- Phoenix, Arizona Objects Video Taped
- Date: June 23 - July 11, 2004
- Hey Brian! I know I told you I would send you some video
on my sightings but I actually accumulated over 2 more hours on top of
the 2.5 I already had. So I am going to blow your mind and start you off
with a little preview with some pictures from these sightings I have on
video. They start from June 23 to 7-11-04. Hope you enjoy the preview.
I will send a few emails so I can fit everything. Picture 14 is the same
object as picture 16. This is what I spoke briefly about on The Jeff Rense
Show. The object came from the west and looked as though it changed shape
(obviously). It stopped and straightened out and acted like a pendulum
and also turned itself upside down then scattered after 18 minutes (length
of sighting). The object appeared to be about a mile or so from me and
only 500 ft.to 1000 ft. high. Picture 3 I originally thought was 2 balloons
but in the video it appeared to spawn 1 or more balloons but no more than
4. The way this object moved was like the white "balloon" was
the center piece and the other black "balloons" rotated around
it. Also the object was going against the breeze that day so balloons are
ruled out for now. Video is on the way by weeks end. Object from picture
3 was about 300' high from the beginning and didn't seem to go any higher
than 1000' high towards end of sighting. On all 3 of these pictures I did
use the binoculars and the video really doesn't show what you are seeing
completely. But it'll do. Thank you again bud and talk to you soon.
- Thank you to my friend for sending the report and photos.
- HBCC UFO Research would love to hear from anyone who
resides in the Phoenix, Arizona area that has witnessed these objects,
or any other objects of an unknown nature over the years. Thank you, Brian.
- Brian Vike, Director
- HBCC UFO Research
- Home - Phone 250 845 2189
- email: hbccufo@telus.net
- Website: http://www.hbccufo.com
- Redirect: http://www.canadianufo.com
- HBCC UFO RESEARCH Newsletter At:
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HBCC_UFO_Newsletter/