerous because of potential asteroids. As the Sun moves through the galaxy it pulls the planets along with it. Once each year we circle the sun, but we appear to be moving into an area where there is more debris in space. Asteroids are relatively dense bodies that range in size from 1 to 760 kilometers. An asteroid or even the smaller meteoroids could cause severe damage to the Earth. It is fortunate that we now have the ability for space travel and an increasing ability to spot danger in our skies. Tim Edward's writes, " One of the strongest annual meteor showers will peak over North America during the morning hours of Wednesday, January 3, 2001." The Quadrantid meteor shower has the capability to produce 100 meteors per hour at the time of maximum activity if viewed from dark rural sites away from any sources of light pollution. Quadrantid meteors should be seen in a remote region of the sky near the intersections of Draco, Hercules, and Ursa Major. Gary Kronk has provided a finder chart at: Thanks to Tim Edwards
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