It Wasn't Us
By Judith Moriarty

The Fourth of July! Here we are all decked out in Red, White and Boo-wondering if we should risk that trip to the lake or, gosh, take in a parade? The President is down in West Virginia; lost in a haze of flags and cheering crowds. Did you ever notice how cropped these shots are and not a Democrat-Independent-or Communist in the crowd. Amazing! Mr. Bush was going through the usual routine of how we're recovering all those lost jobs one by one by one. He warned that he's not looking for a deluge of jobs, just a steady recovery. Hmm! Well, with him living in palatial government housing, full medical coverage forever, and a $400,000 plus perks salary, I can understand why he's not in a rush.
He's certainly not worried about the price of gas, flying hither and yon in that gas guzzling Air Force One - and convoys of limousines. I bet he's not checking the oil tank in the basement wondering how many hours two inches of sludge on the bottom will last. He, nor any of the Congress will have to make that dreary trip to the unemployment office and PROVE that they're looking for work. The bile green, Venetian blinded gloom of these places sure doesn't lift one's spirits. Nor do the gum chewing, bouffant haired, civil servants, draped over government issued desks add any encouragement. I, for one, did not find: "Wanted: Easter Bunny" a real career move.
With textile plants, steel mills, tool and die shops, auto factories, ship building, and fishing boats in dry dock, I was wondering where these 100,000 jobs were located? Couldn't be in Information Technology - those jobs are gone to India and elsewhere. When my phone was out of order I found myself talking to customer service in Bangkok. With prisons now privatized, everyone not in the military is going to jail. Privatized prisons or privatized anything, is about profits and satisfying stockholders not consumers. Corporations have now found a captive work force amongst the two million and climbing prison population. No vacation time, no sick leave, no pensions, no health care, and no strikes. Nice to know when you're making that plane reservation that you might be chatting with a serial killer or rapist.
With towns across the nation filled with rusted decaying plants and boarded up mills-the rush is on to refurbish these as malls, storage, or apartments. Nothing, to employ anyone with a worthwhile-livable wage. Here in NH, politicians saw no problem with keeping minimum wage at $5.15 an hour. Their insane excuse was that only the children of the rich work at these jobs. This shows you how removed all politicians are from reality. The real reason was to cater to the tourist industry. With hundreds of thousands of foreign workers being imported on special work visas why pay anything decent? The Foggy Bottom Boys don't need to worry about this. They give themselves an automatic cost of living increase every year. Pensions are obscenely lucrative with the same cost of living increase. Meantime their buddies contributing millions to their campaigns have left hundreds of thousands without jobs or pensions due to their insatiable protected greed. I bet none of these honchos will be taking plane reservations.
But meantime we're to be thrilled at those new Wal-Mart Greeter jobs, Home Depot part time Associates, blackjack dealers, snow makers, ski lift operators, garbage men and convenience store clerks. Then there are the newest jobs of "contractors" for the war zone. Now this is something we know the President and fellow politicians can't relate to. They go to a meeting and whole countries have to be locked down-roads cleared-oceans guarded and tanks guarding them. Sea Island, Georgia became an armed camp a few weeks back. We weren't ready for 911 but by God let an errant, argyle sock tourist, or local take a wrong turn, and flak jacketed-M-16 forces were good to go. What's wrong with this picture on IN-DEPENDENCE DAY? Taking a job as a "contractor" can have you losing your head. Imagine your first day at work? One is nervous enough under ordinary circumstances. I imagine worry about having your head chopped off doesn't make for a peaceful work environment.
President Bush said today, "We are thankful that this Nation under God is still free, independent, and the best hope of mankind. We are caring toward neighbors and generous to the sick and struggling." He goes on to thank those fighting in distant lands who threaten America. I know dissent and wondering is unpatriotic, but not fully programmed as yet, I can't help thinking that maybe the people of Iraq and all this resistance, might be that they don't see occupation, by yet another world power, as freedom? Somewhere along the line the word "democracy" got shelved and we told them that we were giving them sovereignty and then limited sovereignty. Listening to the fireworks going off somewhere in town I was wondering how Iraqi citizens will be celebrating Sovereignty Day next June 28? Obviously with the whole thing done in secrecy and stealth celebrations will follow suit. People will meet in locked rooms-unfurl flags-light candles-and then someone will read The Edicts of Bremmer. No fireworks!
