- The following is a true and accurate account of my sighting
in Seattle Washington which occurred in 1993. I believe it was in the month
of November.
- It was a Sunday night about 9:30. I often had occasion
to be driving north about that time of evening on Sundays and I usually
took the I-5 freeway. This time, however, I knew the freeway, northbound,
was jammed up due to an accident. So I took an alternate route which eventually
led me to what I think was East Marginal Way, right next to the main Boeing
Aircraft facility in Seattle.
- As I was traveling, northbound, I noticed three red lights
low in the sky ahead of me and to my right. They were moving in unison,
very slowly across my field of vision from east to west. At first I thought
they must be the lights of a low flying plane, perhaps about to land. Then
I thought, no, they must be helicopters because a plane, even if it was
landing, wouldn't be moving that slowly. The trouble was, I couldn't actually
see the craft or crafts that the lights were attached to. They were, maybe,
a half mile ahead of me, about 30 degrees to my right. Normally, I wouldn't
have paid much attention to this because I'd been making that Sunday night
drive past Boeing (although via the freeway) for twelve years. This is
also not too far from the Sea-Tac Airport.
In all that time I'd seen plenty of airplanes and helicopters
flying low in this area. But something was different this time. It took
me a minute to realize what it was. It was the fact that the lights weren't
blinking. I thought that was odd. It seemed to me every airplane or helicopter
I've ever seen flying at night had blinking lights. I squinted my eyes
as I drove toward the lights, trying to see just what I was actually looking
at. Although I was now only about two blocks away from being directly under
the flight path of these lights, I still could not make out what they were
attached to. However, from their slow, steady movement, in unison, I was
pretty sure all three of them were attached to a single object rather than
being independent of each other. By the time I was directly in line with
their flight path, they were about to enter the airspace above Boeing Field
to my immediate left. At this point I was convinced it was a single, low-flying
craft of some kind and I knew there was something very odd here. I pulled
my car off to the side of the road and rolled down the window to get a
better look. But the craft was now directly overhead so I had to get out
of the car to see it.
- I opened the car door and stepped out. Craning my neck
to see the craft as it passed slowly directly over my head at an estimated
altitude of less than 500 feet (Note: at the actual time of the sighting
my impression was that the craft was perhaps only about 150 feet above
me) I could see it was a gigantic black triangle. There is no other way
to describe it because that's precisely what it was; a huge, black, triangle;
not just "sort of" triangular shaped, like one of those stealth
jets I'd seen photos of. It was just one big, three-sided, cookie-cutter-straight-edged,
black, geometric shape; a triangle with one large, round unblinking red
light at each of its three corners, flat up against the underside of the
craft. There was a high, gray cloud cover that evening, subtly lit by the
Seattle city lights in the distance. I could clearly and unobstructedly
see the object like a huge, dense black silhouette against this gray ceiling.
- I stood there almost not believing what I knew I was
seeing. I actually said to myself, "Ok. What, exactly, are you seeing?
You're going to want to remember every detail of this! Just the facts,
now. What, exactly, do you see?" I made a mental inventory. "Black
triangle. Red light on each corner, flat up against the underside of the
craft. They don't blink. ...(Note: at this point it has proceeded on past
me and was now over Boeing field) ...It looks like it's about seventy-five
to a hundred feet above one of the main Boeing hangars. It's moving very
slowly. Maybe five miles per hour. It's heading west. It appears to be
about the size of a football field."
- Suddenly I realized, as I stood there in the dark on
this quiet empty street, the object didn't make a sound! Maybe more than
anything else, that's what made the whole thing so eerie. Something that
huge, that close, moving through the air at a snail's pace should be making
some kind of a sound. A hum. A rumble. Anything. But, no. It just moved
across the sky like something out of a Steven Spielberg movie with the
volume turned off. I looked up and down the street to see if anyone else
was witnessing this silent event, but the street was dark and empty in
both directions. It occurred to me, however, that the thing had just passed
directly over hundreds of cars on the freeway which was only a few miles
east of where I was standing. I looked up again at the mysterious craft
now blending into the dark horizon. I watched it until I couldn't see it
anymore and then it was over.
- I got back into my car and closed the door. The window
was still open and I took another look. Nothing was there but the gray
night sky, softly aglow from the distant city lights. It was as if nothing
had happened. All the way home I just kept asking myself, "What the
hell was that?" I'm still wondering.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Addendum
- The weekend following my sighting (referenced above),
I told my ex-wife about it. We're on good terms and I was either picking
up my son for a weekend visit or returning him. I can't recall which. In
any case, her response to what I told her was rather shocking but it may
be significant to note that she has no interest in the UFO phenomenon and
is not prone to making up such stories "off the cuff".
- She works as a cocktail waitress and has conversations
with many people during the course of her work. She told me that one of
her customers, a Boeing employee, told her that there was an underground
manufacturing facility located somewhere on the Boeing property where they
were building a huge, triangular craft. Supposedly this was a "secret"
underground facility that no one was really supposed to know about. I asked
her what else he told her but, having no real interest in such things and
being very busy that evening, she didn't bother to ask any questions or
in any way follow up on the conversation. As I recall, she didn't know
who this fellow was as he was apparently not one of the "regulars".
- I don't know if this story has any merit or not but I
did find it very curious, especially coming from her and especially since
I did see the craft cruise slowly, directly over the Boeing manufacturing
plant. Also of interest is the fact that Boeing made big news in 2002 when
a story hit the press that they were experimenting with anti-gravity propulsion.
