- Maple Grove Cemetery, Indiana Triangular Shaped Craft
- Date: June 8, 2004
- Time: 5:15 a.m.
- Number of witnesses: 2
- Number of objects: 1
- Shape of objects: Stealth Bomber
- Full Description of event/sighting: I was setting my
camera up to get pictures of Venus going past the sun on June 8,2004 when
I decided to take a few shots of the moon. I took the picture around 5:15
- I was using a 35 mm camera with a 1000 mm lens.
- When I got the film developed I found this Stealth Bomber
shape object at the 1:00 position of the moon. I have sent the picture
off to a couple of different places and One says it is a UFO and the other
says it is a bat. I know what bats look like and it is no bat. Besides
bats don't fly that high.
Interesting effect - This image, shot near the moon, when subjected to
standard image enhancement techniques (in this case, auto-curves settings,
is a contrast-to-color calibrator, yielded totally unexpected results.
The field
around the object turned bright red.
- I would like to send you a picture so maybe you can tell
me what it is. I am hoping I have captured something.
Under more conventional contrast correction filters, the objects shape
more defined and the disturbed area around it more interesting, though
a lot of
that is very likely typical jpeg compression scheme scars and not anything
in the image itself related to the object.
- What I have it is Sort of Triangular but at the same
time looks like the Stealth Bomber. It has 3 sets of white lights at the
top and 3 sets on the bottom. What ever it is it is very large and a long
way off because it could not be seen with the naked eye.
- Thank you.
- ----
- Thank you to the witness for the report and picture
- Brian Vike, Director
- HBCC UFO Research
- Home - Phone 250 845 2189
- email: hbccufo@telus.net
- Website: http://www.hbccufo.com
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