With House Arabs appointed to run the show, I don't think Iraqi citizens had a full knowing of just what liberation meant? I know the U.S. was mistakenly advised by flim-flam Arabs, that we would be welcomed with flowers and cheers. Common sense should have come into the picture at some point. Bremmer, wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, when he disbanded 350,000 military men. What did he think they'd do-go home and wait for democracy or some semblance of normalcy to return? The West in its arrogance took no thought to the makeup of this tribal nation-its various factions or taboos. Not only did we immediately have 350,000 angry military personnel on the loose but every other group of terrorists and opportunists on a rampage.
Imagine waiting for this long promised liberation only to have doors kicked in-villagers rousted-families shot to death in cars, and innocent civilians rounded up and imprisoned. The horror of man's inhumanity to man, having people guilty of being Iraqi citizens; brutalized, kicked, beaten to death, sexually humiliated, with snarling dogs set upon them. President Bush told the world, in lieu of finding no weapons of mass destruction, that we got rid of a madman. Don't madmen torture-brutalize-and beat people to death? How were these liberators any different than Saddam? What happens that causes a man or woman to so lose their moral compass and their connectiveness to humanity, that they can in such a short time become savage, mindless, brutal, barbarians? Think of the insanity of all this? Think of the diabolical mindset that could create and think up such heinous deeds. Worse yet were the excuses offered of a "few bad apples"-"just following orders" or Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld; arguing over the difference between abuse and torture. Once upon a time, used car salesman Rush Limbaugh, thought of this torture as mere hazing. Li
When did Saddam become a madman? Surely not when he was being trained by the CIA-or when Mr.Rumsfeld met with him in the 80s. Surely not, when we were supplying him with all kinds of chemicals and helicopters. Maybe it's when he took the oil business into his own hands? Like a Frankenstein monster, we created this man, and then loosed him on innocent people. Then the monster decided he was not going to be controlled anymore. Frankenstein had to be taken out. And so it is, with the many Frankenstein's we've built, nurtured and coddled throughout the world. You just can't trust a monster to remain passive and compliant. Monsters? Kim Jong, of North Korea, with the world's largest collection of Daffy Duck films, makes Saddam look like Mr. Rodgers. This crazed mutant man, has hundreds of thousands of his citizens (including children) locked up in the most horrific of slave camps, suffering the unimaginable. The world remains silent. He's killed millions more. Someone steps out of line in that madhouse and he locks up three generations. Now there's a people who need rescued.
While I'm sure the President believes what he's saying; politicians, all politicians, are two steps removed from reality. While he and his fellow elected officials and appointees are well cared for, I can't agree with his statement of, "We are caring toward neighbors in need and generous to the sick and struggling". No not exactly. Social services are being cut in communities across the nation, due to the five billion plus per month, that it is costing us for war. You don't cut Section 8 housing assistance, unemployment benefits, and veteran's benefits and say you care. You can't possible say you're being "generous" when approximately 47 million Americans (and growing) are without medical coverage. When citizens can't afford their medicine and have to cut pills in half, that's not caring. With billions being cut from HUD; resulting in more tens of thousands joining the homeless ranks, that's not caring about your neighbors.
In closing, citizens do not feel they are living in a place of freedom and opportunity when they, the victims of 911, are now marked as the enemy. Searched, scanned, fingerprinted, and having to produce triplicate ID is not freedom. Cameras and road blocks, is not freedom. Background checks and drug testing, is not freedom. The cursory look, at the horror of 911, by the recent Commission, revealed that there was a communications breakdown between various agencies and those charged to protect and defend America (their one important job). Here's a message: We the American citizens (some with Pilgrim blood) did not board the planes on 911. We did not purchase box cutters nor indulge in any crop dusting training. We were not anxious to die and find 37 virgins or super studs waiting for us (if that's what Arab women die for?) And, if as the President says, this is indeed a "place of opportunity", then we want the "opportunity" to be the land of the Free that Independence Day says we are. Add this to the Commission Report and the (un)Patriot Act-IT WASN'T US!



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