Later, however, they denied it. I recall, however, that some researcher
(I think it may have been Bill Hamilton) actually saw a 45 page document
from Boeing pertaining to the anti-gravity research. It occurred to me
at the time of the sighting that the craft seemed much too big to be able
to cruise that slowly without just falling to the ground. In fact it's
more accurately descriptive to say it was "floating" rather than
- In any case, as I said, My ex-wife not only has no interest
in such matters, she's also not one to come up with such imaginative tales
on the spur of the moment. She was quite serious when she related this
incident to me. Again, this was back in November of 1993.
- So, just what did I see? Was it an alien craft? A secret
military craft? I don't know. We'll just have to file it into the "Gray
Basket" as Stanton Friedman is fond of saying.
- Gary Val Tenuta
- Everett, WA
- Comment
- From Ted Twietmeyer
- tedtw@frontiernet.net
- 9-3-4
- I've been to Boeing field numerous times on business
back in the mid 80's. Gate C-39 is (was) the closest entrance to it. The
flight test facility building with massive computing power, is just inside
the C-39 entrance to the right. I was there so often as a project manager
for a key switching system used in flight test and also in the radio tower,
they actually gave me my own badge to come and go for a three week stay
- There is a hangar beside the end of the runway, which
at that time could easily house 4-5 jumbo jets. After vibration and modal
testing was completed on a fuselage and wing section inside one end of
the hangar, everyone would come to see the final test. A mechanism would
begin to bend the wing tip...until it snapped off at the root where it
joins the fuselage. It sounds like an explosion and always manages to scare
the daylights out of everyone. Although FAA regs. only require about 4ft
before breaking, Boeing's amazing planes would make it out to 12ft. or
more before a wing broke off. As I recall, the 757 test made it to 14ft.
- The field is the main take-off and landing strip for
EVERY plane Boeing manufactures. Every plane must pass through a rigorous
flight test. A large tracking dish on the roof about 25ft across will lock
onto the plane after takeoff, and receive downlinked telemetry from every
single part of the aircraft. New aircraft at that time were built with
more than 9 miles of special bright orange wiring, the purpose of which
is only for flight test certification. After the test is over, a crew goes
in and rips out everything orange.
- A large bundle of orange wire also connects to all
tires and wheels. Inside the plane, only a handful of seats are installed.
The remainder of the space is taken up by data collection and telemetry
systems, and banks of beer-keg like barrels which have water pumped from
one group to another during flight to change the center of gravity. I suspect
this time honored method is still used to test aircraft trim. The dish
can track the aircraft over most of northeast Washington state, receiving
a commutated (multiplexed) data stream on every possible part of the aircraft,
including stress sensors bonded to the inside of the outer skin. When testing
was complete, the wires to the sensors are cutoff, and the sensor left
in place. Then the insulation and inside wall panels are installed. The
racks are removed, the plane cleaned and all the remaining seats are installed
as the plane is readied for delivery.
- This entire test procedure is performed on EVERY plane
built, to receive the required FAA flight worthy certification.
- FAA people have their own offices right there at Boeing
- There is a steep flight of open steps that leads to
the radio located on the top of the hangar building. 110ft. to the top.
These steps were located inside the hangar, and looking down from 11 stories
up on the open steel stairs would give anyone vertigo. An open elevator
outside the building was where you put equipment and briefcases, so you
wouldn't have to lug them up the steps. It was forbidden to ride the single
cable elevator platform with no safety braking system. Interlock switches
and a chain link fence prevented anyone from doing so. One would walk out
on the roof from the rear of the control room over to the elevator, and
open the interlocked doors to access the cargo. The top of the hangar was
painted with airfield red and white checkered blocks, because many years
ago a confused pilot *attempted* to land his plane on the roof. That landing
didn't go too well, because of air conditioning ductwork and antennas on
the roof...
- I was at Boeing Field about a month. Not once did I
see any triangles, but that does not mean they don't exist. It is well
known they do exist, and I personally know former airforce officers that
know about them and saw them close up. The propulsion system has been upgraded,
and the 60ft. highly pressurized gravity shielding ring that reduced most
of the vehicle's weight to zero, has been replaced with another technology
no one is talking about.
- I also know from first hand knowledge that black triangles
play a key role in abductions. They can hover silently, and almost always
only fly at night in between 2AM and 4AM before any dawn light appears.
The question always is - WHO owns them, and WHERE are they from ? I strongly
suspect the triangles built by Boeing are clones of a vehicle that crashed
which either wasn't invented on earth, or it came from our future. The
latter is more likely. There are some reports these were used in the mideast
war, and were firing (chemical) lasers at Iraqi targets. Chemical lasers
require almost no electricity at all, since the laser functions much like
a rocket does, with a fuel and oxidizer. Just large tanks are all that's
needed and some type of control and tracking system.
- The airforce space command has a collection of advanced
vehicles they can do nothing with, because they foolishly have tried to
use 'standard' physics to analyze them. That is, Hawkings-type mainstream
physics. This has been changing, however. Some vehicles use materials not
available on earth, or cannot be made repaired or fueled here for other
reasons. Its most likely that given the quantum leap from jet aircraft
to black triangles, that the Nellis people or space command gave Boeing
the contract to build them. The triangle is most likely based on at least
one crashed vehicle that didn't use any materials that couldn't be fabricated.
At more than 1 billion dollars each, it's long been suspected that the
secret government (which doesn't exist of course) owns some or all of them.
- I've commented in a past rense article about NASA,
that because these triangles DO EXIST that the shuttle has been, and is,
OBSOLETE. And the one department of the government you almost never hear
anything about, is the Space Command. Especially their crash retreival
- Most generals are nothing more than big kids with expensive
uniforms, who have scratched, butt-kissed and clawed their way to the top.
Oh.. the price of fame...
- Even with the well-established flight history of the
TR3 series black triangles - we continue to send astronauts into space
on rockets and they die.